Mr. B. Rekstad
American Sign Language
John Marshall High School Room 2-101
Century High School Room G-252
Welcome to American Sign Language!!! It is my honor & privilege to be your teacher. I look forward to a successful year together.
Every student in ASL is here to learn. Therefore, you have the right to learn in an environment conducive to your learning. Make the most of the
learning environment. Respect the learning process as well as the learning environment, set attainable goals, and you will succeed in this class.
American Sign Language I & II is designed to advance your skills and knowledge of 1.) American Sign Language; 2.) Deaf Culture & History; and 3.) the interactions between the deaf and hearing communities. The course is designed primarily to develop your “receptive” skills and equally your “expressive” and conversational skills in functional (Deaf/deaf) settings. ASL vocabulary, linguistic/grammar features, and cultural information are introduced throughout the course year in both signed ASL and spoken English. Course objectives vary depending on which ASL course you are in (Currently ASL 1). You may reference the American Sign Language webpage through Rochester John Marshall High School regarding the course
objectives. Advanced levels of ASL are expected to be offered in this manner: ASL 3 – SY 2015-2016; ASL 4 – SY 2016-2017.
Mr. Rekstads’ Expectations:
1. “Be RESPECTFUL – Be RESPECTED”: Treat yourself, others and classroom /school/Mr. R’s property with respect.
(see below for a more detailed explanation on RESPECT)
2. Be on time!!!! Be seated and ready for class to begin when the bell rings. If you’re late to class, you will receive a “tardy”.
3. Be prepared: (books when required), unit packets/3 ring binders, paper, pen/pencil, notebook, brain…) Have your homework done and/or ready to be handed in when it’s due. Cheating/copying/plagiarism is NOT ACCEPTABLE and you will receive a ZERO if you
are caught!!! Disciplinary action will follow the RJM and Century cheating policy.
4. Be ready to learn: Follow directions when they are given. We learn something new EVERYDAY!
Lots of in-class activities!!!! Be ready to act silly but also be ready to act serious!
5. Sit in your assigned seats: (seats mostly chosen by you…sometimes by me if your choice isn’t working).
6. Be Responsible: for your actions and your commitment to learning. Don’t impede a classmates commitment to learning!
7. Please leave all of your electronics, including, but not limited to; cell phones, MP3’s/iPods/iTouchs/iPads/i-whatevers, Kindles, completely turned off or on vibrate during class!!! If I see you using them without permission, I will ask for it. If they go off during class, I will ask you to turn it off. If I ask for it, please give it up willingly. Failure to hand over upon request will result in automatic write up as well as a call to the Dean’s Office and the School Resource Officer.
8. INAPPROPRIATE language (swearing [in ASL or voice], using derogatory slang, etc.) will NOT BE TOLERATED. Immediate
discipline referral will be given. Again, this INCLUDES swearing as well as derogatory ASL SIGNS. I consider the words “retard” and
“gay” offensive when used inappropriately. Please refrain from using them as a derogatory adjective. Be intelligent with word
choices/usage. PLEASE do not approach me and ask “What is this sign” if someone tells you to. It could be offensive or a swear sign.
9. HATS and/or non-religious head coverings will not be allowed to be worn in the classroom. Exceptions: Official “Hat Days”;
10. Hands should be visible at all times and ready to sign.
11. Food and Drink: Be responsible with managing your food & drink (as well as your garbage) or have the privilege taken away. GUM, cough drops, or any sort of candy in your mouth is not allowed DURING signing instruction time, or when you are signing, unless
approved by Mr. Rekstad. You will be asked to spit it out.
12. Announcements are important to all! You will be expected to be QUIET and LISTEN, regardless of when and what the
announcements are.
13. Leaving class to go to the bathroom, your locker, etc. will result in you taking a “tardy” on your attendance record. Take care of your needs prior to class. If you’re late to class, you will still receive a tardy. I’m not cruel…so if it’s an emergency or extenuating circumstances, I’ll make an exception. Please be respectful of this and don’t take advantage.
Respectful behavior is expected in all of my classes as well as anywhere on school grounds. You will be treated with respect when you come in to my classroom. “Be Respectful – Be Respected” is my motto. Please refrain from displaying any disrespectful behavior (Diva attitudes, Jock mentality, the rolling of the eyes, snottiness, rudeness, talking back in a manner that is inappropriate/disrespectful, mumbling under your breath, name calling, bullying, inappropriate use of derogatory words, swearing, writing on chairs/countertops, or anything that would be considered vandalism or graffiti, etc.) towards the learning environment, your peers and/or school or Mr. Rekstads’ property. Although I cannot command respect from you, I will certainly work towards earning your respect. I treat all of my students like young adults, not children, so please act
accordingly. J We are going to become a close-knit class and we need to respect and trust each other…and ourselves.
Discipline: I only warn ONCE for inappropriate or disruptive behavior. Consider this your first warning. A DISCIPLINE referral will be filled out the
second time. Parents will be notified.
Extra help:
You may find me in my classroom (Century: Room F-254) as early as 7:00am but not always. I will be in my classroom at John Marshall (2-105) after school until 3:30pm. You can ALWAYS contact me via email or voicemail (both are listed at the top) at school. Remember, it’s your responsibility to seek out the help you may need. Students interested in tutoring ASL or receiving ASL tutoring should contact me.
