October 12, 2011

Board Members Present (via telephone)

Gibson Armstrong

Laureen Boles

Ray Bologna

Virginia Brown

Romulo Diaz

Hon. John Coleman, Jr.

Sarah Hetznetcher

Bernie Lynch

Michael Welsh

Rep. Tom Creighton

Sen. Edwin Erickson

Sandy Altland (for Hon. Peter Daley)

Steve Drizos (for Hon. C. Allan Walker)

Paul Wentzel (for Hon. Glenn E. Moyer)

Jared Grissinger (for Hon. George Greig)

Josh Myers (for Hon. John Wozniak)

DEP Staff

Thomas Bell, Executive Director

Alisa Harris, Special Deputy Secretary

Daniel Lapato, Deputy Director for External Affairs

Anthony Adusei, Program Analyst 2

Paula Sviben, Executive Secretary

Jessica Shirley, Executive Policy Specialist

Public Attendees

No public attendees present

Meeting Called to Order

Acting Chair, Michael L. Krancer was called away before the board meeting started. Executive Director Thomas Bell announced that there was a quorum reached. Executive Director Bell stated that because a quorum was unavailable at the September 23, 2011, Board Meeting due to technical difficulties with the call-in teleconference line, he was again asking for approval of the corrected August 27, 2010, September 22, 2010, and the September 23, 2011 minutes.

Proposed PEDA Projects

PEDA Executive Director, Thomas Bell, again described the 13 proposed alternative energy projects totaling $3.7 Million that were described at the September 23, 2011, board meeting.

General Discussion

Executive Director Bell asked for a vote and motion by the Board to approve the funding for the projects. A motion was made by Romulo Diaz and seconded by Steve Drizos.

Administrative Matters

Executive Director Thomas Bell stated that there would be a sole-source project from Chatham University for Geo Thermal for their new green campus in North Allegheny County. The funds, if approved, would come from Duquesne Light settlement which has to remain in Allegheny County.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Meeting Adjourned

Executive Director Bell called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion made by Virginia Brown, seconded by Paul Wentzel, and carried. Meeting was adjourned.


Secretary Date