Billing and Collection Working Group


Final Meeting Notes

May 10, 2006

Note: Please see list below for a listing of today’s participant and the BCWG distribution list.

Meeting Notes

April BC Agent Report

Heather reviewed the report with the BCWG and answered questions. It was explained that the reason why the contribution factor filing of May 1, 2006 specified 0.00021 instead of the anticipated contribution factor of 0.00020 was because of unanticipated vendor payments per the contract terms with the thousands-block pooling administrator in the amount of approximately $245K. Welch was notified by the FCC on April 11, 2006 of payment authorization and updated the budget and contribution factor accordingly. Welch and the vendor will exchange billing information at the time a request is made from the vendor to the FCC going forward to avoid future unanticipated expenditures.

In response to a question, it was clarified by Welch that since the payment was authorized and made prior to the filing, that it was appropriate to submit the filing with the latest information and that if this activity took place after the filing; the required funds would have likely come out of the contingency amount.

NANC Report

Jim agreed to prepare a brief NANC presentation, including a slide on the contribution factor change and that the impact of a “bridge contract” upon the budget was unknown but that hopefully the FCC will notify Welch if a variation in anticipated expenditures is expected.

Tracking Matrix

The team reviewed the contents of the tracking matrix and agreed to review the first quarter 2006 results and the first month second quarter results during the next call. Jim agreed to distribute the third quarter 2005 report as well for the groups review.

Future Meetings

  • See meeting schedule below

BCWG Distribution List and May 10, 2006 Participants List

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B&C WG Master Meeting Schedule


Date / Time / Topic / Bridge
Wednesday, March 8
/ 11am ET, 1 hr / Pre-NANC call with Welch* / VerizonBridge:
813-276-1394, Pin: 9769504
Tuesday, May 30 / 1 pm E, 1 hr / BCWG Only / VerizonBridge:
813-276-1394, Pin: 9769504
Tuesday July 11 / 11 am ET, 1 hr / Pre-NANC call with Welch* / VerizonBridge:
813-276-1394, Pin: 9769504

* Primary purpose is to discuss Agent’s Deliverables/Metrics and Agent’s draft NANC report