Deaf events/Silent Night Socials, Theatrical Signed Performances (also known as ASL EVENTS):
· Throughout the school year, the RJMHS and Century ASL classes will be hosting “ASL Silent Night Socials” in which native and learning ASL users will be invited to attend. ASL students from Mayo High School will also be extended an invitation. This will be a “signing only-voices off” environment and you will be expected to attend AT LEAST ONE of the ASL Silent Night Socials PLUS one other ASL event per semester.
Location, dates, and times will be determined for the ASL Silent Night Socials. Each school will be expected to “host” a Silent Night.
· Various theatrical companies also have ASL interpreted performances that you are encouraged to attend if you’re able and willing.
· FORTUNATELY we are lucky to be in close proximity (an hour drive) to Faribault and the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD). You will have ample opportunities to attend any of their events and I will do my best to announce them or have a schedule of events posted well in advance. These will be sporting events mostly; but I have connections at MSAD and therefore will have more knowledge of other
events/happenings. Sometimes the MSAD sports teams will be playing in Rochester…so plan on taking full advantage of that when it happens!
A minimum of a one-page reaction paper will be required for each event attended. A separate handout on the requirements of the reaction paper
will be distributed separately.
By attending any of these events and using your ASL skills, you will meet the required expectations for attending an ASL event. It will be treated
Grading: The purpose of grading is to communicate information regarding your current academic achievement. Tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, in-class activities are worth points. Grading feedback will be fair, specific, constructive, and timely. These points determine your final grade for the quarter/term. Points are converted to a percentage and that percentage is converted to a corresponding letter grade found below:
Revised 9/1/2014 Documents -> American Sign Language -> RJMHS School Year 2015—2016 -> Classroom Management
95– 100% A
90 – 94.9% A-
87 – 89.9% B+
83 – 86.9% B
80 – 82.9% B-
77 – 79.9% C+
73 – 76.9% C
70 – 72.9% C-
67 – 69.9% D+
63 – 66.9% D
60 – 62.9% D-
59.9% and below F L
Revised 9/1/2014 Documents -> American Sign Language -> RJMHS School Year 2015—2016 -> Classroom Management
Evaluation Criteria:
80% à Receptive (15%) & Expressive (65%) skills, partner Dialogues, quizzes on: vocabulary, readings and grammar usage.
10% à Homework ( written and video )
10% à Projects/Readings: Current event readings & papers; Novel readings;
5% à Class Participation? Effort? Attitude? Deaf Event attendance & Reaction paper; Respect for the culture of the classroom, your
teacher/peers, and your desire to learn.
Classroom Participation: Participation in class activities is crucial to your success in this class. The class forms a small community and your effort or lack of effort impacts the success of the group. Participation points are earned in a variety of ways through classroom participation. Volunteering without being called upon will earn you extra points towards your final semester grade. Examples of this are as follows:
1. Volunteering to voice for any of the native signers on the DVD when we go over it in class is a great way to earn participation points.
2. Volunteering to sign in front of class without being chosen will earn you participation points towards your final semester grade.
3. Volunteering to answer any homework questions will earn you participation points towards your final semester grade.
Your participation score is considered EXTRA-CREDIT and will be based on the following: 1.) Daily Communication Practice (DCP) in class. DCP in ASL requires you to use the ASL skills you’ve learned. 2.) 100% of completed/attempted homework assignments = 10 pts, 90% = 9 pts. 80% = 8 pts, 70% = 7 pts, and 60% = 6 pts, 50% = 5 pts, 40% = 4 pts, 30% = 3 pts, 20% = 2 pts, 10% = 1 pt. Zero attempts = zero participation points. It is important that you DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!! Cheating/Copying will be dealt with immediately. 3.) Attendance of and Reaction paper of
ASL/Deaf event. 4.) Classroom volunteering.
REMEMBER: You are the one who earns the grade. I don’t pass you. I don’t fail you. Your work and dedication in American Sign Language is reflected in the grade you earn at the end of each quarter/semester. If you don’t do your homework, that’s your choice…but it can work against your learning. . “You pass yourself.” or “You fail yourself.” Which will it be for you?
Ways to lose points:
***Cheating/copying homework/plagiarism = immediate failure of homework assignment/quiz/test. Immediate school disciplinary action.
***Talking during exams/quizzes. ***Incomplete Homework is not suggested.
You will be expected to follow the homework schedule as provided (most times one to two weeks prior to the homework being due). This means you should plan ahead. Doing your homework last minute isn’t a wise idea. Being absent on the day homework is due doesn’t grant you extra time. PLAN AHEAD!
Let’s have a fun semester together!!!!!! Mr. Rekstad
------DO NOT CUT! ------DO NOT CUT! ------DO NOT CUT! ------DO NOT CUT! ------DO NOT CUT! ------
By signing below, I understand the District 535 policy on cheating/plagiarism and agree to abide by the rules and conditions of the policy. I also understand the rules and policies of Mr. Rekstad’s classroom. I agree to abide by these rules and policies. I understand that failure to do so will result in corrective action that Mr. R has
verbally outlined in his class and on his course syllabus and according to the Student Handbook of Rochester Public Schools District 535.
Student PRINTED name here: ______Parent/Guardian PRINTED name here: ______
Student SIGNATURE here: ______Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE here: ______
Revised 9/1/2014 Documents -> American Sign Language -> RJMHS School Year 2015—2016 -> Classroom Management