Welcome to Sunset Canyon Baptist Church Preschool! We are looking forward to sharing early learning experiences with your child, and we appreciate you choosing our program as a positive place for your child to grow and develop. Sunset Canyon Baptist Church Preschool is a ministry and outreach of our church, and our staff is committed to serving your child and family to the best of our ability.
The information in this handbook is to be used as a reference throughout the year for your understanding of the program’s operations and procedures. If you have any questions or ideas to share, please contact Tandi Mitchell at (512) 894-0480 during preschool hours or by email at
Sunset Canyon Baptist Church Preschool is here to provide a program that permits children to interactively learn by doing and relate the Christian faith to every aspect of a child’s life. Our senior pastor, associate pastor, and musical pastor provide spiritual guidance for the children through our Chapel. Our Lead Teachers provide this through a faith-based curriculum. This curriculum will also prepare your child academically for his/her future in education. It is our goal to provide each child with a Christ-centered experience that enhances each child’s cognitive, spiritual, language, social, emotional, and physical growth in a developmentally appropriate manner.
Our staff will see to it that each child has the opportunity to explore, play, create, experiment, discover, and learn through hands-on experiences. Our staff will also provide each child with the nurturing and supportive responses that they each need as individuals.
We respect parents as the most significant aspect of a child’s life. Together, we will strive to become partners in the child’s education, care, and spiritual growth.
Sunset Canyon Baptist Church admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.
These lists will give you an idea of the developmentally appropriate experiences we will be providing for your child. We realize that each child is a unique individual and will develop at different rates.
Young 18 months -2 Year-Old Objectives:
This age group will be taught:
*Beginning social skills
*Introduction to colors and shapes
*Multi-sensory learning
*Simple object recognition
*Animal recognition
*Simple songs
*Simple nursery rhymes
*Increased attention span
Older 2-3 Year-Old Objectives:
This age group will be taught:
*Color recognition
*Shape recognition
*Simple object recognition
*Animal recognition
*Simple songs
*Simple nursery rhymes
*How to listen to books and stories
*How to use scissors and glue
This age group will be exposed to:
*Letter recognition
*Number recognition
Older 3-4 Year-Old Objectives:
This age group will reinforce all 2 the above objectives.
This age group will be taught:
*Sorting (color, shape, size…)
*Spatial concept (inside, outside, over…)
*Problem solving
*Letter recognition
*Name recognition
*Format and care of books
*Coloring in lines
*Pre-writing skills
*Introduction to calendar (months, days, seasons…)
4-5 Year-Old Objectives (Pre-K):
This age group will reinforce all 3 year-old objectives.
This age group will be taught:
*Letter recognition
*Writing skills
*Letter sounds
*Calendar skills
*Speaking skills
*Holidays (meaning and celebrations)
This age group will practice following multi-step directions and continue working on listening skills and developing fine and gross motor skills. This class is designed to aid preparing your child for kindergarten.
Children have been enrolled according to their age as of September 1. Much time and thought is given to each child before placing him/her in a classroom; they are placed where it is age appropriate.
Every child must complete a registration form before they are enrolled. Space is the program will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon arrival the first day of school, you should have the following:
- Completed registration form
- Completed medical information form
- Completed medical authorization form
- Parental permission form and release
- Registration fee, supply fee, and first month’s tuition
Immunization Requirements:
15 months through 4 years:
*3 doses polio vaccine
*4 doses DTP/DtaP (Fourth dose not required until 18 months)
*1 dose Hib vaccine on or after 15 months of age, unless a primary series have been completed.
*1 dose MMR vaccine received on or after 1st birthday
*1 dose of varicella vaccine received on or after 1st birthday
*Hepatitis A vaccine:
2 years- 1 dose of Hepatitis A vaccine (1st dose on or after 2nd birthday)
3-4 years- 2 doses of Hepatitis A vaccine
5 years through 6 years:
*3 doses polio vaccine including one received on or after 4th b-day
*4 doses DTP/DtaP vaccine including 1 received on or after 4th b-day
*1 dose MMR vaccine received on or after 1st b-day & 1 additional dose
*Measles vaccine (this dose may be received as part of a MMR)
*3 doses Hepatitis B vaccine
*2 doses Hepatitis A vaccine (selected counties)
*1 dose of varicella vaccine received on or after 1st birthday
Vision and Hearing Screening Requirements:
All children enrolled in programs who are three years of age or older by September 1 of each year will be screened for possible vision and hearing problems within 120 calendar days of enrollment. Screenings will be offered at the preschool by a registered nurse. The fee for this procedure is paid through semester supply fees; consequently, there will be no fee due at time of screening. A notice will be sent home two weeks prior to screening and results of the screening will be provided to the parents.
