For immediate release

Effective Regional Energy Policy Cooperation in South East Europe: A Proposal

Brussels, 10 July 2015 – The implementation of regional energy policy cooperation initiatives is a priority of both the Energy Union and the so-called 2030 Energy and Climate Framework. The creation of the Central East South Europe Gas Connectivity (CESEC) High Level Group and the region’s explicit mention in the Energy Union Package has generated unprecedented political momentum in the region. This political momentum should be used to kick-start a regional energy cooperation framework, which is a stepping stone towards an EU integrated energy market.

In a new report, CEPS identifies the seven key elements that need to be addressed to bring existing and planned regional energy policy cooperation initiatives in south east Europe to life:

1)a sound geographical definition,

2)a governance structure,

3)voluntary participation,

4)exchange of information and best practices,

5)the development of an external dimension,

6)regional infrastructure planning and development and

7)streamlining the financing instruments across the region.

The study finds that significant progress has been made in many areas, and makes concrete proposals to unlock the full potential of coordination in those areas where there is limited progress.

The proposal, if implemented, could be the first step for SEE towards better integration in the region and within the EU’s internal energy market. The EU would need to play an instrumental role in this process by bringing all relevant stakeholders in the region together to discuss the pros and cons of pursuing EU energy objectives.

Click here to download the report.

Click here for more information about the project “Regionalisation of EU Energy Policies”

For more information please contact:

Christian Egenhofer, , +32 477 342 149

Anna Dimitrova, , +32 465 979 653

Press contact: Monica Iturriaga+32 0 2 229 3927 /

About CEPS

Founded in Brussels in 1983, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is widely recognised as the most experienced and authoritative think tank operating in the European Union today. CEPS acts as a leading forum for debate on EU affairs, distinguished by its strong in-house research capacity, complemented by an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. With the creation of the Energy Climate House (ECH), CEPS has established, within its own institute, an independent centre of excellence aimed at strengthening our work on energy and climate change. ECH will analyse the most salient challenges facing these sectors from a global and policy-oriented perspective.