Applications will be are invited from tenderers for registration with the company for specific types of works. The list of possible tenderers will also be invited from MES, CPWD, local PWD, Railways and other public sectors undertakings for their recognized tenderers & also showing previous experience in the line. The applications so received will be scrutinized by the committee and the applicant would be registered with the company for future works and requirements.

The following guide-lines will be followed :-

The enlistment of contractors in ITI will be done in following categories :-

1.  Buildings & Roads.

2.  Sanitary & water supply.

3.  Electrical installation and maint.

4.  Air-conditioning.

5.  Supply & Steel works and aluminium works.

6.  Interiors.

7.  Cycle-stand contractors.

8.  Vegetables & other consumables for Canteens & Guest-house.

The category of contractors consist of the following clauses :-

(A) Class I Qualified to tender for works up to any amount. Enlistment at Corporate level.

(B) Class II Qualified to tender for works not exceeding Rs.50 Lakhs at Unit Level.

(C) Class III Qualified to tender for works not exceeding Rs.5 Lakhs at Unit Level.

(D) Class IV Qualified to tender for works not exceedingRs.1.5 Lakhs at Unit Level.

(E) Class V Qualified to tender to works not exceeding Rs.50,000/-at Unit Level..

All those parties willing to register in category above from Class I to V will have to produce the following :-

(1)  Works completed in last three years equal or more than the amount mentioned in respective categories. Proof of completion of works certificate from organization from where the work is completed.

(2)  List of all tools & plants, equipments, technical manpower etc.

(3)  Last 03-years Income-tax-Clearance-Certificate from the Income tax department

The application received will be scrutinized by screening committee specially constituted for the purpose by Unit Head and will be short listed and categorized. The screening committee will examine the past performance of the firms short listed by inspecting their works, if necessary, and seeking confidential report from the past users and submit the final list for approval of the Unit Head. ITI can restrain the consultant for generally architectural consultancy only. However, in complicated structures, the structure design may be referred to reputed institutions like IIT, BIT etc. After scrutinisation of all applications, and approval of Unit Head, contractors will be impanelled and enquiries will be issued by Unit straightway to such firms which are approved in the panel. The panel will be valid for a period of two years and may be renewed there-after for a further period of not more than two years. Similarly, M/s ITI will indicate whether the firm is to be up-graded to the next higher or lower category depending on their past performance. While considering the offers the guidelines issued by BPE/CVC and Corporate Office will be followed & the panel will be amended as per those directives.

Along with application for registration, applicant has to deposit registration fee of Rs.1000/- In case of non-fulfilment of criteria for registration the agency will not be considered for impanelment and the registration fee of Rs1000/- will be refunded. The registration fee of Rs.1000/- will be retained for those agencies who will be registered in company and will not be refundable. For registration the application form is available at Annexure-A. For further details & clarifications, please contact :

(a)  DGM(Civil) – Sri S.C.Keshari, Ph.No.(0532) – 2682216

(b)  DM(Civil) - Sri A.K.Srivastava, (0532) - 2682516

Annexure “A” - Application for registration in Category (Sr.1 to 6)

Applied for class :-

Applied for category :

1.  Name of the firm/company

2.  Whether proprietory or Partnership firm

3.  In case of partnership firm - Partnership deed.

4.  Details of past experience for works carried out

(A)  Single job of maximum amount

(B)  Yearly turn-over.

5.  IT Pan No.

6.  UPTT/CST/Service Tax Registration No.

7.  Details of tools/plants and technical manpower.

8.  Any other relevant details.

Date :

Place : Signature of contractor/firm

Address :