US History Test 1 Study Guide

Age of Exploration

Learning Target 1 - I can explain how geography influenced Native American migration and way of life.SS-8-4.2.2 & SS-8-4.3.1

  1. Why did early people cross the Bering Land Bridge and migrate to the Americas?
  1. Describe hunting and gathering EXCEPT:
  1. What 2 continents were connected by the Bering Land Bridge?

Learning Target 2 - I can identify unique characteristics about each Native American civilization.SS-8-2.1.1

  1. List 3 things about the Great Plains Indians:
  1. List 3 things about the Southwest Indians:

Learning Target 3 - I can explain how trade with Europe led to West African influence in early America.SS-8-5.2.1

  1. Name 3 things Europeans traded with Africa.
  1. Which group eventually brought slavery into the Americas?

Learning Target 4 - I can explain Ancient Greek and Roman influence on US Government. SS-8-1.1.1

  1. Who was able to vote in the Ancient Greek direct democracy?
  1. List 3 things about the Roman Republic EXCEPT:

Learning Target 5 - I can explain how new ways of thinking and growth in trade changed the way people lived in Europe. SS-8-5.1.2

  1. Write 3 things about the Renaissance.
  1. Describe the printing press.

Learning Target 6: I can summarize early Viking and Portuguese Explorations. SS-5.2.1 & SS-8-4.1.1

  1. Who were the first Europeans to visit the Americas?
  1. Bartholomeu Dias sailed for the Portuguese and was able to reach the southern tip of Africa. What prevented him from sailing on to Asia?
  1. What Portuguese navigator found Asia by sailing around Africa.

Learning Target 7: I can evaluate Christopher Columbus’s contributions to the discovery of the New World. SS-5.2.1 & SS-8-4.1.1

  1. Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe. What does the word circumnavigate mean?
  1. Who was America named after?

Learning Target 8: I can analyze how the Columbian Exchange led to interdependence between Europe and the Americas. SS-8-3.4.2 & SS-8-3.4.3

  1. What effect does specialization have on productivity?
  1. When Europe and the Americas began to trade, they started to rely on each other for the things they needed. What does interdependence mean?

Learning Target 9: I can explain how the Spanish explored and colonized the Americas.SS-5.2.1 & SS-8-4.4.2

  1. Why were the conquistadors successful at overtaking the Native Americans:
  1. Where did Spain settle in the Americas?

Learning Target 10: I can describe how the English and French explored and colonized North America. SS-5.2.1 & SS-8-4.4.2

  1. The English and French were interested in finding the Northwest Passage. Describe the Northwest Passage.
  1. Write 3 things you know about Roanoke?

Learning Target 11: I can assess why African slaves were forced to work in the colonies.SS-5.2.1 & SS-8-4.4.2

  1. What disease killed many Native Americans after European arrival?
  1. What was the Middle Passage?

American Revolution

Learning Target 1: I can explain why the Southern Colonies were established and the challenges they faced. SS-8-5.2.1/SS-8-4.4.2/SS-8-4.4.3/SS-8-4.4.4

  1. What crop did the Jamestown colonists grow?
  1. Write 3 reasons the Jamestown settlers died.
  1. What is a joint –stock company

Learning Target 2: I can explain the importance of religion in establishing the New England Colonies. SS-8-5.2.1/SS-8-4.4.2/SS-8-4.4.3/SS-8-4.4.4

  1. What was the name of the government contract was signed by the Pilgrims, who agreed to have fair laws and protect the common good?
  1. List 3 things about the Puritans
  1. List 3 causes of the Salem witch trials

Learning Target 3: I can explain how the middle colonies were developed.SS-8-5.2.1

  1. What type of government did the colony of Pennsylvania have?
  1. What are staple crops?

Learning Target 4: I can synthesize how government, economics, and religion influenced American colonial life. SS-8-2.3.1

  1. The Proclamation of 1763 banned British settlement of what geographic boundary?
  1. The triangular trade system allowed goods and slaves to be traded between which continents?
  1. How did British mercantilism work?

Learning Target 5: I can summarize the cause of tensions between the British and the colonists.SS-8-5.2.2

  1. The slogan of the Sons of Liberty was:
  1. What was the main issue in the dispute between Britain and the American colonies?
  1. List 3 things about the Boston Massacre:

Learning Target 6: I can explain how tensions between the British and the colonists led to armed conflict.SS-8-5.2.2 & SS-8-1.3.1

  1. What was George Washington role in the American Revolution?
  2. What was Paul Revere role in the American Revolution?
  3. What was John Adams role in the American Revolution?

Learning Target 7: I can assess the importance of the Declaration of Independence on all colonists.SS-8-5.2.2& SS-8-1.3.1

  1. Define Loyalist.
  2. Define Patriot.
  3. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

Learning Target 8: I can describe the obstacles the Patriots faced in the war against Britain. SS-8-5.2.2

  1. List 3 advantages of the Continental Army.
  1. What does this painting illustrate?

Learning Target 9: I can summarize Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris. SS-8-5.2.2

  1. Who was the British General that surrendered to Washington at Yorktown and ended the American Revolution?
  1. Describe Guerilla warfare:


Learning Target 1: As a citizen of the United States, I can classify where our founding fathers got the ideas of democracy that govern our nation. SS-08-1.1.2

  1. In creating the Virginia Plan, Madison decided to separate the powers of government. Who originally developed the concept of separation of powers?
  1. List the 3 branches of government.
  1. This is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to the government.
  1. What form of government, studied by the framers, originated in Athens, Greece?
  1. Document that limited the powers of King John:
  1. This idea, originated by John Locke, gave each branch the ability to limit the powers of the branches

Learning Target 2: I can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. SS-08-1.3.1 and SS-08-5.1.2

  1. What level of government had the most power under the Articles of Confederation?
  1. List 3 weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
  1. This territory was surveyed and sold into townships to make money for the new country.
  1. How did the framers of the Constitution commit treason?
  1. Describe Shay’s Rebellion:
  1. List 3 economic problems of the Articles of Confederation:

Learning Target 3: I can analyze the compromises made to create the Constitution. SS-08-2.3.2, SS-08-2.3.1, & SS-08-1.2.2

  1. Define Virginia Plan.
  1. Define New Jersey Plan.
  1. This level of government has the most power in the US Constitution.
  1. The Great Compromise created which legislative arrangement?
  1. How many slaves were to be counted as part of the population
  1. Why did the delegates decide not to talk about slavery until 1808?

Learning Target 4: I can summarize the ratification of the Constitution. SS-08-2.3.2 and SS-

  1. List the goals of the Preamble?
  1. What helped the Constitution to become ratified?

  1. Define Federalist-
  1. Define Anti-Federalist-

  1. According to the cartoon, which of the following states have not ratified the Constitution?
  1. The political cartoon above was created by Ben Franklin. What is Franklin’s point?