Kindergarten Action Team Reflections October 3rd Meeting
Ahhas….New Learning / Lingering Questions- I am going to have the children vote on our class goal and vote on our celebration
- I like the different shares, for example the “symphony” share
- Allow whole group goal setting before making individual goals
- Start small, then get bigger
- Include character education as much as academics
- Success feedback vs intervention feedback
- Many ways to make student goal setting visual
- Group Individual
- Helps achieve the 3Cs for students
- Adjust goals using intervention language (help children figure that out)
- Make more students know the process for getting to their goal
- Make goal visual
- Start with class goal to teach language
- Start with whole group goal
- Student goal setting – class goal (bubble gum machine) to prepare for individual goals
- Whole group goal idea
- Goal handout
- Start small
- Loved feedback page for parents
- Great book ideas to use
- Gained knowledge of the kdg assessments and how we are incorporating goal setting
- I can start whole group to get students use to the process
- Try with strategy groups
- You can start goal setting whole group/start slow
- Seeing goal setting in action with kdg teachers put things in perspective for me regarding developmental needs of kdg students
- Planned and purposeful
- I would like to get started with a group goal as I am learning
- Group goal – identifying, understanding, ‘what is a goal’
- You can start goals with just individual or strategy groups – doesn’t have to be the whole class yet
- Informing parents of goals
- Class goal setting via smartboard application
- Starting with a group goal for students to learn process and language (character trait)
- Group goal first
- Whole group goal (with braggin’ dragons) helps introduce individual goals
- Whole group goal setting
- Strategy group for those goals
- Take a step back with my student goal setting and make smaller goals that the students create
- We don’t need 20 individual goals in Sept!
- Start with class, move to group then individual goals over time
- Take a step back in goal setting and make smaller goals
- Let sudents choose goals (for example…which ABC they want to learn)
- Will think about a form to send home to parents
- Putting students in small groups with like goals
- Start goal setting small/manageable
- Tie goal to interest (3Cs!)
- Importance of student goals
- Start small, be patient
- Loved the four stations where teachers presented
- Class goal setting
- Need for goals to be flexible, ability to change goals
- Ways to make goals visible
- Will set class goal on personal space
- Use blooming flower because it will be their visual on individual goals
- Class books to read aloud
- Group goal setting to introduce individual goal setting
- Artifacts
- Loved musical share and symphony share
- Begin individual with just a few kids – don’t overwhelm myself
- Group goal first to teach goal getting basics
- How to track individual goal with spread sheet/color coding (trendsheet)
- Later extend goal setting for individual students
- Start small
- Be specific
- Ways to use data formatively
- This correlates with the commitments our students are making each day with our conscious discipline program and track their progress
- Stars and stairs
- Goal setting is a process
- Stars and stairs
- Start small
- Use learning centers
- Plan to read Rubys Wish to the class
- Start goal setting with whole group, then about 2-3 individuals at a time
- Read goal setting book
- Start small with goal setting
- Goal setting allows teachers to individualize instruction while giving students responsibility
- Showing student data and progress
- Goal setting sheets for individual kids
- Making it visual so students are motivated
- Goal setting should include student/teacher/family
- Management of individual goals setting
- Make it visual
- Love the idea of starting goal setting with whole class to plant the language
- I am so happy to see we are thinking about the home to school connection
- Symphony share
- Start with whole group goal
- Celebrate smaller strengths on the way to reaching big goals
- 7 strategies for assessment book (stars and stairs)
- I can bring back my compliment stars
- Start whole class – go to small group – go to individual
- Just try - goals are meant to be learned from – it is okay to play until you understand
- We are attempting individual goals for all students
- Classroom goal setting vs individual goal setting to start the work
- Stairs to stars – love this for kids to develop an understanding of strengths vs next steps
- Goal setting has a huge impact on all students
- Class character ed goal
- Stars and stairs
- Two types of feedback (success and intervention)
- Types of goals – children’s language
- Group goal 1st – smartboard display
- Small number of individual goals at a time
- How to really include the students in the process
- Time to make sure each child gets goal conferences
- How do parents feel about the goal setting
- I’d like to see more ways to track individual progress
- Would love a focus on how to transfer learning beyond classroom
- Teachers always seek ways to make goal setting manageable
- How do we keep goal setting authentic and not focused on receiving a reward, do you give rewards at all for goal accomplishing
- What to do with individual goals without parent support
- How many goals per year/per student
- Can I possibly do a goal for everyone
- Timeline for all students having goals
- Best way to track individual goals, paper work, management, etc…
- Wondering how this (goal setting) holds together over the course of the year
- Wondering how PARS can create a “trend sheet” to monitor goals
- How do we communicate process to parents
- What is the verbage for success goals vs instructional goals
- What is the expectation for where to be by the end of the year
- When do we monitor the goals with each student
- Competition over data…good/bad?
- How do you keep up with the monitoring
- How to keep goals visual – show growth for class and individual students
- I wonder about achievers (students who have met standards goals and need challenged/goals beyond)
- How do I manage purposeful goal setting
- How do I allow kids to self-direct
- I am curious what goals will be as student ‘knows all’ what comes next? Some already know sounds/letters – a reading goal?
- How do we bridge individual goal setting to entire class
- What is best way to celebrate success
- Goals for higher students – how to make them visual
- How do I become efficient in this process….no time
- What is a good way to organize goal setting papers
- Management of goals with students
- Would like some examples of how to manage goal setting…when…how often
- Fine line between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
- What is the line between intrinsic and extrinsic for goal accomplishment