
Massachusetts Electronic Business Transaction Working Group

April 25, 2012


Attendee / Representing
Juliana Griffiths, Utility Co-Chair / National Grid
Utility Co-Chair
Monica Neibert, / Energy Services Company (ESG)
Supplier Co-Chair
Kelly J. Ryan / Accenture Transaction Management Services
Brian Murphy / Colonial Power Group, Inc.
Ed Aguayo / Con Ed Solutions
Phil Huang / Constellation New Energy
Kirk Massa / Constellation New Energy
Candace Cox / Direct Energy
Bill Caffall / Dominion Retail
Nancy Kulinla / Dominion Retail
Margaret Campbell / Easy Energy
Barbara Goubeaud / ECO InfoSystems
Eric R. Huhn / Energy Plus
Chrissy Deloughrey / ESG
Alex De La Rosa / GDF Suez
MaryAnn Allyn / Integrys Energy Services
Brandon S. Siegel / ista North America Region South
Mary Do / Latitude Technologies
Joan Jerz / National Grid
Bruce Kim / NStar
Pat Reno / Transcanada
Denise Shaw / Transcanada
Todd Bohan / Unitil
Jean Paul / WMECO

Agenda Items:

D.P.U. 1053 - Purchase of Receivables - Update

The MA Department of Public Utilities sent out an interlocutory order in response to the two open items. The Department ruled:

(1) the distribution companies must calculate the POR bad debt rate on a class-specific basis; and

(2) competitive suppliers may not opt out of POR while maintaining the complete billing option.

The Department has required the distribution companies to report to the Department within 30 days of the date of this Order on the progress in resolving issues with the parties relating to the supplier service agreements.

Net Metering for Credits

Customers that are net metered have the opportunity of transferring excess credits to another site. The EBT Working Group needs to develop a process to successfully transfer these credits when a customer is with a Supplier. A working group was formed to develop an appropriate process either through EDI or manually. The below members volunteered for this group:

Margaret Campbell, Easy Energy

Chrissy Deloughrey, ESG

Juliana Griffiths, National Grid

Jean Paul, WMECO

Is anyone else interested in participating in this working group?

Other Business

A discussion was held around the recent issue involving a Supplier that had a change of status of their license by the MA DPU, however, continued to send in EDI transactions. The EBT Working Group determined it was important that the MA Department of Public Utilities update their website to list only those Suppliers and Brokers that properly renewed their license each year. It was also determined that a letter should be sent to the DPU requesting the following:

-Initial and continued website updates

-a presence at the EBT Working Group Meetings

-Notification to Utilities (possibly through the MA Mass Serve List) when a Supplier is no longer licensed.

Juliana Griffiths volunteered to draft the letter.