7pm - 7th March 2013: St Paul’s, Lorrimore Square SE17.

1. a) PRESENT: / Norma Lawrence, Adrienne Shaw, Marek Drewicz, Rev’d Peter Stevenson, Ben Johnson, Peta Steel, Jim Beedell, Richard Rees, Patrick Blunt, Martin Littleton, Dawn Hobbs, Cllr Patrick Diamond (part).
b) APOLOGIES: / Alan Crookham, Katherine McNeil, Fthr Andrew Moughtin-Mumby, Jeremy Leach, Neil Coyle, Canon Grahame Shaw, Kathleen Cassidy, Harriet Hill, Christine Tan
2. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS, MATTERS ARISING. / Thanks to Grahame Shaw for the use of the Church Hall and to Adrienne for providing refreshments.
Rev’d PS (vice-chair) welcomed the group and gave the apologies and gave updates on matters arising from the previous minutes:
Walworth Road Conservation Area – there is a meeting with Simon Bevan and Michael Tsoukaris tomorrow on the Walworth Road.
Vacant shop units, loan shops and vibrancy of the High Street – JL has sent comments to Cllr Bowman’s overview and scrutiny group and is awaiting a reply.
The minutes were agreed as correct.
3. EAST STREET HISTORY PROJECT / Rev PS gave feedback to the group on the progress with the East Street project. Rev PS has met with the Peabody Trust and established that the East Street site was the first Peabody plot.
PB mentioned potential Roman remains at the site of the former Walworth Common and East Street. PS mentioned that part of the ambition of the popup event is to gain additional information from local people about the history of the area.
The next meeting of the project group is next Thursday, following which PS will be editing the document down to create a leaflet for the event.
4. WALWORTH HERITAGE TRAIL / The Society has now received further funding from the Community Council to extend the history project across the wider Walworth Area and to create a heritage trail.
Rev PS mentioned that the expansion of the project will require more people within the group to get involved to help take it forward. The focus is to be the human story of Walworth.
5. WALWORTH EVENTS CALENDAR / MD has created a new events list and calendar on the website and we are welcoming all groups and individuals to submit relevant events in the area for publicising.
DH mentioned she had already found the calendar useful and would be attending a guided walk as a result.
6. WALWORTH TOWN TEAM INITIATIVE / PB gave an update on the Town Team Initiative. Upcoming events include the Easter Procession on Sunday the 24th March, from 11:30 in Liverpool Grove. There will also be the Charlie Chaplin fun run on 14 April. RR mentioned the ambition is that this will become an annual event.
7. PROJECT UPDATES & OTHER ISSUES / Manor Place Depot: Cllr PD mentioned that papers are going to cabinet regarding a preferred bidder. This is currently confidential so no information is publically available as yet.
Manor Place Terrace: PD has had a mtg with disposals officer. They will have a formal open procurement process to appoint an architect to prepare a new building to go on the site. The architect will work with the community to achieve this. The Walworth Society should seek, via councillors, to have input into the outline tender document.
ML, a local resident, mentioned a preference to see the buildings knocked down and replaced with a modern well designed building.
PS mentioned concerns over security with squatters gaining access to the site.
Liverpool Grove Square: RR mentioned a presentation had been made to the community council.
Walworth Road Conservation Area: JL and Cllr PD will be meeting with Simon Bevan and Michael Tsoukaris on 8 March. DH queried what had happened with previous schemes to enhance the high street with new paving and trees etc. PB mentioned a Town Team initiative seeking to supply some flower planters. Cllr PD mentioned securing a Conservation Area might also help in tackling loan shops etc.
Walworth Register of Local Buildings: There is a need to take up this project again once resource is available.
8. AOB / PS passed on message from Cllr Coyle who would like to offer more involvement if helpful.
PS suggested we publicise our meetings in the local press, library, local message boards etc.
RR mentioned it would be good to move meetings more around the different wards.
Rev PS discussed the Neighbourhood Plan being developed by the Elephant Amenity Network and the potential expansion of their plan. Queried whether the Walworth Society ought to be engaged in this process. NL mentioned a plan to detach the Neighbourhood Forum from the EAN.
Cllr PD mentioned he had been in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan and supported the inclusion of parts of Newington in the plan. JB mentioned the importance of including small local businesses in the process.
RR mentioned the proposed new Bakerloo Line extension.
DH mentioned the DWP’s Community 3000 initiative, which involves donating time to community works. Anybody interested can get in touch with the Kennington District Office.
PS mentioned the next meeting of the Friends of Pasley Park is on Monday 18 March.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 4 April 7pm – Venue TBC