Future Champs - Ages 9 - 11

(60’ court – Orange Low Compression Ball)

Time: Monday 3:45 - 5:00pm

Saturday 9 - 10:15am

Mailing Address: 4315 Weddington-Matthews Road, Weddington, NC 28104

For more information please visit us at

Registration Form - 2018

£ Session 2: February 19th to March 31st - (6 weeks)

(No Class Saturday March 31st) Happy Easter

Prepaid Rates Member / Non Member

Monday - Member $108 / Non-Member $126

Saturday - Member $90 / Non-Member $105

Monday & Saturday - Member $198 / Non – Member $231

Drop In Rate - Member $21 / Non-Member $24

PLAYER INFORMATION: Please print clearly - Thanks!

Please circle: Member or Non-Member

Name: (Playing Hand) R or L Parents Name:

Address: City: Zip:

Phone: ( ) Work/Cell Phone: ( )

Age: d/o birth: E-mail Address:

Forms need to be turned into Office before first day of class, along with payment payable to WSRC

Days attending: (please circle) Monday and/or Saturday - Amount Enclosed: $______(make checks payable to WSRC)

** Please return registration to WSRC by ** February 16th, 2018

Waiver: In attending WSRC tennis clinics I (we) hereby release WSRC from any and all responsibility for accidents or losses incurred at WSRC.

Parent or Guardian’s signature required:

Registration is required in order to reserve a spot in clinic. We would like to give first priority to members and students already participating at this time. Please complete your application form and return it along with payment to WSRC. You must prepay for the specific days you are attending. Rates are per session.

Make – up Policy: There will not be any refunds or credits for occasional days missed (sickness, conflict, scheduled appt) but can be made up in the current session if space is available on another day. They cannot be carried over into the next session. Rainouts will be credited only and carried over to the next session. Credits or reduced fees will only be granted for prolonged illness or injury.

Weather Conditions: With classes being held outside, in the event of inclement weather (rain or the temperature under 40 degrees) it may cause the cancellation of class. Please contact WSRC at ext 2# or go on line at for updated clinic status 1 hour prior to the start of class. A credit will be issued towards the next session if class is cancelled.

Office Use Only:

Check #