Medical Forms:
- Each child must have a current Medical Information Form on file in the SCBC Preschool office. Your child cannot attend without these forms on file.
- Notify SCBC of any new medical information or current immunizations. For example: a new doctor, insurance, etc.
Student Information Changes:
Please notify the SCBC Preschool Director, in writing, of any changes in student information.
Registration Fee:$100- due upon enrollment
A non-refundable registration fee is due upon enrollment in order to secure your child’s space in our program. Registration fees are used to reserve enrollment prior to the beginning of school. Afterward, the fee is used to enhance the quality of our program.
Supply Fee:$50- due the first month of each semester (fall supply fee included in registration fee)
A supply fee is due in August and January. This fee is used for hearing/vision screening, teaching aids, curriculum, art supplies, cooking supplies, laminating fees, and other expenses.
Tuition:$225 per month for 2-day program
$300per month for 3-day program
$10 per month sibling discount
- Tuition is due on the first school day of each month; no pro-rated months.
- A late fee of $5 will be charged for tuition not paid within 2 days of the first school day of the month. There will be a charge of $25 for all returned checks.
- A 30-day notice must be given for a child to drop out of the program for any reason. Tuition is due for this time period.
Extended Care:$40 per month for 2-day program
$50 per month for 3-day program
$5 per day for drop-in aftercare
(Please pay this cost when tuition is due.)
We offer Extended Care from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Extended Care is for a limited number of children and consists of non-structured play and rest time. Drop-in aftercare is available only when space is available and must be confirmed by Director. A sign-up will be held at Meet the Teacher. Availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Hours of Operation:
*18 Months -2 year old classes- Tues. and Thurs. from 8:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.
*3, 4 and 5 year old classes- Tues., Wed., Thurs. from 8:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.
*Extended Care is from 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Calendar and Holidays:
SCBC Preschool follows the DSISD school calendar, which is included in this packet. The first day of preschool isAugust 29th. The last day of preschool is May 30th. Holidays are as follows:
Election Day: N/A
Thanksgiving: November 21-23
Christmas: December 18 -January 4
Spring Break: March 12-16
Parental Notification:
Parents will be notified of any changes in schedules or school holidays in monthly parent newsletters. We will notify parents of any health or behavioral issues regarding their children by phone or in person. In an emergency, we will call the parents first. If we cannot reach the parents, an emergency contact will be called.
Parent Visitation:
Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the preschool at any time during preschool operating hours to observe their child and the operation of the preschool. Parents are encouraged to check with the teacher’s schedule for the day in order to make the most of the visit. Also, please notify the director if you need a location to nurse your infant around preschool drop-off time.
Parent Participation:
Parents are encouraged to participate in the activities of the preschool. There will be sign-up sheets for volunteer opportunities at Back-To-School Night. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to volunteer your time or share your talents. We will be very thankful for the help.
Arrival and Dismissal:
- MDO hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We ask that children not be dropped off before 8:30 as staff is praying for and preparing for the day. We also ask that children not be dropped off after 9:00 a.m. unless prior arrangements have been made with your child’s teacher.
- Children should enter through the back of the church (by preschool office) or through trailer entrance and should be accompanied by a parent.
- Please sign your child in each morning and out each afternoon.
(This is required by licensing.)
- Extended care is offered from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Children must be picked up on time. If children are not picked up by 1:05, they will go to Extended Care and parents will be charged the Drop-In rate, if you will be late please call and let the office know. If you are late to pick up your child at Extended Care more than two times, you will not be allowed to participate in Extended Care for the rest of the school year.
- Persons other than parents picking up a child must be listed on the registration form. If you intend for someone else to pick up your child you will need to verify this with your child’s teacher and the Director. We will ask to see the person’s driver’s license. Please notify this person of the requirement. This is for your child’s safety as well as our peace of mind.
- Please send a change of clothing with your child each day. This should include underwear, socks, pants, shoes and shirt…. Accidents may happen and we want your child to feel as comfortable as possible.
- If your child has several accidents we will ask that they wear Velcro-sided Pull-Ups on a regular basis until they are completely potty-trained.
- Label all belongings clearly!
- Please send coats and other appropriate attire during the cooler times of the year. We will go outside most days!
