Faith 4 Freedom Action Plan

You have to COMMIT and decide what you believe.

• Commit to prayer and fasting • Commit to educating others about the threats to religious freedom • Commit to being a witness for religious liberty by taking public action

Faith 4 Freedom Websites/Facebook

Facebook: Faith 4 Freedom

Website: This meetup group is for all People of Faith to unite to uphold religious freedom. Members will be able to connect through the message board to post their ideas, events, and comments, and can send messages to the group through the mailing list. (Discussions) Resources such as sign designs, info handouts, prayer cards, prayers etc, will be posted and shared ( “Files” – found under “More”) Direct links to websites of People of Faith who are organizing groups to take religious freedom action will be posted, such as “Catholics United 4 Freedom” (“Our Sponsors”)

Website: is gathering info and resources to be used specifically by the Catholic laity uniting 4 freedom. This website is linked to the website and any Protestant denomination Faith4Freedom websites developed will be linked.


*The goal is for every church to hold prayer services for religious freedom and to promote the services to get as many people as possible to attend. (personal calls, church announcements)

Encourage individuals to make a firm and definite commitment to prayer and fasting for the protection of religious freedom. All people of faith are encouraged to continue on with the prayer and fasting, education, and action campaign for religious freedom started by the U. S. Conference of Catholic bishops.

Organize efforts to contact (call/visit) shut-ins and elderly in congregations (a) to inform them about this threat and to ask them to join us as we commit to praying for our nation, our leaders, and our efforts to protect our religious liberty. Prayer cards can be given to them as a guide as to what we are specifically praying for. The goal is to have an army of Prayer Warriors of all ages with our Senior Citizens leading the way. (b) to make sure they are registered to vote and help with absentee ballots if necessary

Prayer for Religious Freedom can be used during mass/church services and/or people can take them home to use as a guide in their daily prayers.

Organize prayer services in each church to pray specifically for religious freedom from now until the election, Get established prayer groups involved. Prayer service outlines can be found at and

Catholics are encouraged to pray the rosary before or after mass for religious freedom. Protestants are encouraged to commit to extra prayer before or after church services.

Church Outreach:

Contact Pastorsin all churches to invite to join our efforts. The goal is to have someone in every church to lead efforts to advocate for religious freedom through Prayer, Education, and Action. Develop lists of churches to pass out to volunteers to make personal contacts – could take sign, info handout, and action planwhen making contacts

Pass out Voter Guides/Bulletin Voter Guide Inserts

Utilize bulletin announcements or a mailing to congregation to educate with facts “12 Things Everyone Should Know about the “Contraceptive Mandate” print from

Educational Events

Organize educational events with speakers or movies on threats to religious freedom

Organize information booth/voter registration at church and community events

Young Adult Outreach

Develop ideas on how to reach college age and young adults who are busy raising families.

Organize Facebook network to post short concise messages/videos geared to young voters

Contact Youth Pastors & Youth Group leaders in all churches to get youth involved

Organize educational and Get-Out-The-Vote/voter registration efforts directed to young adults

Contact Catholic & Christian groups on college campuses about F4F Facebook

Catholic Neuman Clubs; Athletes in Action; College Republicans; Church Youth Groups

Get Out the Vote Efforts

Members encouraged to make efforts to (a) inform others about threats to religious freedom, (b) ask them to pray for our nation (c) start a contact list of people who want Faith 4 Freedom updates

Volunteer for Americans for Prosperity – Phone Calling make phone calls from AFP phones to ask 3 questions focusing on healthcare and the economy.

Participate in Voter Lookup “Are You Registered?”

• Make sure you and your contacts are registered to vote. 14% of Americans think they are registered to vote, but they’re not. Send email to friends encouraging them to register. Commit to registering10 friends,

Volunteer for Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a non-partisan effort to educate and recruit poll workers and validate existing voter lists and to report irregularities to the county Board of Elections.

Hold Voter registration events

Volunteer for non-partisan Get-Out-The-Vote efforts to mobilize people of faith • Volunteer to utilize rVotes Neighborhood/Precinct Organizing Software to organize

Media & Promotion

Promote the Faith 4 Freedom efforts through the media

Yard signs, window clings, bumper stickers, car magnets, business cards, ads, billboards, signs on barns & large buildings proclaiming “Protect Religious Freedom” and “meetup website info” can be used to promote awareness in the community of serious threats to religious freedom. Goal is to get people (esp. young adults) asking what the signs are about. Signs: “Protect Religious Freedom” design on website

Make a list of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors to contact about signs.

Commit to passing out 10 signs. Donations are appreciated. Cost of sign to us is $3

Commit to neighborhood canvassing to distribute signs and Faith 4 Freedom intro handouts that can be printed from website/ Volunteers can divide up city area to be more effective.

Important: Get contact info for anyone who wants to join our efforts or just wants to receive updates.


Members make list of people they think would be beneficial to send info and combine for mailing