Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

Who are you?
Grade Level(s): 2nd

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Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

In this lesson, students will be able to internalize their cultural identity by creating a cultural playing card and sharing it with their classmates.
Teacher will have read the KIBSD Social Studies provided book “The Skin You Live In” by Michael J.Tyler. Students will have answered cultural questionnaire with family prior to lesson session.
3 class sessions.
Session 1: I do; build teacher card with class. We do; building student cards.
Session 2: You do; students create their own self portrait for the front of their culture card. Teacher/parent volunteer will pull into hallway for video shorts.
Session 3: Introduce Layar and the process of taking a photo of their self portrait and teacher sharing how it will be uploaded to show their video they created.
_X_ Arts _X_ Culture _X_ Technology
___ 0-4 Playing & Making
___ 4-7 Recognizing & Creating
_X_ 7-10 Connecting & Applying
___ 10-13 Exploring & Focusing
___ 13-17 Self-Identifying & Concentrating
___ 17+ Participating, Producing, & Contributing
___ Native Cultural Arts ___ Drama ___ Music
_X_ Visual Arts ___Dance _X_ Media Arts
_X_ Empowered Learner ___ Digital Citizen
___ Knowledge Constructor ___ Innovative Designer _X_Computational Thinker _X_ Creative Communicator
___ Global Collaborator

Who are you? ACT Lesson Draft June 2017 Page 1 of 5

Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

Who are you? ACT Lesson Draft June 2017 Page 1 of 5

Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017



For each student: class set - 5x7 cardstock. Class set – cultural stats.

For whole class to share: Pencils, Coloring utensils; crayons or colored pencils, iPads.

For teacher: SMARTboard Teacher Cultural Playing Card


Arts Standards:

Anchor Standard #2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work

Anchor Standard #3: Refine and complete artistic work

Anchor Standard #7: Recognize and analyze artistic works, including those from diverse cultures

Anchor Standard #8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work

Cultural Standards:

E. Culturally-knowledgeable students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the relationships and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them.

Tech Standards:

ISTE 6a Students choose the appropriateplatformsandtoolsfor meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

ISTE 6d Students publish or present content thatcustomizesthe message and medium for their intended audiences.


This project consists of 3 sessions of creating and utilizing a fun, interactive cultural playing card and video to engage students in each other’s cultural background.

Essential questions to hook students will be “How are we, as classmates, alike? And how are we different?”


Session 1

1.  Introduce ‘Cultural Playing Cards’ whole group. Show SMARTboard teacher created card. Show front and back.

2.  Explain to students that we will be creating our own classroom set of cultural playing cards to get to know one another better. Each student will have their very own card. Discuss the process we are going to use to complete this project.

·  Playing cards.

·  Video about students.

·  iPad picture of playing card.

·  Layar scanner with links.

3.  Review and discuss common cultures around the classroom.

4.  Fill out teacher stats on SMARTboard with help from students as “needed.”

5.  After teacher card is complete, allow students time to fill out their own stats on their 5x7 cultural playing card.

Session 2

1.  Students will need their 5x7 cultural playing card, pencil and coloring utensils to create their own self portrait for the front.

2.  While students are working on the front of their playing card, teacher or parent volunteer will pull each student into the hallway to create a 2 minute or less video of the student introducing themselves and their card.

3.  Teacher will upload each video to a private YouTube link when students have left for the day.

Session 3

1.  Teacher will have mounted student playing cards around the room.

2.  Introduce Layar and augmented reality to students. Let them know they will be using iPads to scan the playing card photos around the classroom while using the Layer app.

3.  Teacher will teach students how to use the iPad in taking their own photo of their playing card for teacher to then use as their Layar scanning photo.

4.  Teacher will quickly upload photos of cards into layers and link to individual videos.

5.  Students will be able to use iPad to scan cultural playing cards around the room to watch and learn more about their classmates.


Students will have successfully created a cultural playing card, a short video about themselves and have a Layar link created for classroom use.


Students are able to learn more about their peers and what helps create/enhance the culture in their classroom.

Students can create their own scavenger hunt for students in the classroom and they can find answers by using the iPad to watch student videos.

Adaptations for students with disabilities is allowing students to complete as much as possible with little to no assistance from adults.

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Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017


AR/Augmented Reality: Augment means to add. AugmentedReality is a concept which addsa few thingstoour real world to make it better and interesting. The extra stuff added to the real world is the information from theinternetand a lot 3d animations.

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Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

Who are you? ACT Lesson Draft June 2017 Page 1 of 5

Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017


Who are you? ACT Lesson Draft June 2017 Page 1 of 5

Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017


Hoping to add to this in the fall!


Lesson by Erica Thompson, June 2017

Additional Artist(s) Acknowledgements: Kristine Hole, 4th grade teacher, Sitka Schools.

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Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

Who are you? ACT Lesson Draft June 2017 Page 1 of 5

Art, Culture & Technology Lesson Plan June 2017

Appendix A: Alaska Arts Standards (2015)

Create (CR): Imagining and developing artistic ideas and work

·  Anchor Standard #1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

·  Anchor Standard #2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work

·  Anchor Standard #3: Refine and complete artistic work

Present (PR): Interpreting and sharing artistic work

·  Anchor Standard #4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic works, including those from diverse cultures, for performance, presentation, and/or production

·  Anchor Standard #5: Develop and refine artistic work for performance, presentation, and/or productions

·  Anchor Standard #6: Perform, present, and/or produce artistic work

Respond (R): Understand and evaluate how the arts convey meaning

·  Anchor Standard #7: Recognize and analyze artistic works, including those from diverse cultures

·  Anchor Standard #8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work

·  Anchor Standard #9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work

Connect (C): Relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context

·  Anchor Standard #10: Relate, synthesize and express both knowledge and personal experiences as a way to participate in the arts

·  Anchor Standard #11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical contexts to deepen understanding

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