- Please send your child in play clothes as we do many activities that are messy. Our teachers cannot be expected to change your child’s clothes or shoes for each activity.
- PLEASE only allow your child to wear tennis shoes!!! Crocs, cowboy boots, and slip-ons are not appropriate for preschool!!!
Potty Training:
*All 3, 4, and 5 year olds must be potty-trained before entering preschool. Potty-training is to be done at home the summer before preschool begins.
A potty trained child is a child who can do the following:
1) Be able to TELL the adult they have to go potty BEFORE they have to go. They must be able to say the words “I have to go potty” BEFORE they have to go.
2) Be able to pull down their underwear and pants and get them back up without assistance.
3) Be able to wipe themselves after using the toilet.
4) Be able to get off the potty by themselves.
5) Be able to wash and dry hands.
6) Be able to go directly back to the room without directions.
7) Be able to postpone going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if we are outside and away from the building.
** After three (3) accidents within a 3-week period, We will ask you to come pickup your child and not return until your child complies with the above standards.
Staff Immunizations:
*SCBC Preschool adheres to guidelines of Hays County Health Department regarding immunization requirements for our staff.
Toys & Pets:
- It is generally wise to have your child leave toys at home unless teacher has instructed parents of Show and Tell time. Children may have difficult time sharing toys with their classmates, and it is hard for children to keep up with them. We are not responsible for any toys brought to school. Make sure that guns or war toys are never brought to school.
- If your child has a favorite book that the teacher can read, feel free to share it with us.
- Please leave your pets at home, due to licensing we cannot allow pets in classroom or on playground.
Lunches and Snacks:
- Each child is to bring their own lunch and drink. This needs to be a lunch that does not require heating or refrigeration. SCBC Preschool is not responsible for the nutritional value of this meal.
- Each child must bring a water bottle full of WATER ONLY every day. This water bottle should be labeled with your child’s first and last name.
- Prepare simple, healthy foods that your child can eat. Food should be cut into bite size pieces in order for your child to be as self-sufficient at lunchtime as possible.
- Please label all lunch and drink containers clearly.
- All children are encouraged, but not forced, to eat.
- SCBC Preschool provides a mid-morning snack each day. Snacks for the day will be posted in the front office. Please inform your child’s teacher of any concerns. Any allergies should be listed on the medical information form.
Outside Play:
Weather permitting; we will spend some part of the day outside. This is extremely important for the development of the body and mind. However, if the temperature is over 100 degrees, we cannot allow the children to be outside. In these cases (mostly during extended care), the students will watch a movie or do an alternate activity. In cold weather, be sure to send appropriate clothing. Please do not ask for exceptions to this rule. We do not have the extra staff needed to supervise children who need to remain inside.
Field Trips:
- The classes will occasionally take off-campus field trips. We need to have all parent permission and release forms on file for every child and outing.
- Specific permission slips will be sent home for each field trip.
- We do depend on parents for transportation and supervision of children for field trips. Parents are responsible for their fees and sibling fees.
- Birthdays- Birthday celebrations are a part of the preschool experience. We provide recognition in a special and appropriate way. Check with your child’s teacher if you would like to bring cupcakes for your child’s class.
- Holidays- Parents are asked to help with holiday celebrations. A sign-up sheet will be posted before each celebration. If you would like to share an appropriate game or craft that fits in with the holiday theme, please coordinate this with your child’s teacher. Listed below are a few of our holidays:
- October- We emphasize the fall season. We do not emphasize Halloween. (No witches, ghosts, goblins, etc.)
- November- We emphasize being thankful for what God has provided us.
- December- We emphasize the birth of Jesus Christ.
- February- We emphasize loving one another.
- March/April- We emphasize the resurrection of Christ.
Naptime: (Extended-Care Only)
Naptime is required by licensing for all children 18 months of age or older who are in care five or more consecutive hours. We will provide a 30 minute period during the Extended-Care time. The sleep must not exceed 3 hours, and the child is not forced to sleep. Alternatively, the children may read a book quietly. Please assist us with this by talking to your child about it.
- SCBC Preschool will be closed and delayed when DSISD closes for bad weather.
- In case of delay, we will open 30 minutes after DSISD.
- Local TV and radio stations will keep you informed of bad weather situations.
- If you have given your child any medication before coming to school, please notify your child’s teacher. Medicine can affect the way children respond in class. If your child’s medication prevents them from participating in school activities, please keep your child home for the day.
- SCBC Preschool will not administer any medications.
Discipline and Guidance: