COM Candidate Interview Process

September 2013

When the PNC has narrowed the pool of candidates to approximately 3 and the PNC is interviewing candidates face to face, the COM will appoint a team to interview the candidates. The PNC will supply the PIF’s including the Statement of Faith to the Presbytery office at least one week in advance of the interview. The interview team will include at least three COM members.

A. The interview team will interview the final candidates identified by the PNC of thechurch and report its activity and recommendation at the next COM meeting. If the interview teams has significant reservations after the interview regardingthe candidate or the fit between the candidate and the church, they shouldcontact the Chair of the COM and the Executive Presbyter as soon as possible. If a “scruple” with the Constitution is declared by a candidate, the interview shall be arrested to be continued at a regularly scheduled meeting of the entire COM.

B. The purposes of the interview are to:

• Determine the suitability of the candidate.

• Determine the COM response to that person’s candidacy.

• Accomplish the examination required by G-3.0306.

C. Required questions for the interview team to ask candidates:

•Do you support and uphold the provisions of the Constitution of the PC(USA)? Do you have scruples about any of those provisions?

•Are you able to answer all the ordination questions in the affirmative without exception? If not, which ones and why not? (see W-4.4001b).

•Give your understanding of the provisions for the freedom of conscience as described in G-2.0105.

D. Suggested questions for the interview team to ask candidates:

• Describe the kind(s) of church(es) of which you have been a pastor -the

strengths and weaknesses of those ministries and ministry systems.

• What gives you the most satisfaction in your work?

• What are your interests as a candidate for this pastorate?

• How well have you come to know this congregation?

• What do you believe you can bring to this congregation?

• How do you see yourself relating to the leaders of this church?

• What has been your participation in your current presbytery?

• How do you envision your participation in our presbytery?

• What plans do you have for your own professional and personal


• If married, how do you anticipate this new position affecting your


• Is there anything you want to share with the COM?

• Is there anything you want to ask the COM?

• How can we be of help to you in your decisions?