ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTIONS*: Summative Assessment_Teacher Directions

3rd/ELA CCSS Alignment Codes: W3.1.abcd DOK: 3

Teacher Directions Page

Copy the following student direction sheet and scoring guide. Read the student prompt to your students. Allow think time as well as peer or small group discussion. (You may want to require students to complete a graphic organizer of your choice to brainstorm the information for their letter.) Provide class discussion over the checklist questions and scoring guide. Decide where the student will write their letters (reader’s notebooks, special paper, etc…) Students can score their own letters using the scoring guide on the student page.

Student Prompt:

Whodunit? Use the clues from the text to solve the mystery then write a letter to the guilty character proving to him/her the reasons you find them guilty. Describe the clues from the text in your letter. Be sure that your letter sounds like opinion writing.

Student Scoring Guide for Opinion Letter

Beginning-1 / Getting Closer-2 / Almost There-3 / Got It! WOW!-4 / Comments
Topic / Not
Complete / I have stated my topic or opinion. / I have stated my topic and opinion. / I have stated my topic clearly, stated my opinion, and my thoughts are well organized.
Reasons / Not Complete / I have written one reason for my opinion. / I have written one reason for my opinion using the text as support. / I have written 2 or more reasons for my opinion using the text as support.
Linking Words / Not Complete / I have used few linking words. / I have used some linking words as needed. / I have used linking words and/or phrases to connect my opinion and reasons together.
Conclusion / Not Complete / I have written a vague conclusion that does not match my opinion. / I have written a conclusion that matches my opinion. / I have written a well-crafted conclusion that matches my opinion.
Grammar / Not Complete / I have few conventions correct in my letter. / I have some conventions correct in my letter. / I have most conventions correct in my letter.