Evaluator’s Name: Kanako "Nina" StephensDate: October 5, 2004
Software Title:SCIENCE SEEKERS - Hidden in RocksCompany/Publisher: Company : Tom Snyder Productions and the American Museum of Natural History / Publisher: Richard Abrams
Grade Level:5-8Subject Area: Earth Science
Type of Instructional Software (see chapter 4 of Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching):
Drill & Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game
Problem-Solving Courseware Other:
SA--Strongly Agree A--Agree D--Disagree SD--Strongly Disagree NA--Not Applicable
Check the appropriate letter(s) describing how you feel the software matches the criteria.
SAADSDNAThe content is accurate.
SAADSDNAThe content has educational value.
SAADSDNAThe content is free of race, ethnic, sex and other stereotypes.
SAADSDNAThe purpose of the package is well defined.
SAADSDNAThe package achieves its defined purpose.
SAADSDNAPresentation of content is clear and logical.
SAADSDNAThe level of difficulty is appropriate for the target audience.
SAADSDNAGraphics/color/sound are used for appropriate instructional
SAADSDNAUse of the package is motivational.
SAADSDNAThe package effectively stimulates student creativity (open-ended).
SAADSDNAFeedback on student response is effectively used.
SAADSDNAThe learner controls the rate and sequence of presentation.
SAADSDNAInstruction is integrated with previous student experience.
SAADSDNALearning can be generalized to an appropriate range of situations.
SAADSDNAThe user support materials are comprehensive.
SAADSDNAThe user support materials are effective.
SAADSDNAInformation displays are effective.
SAADSDNAIntended users can easily and independently operate the program.
SAADSDNA Teachers can easily employ the program.
SAADSDNAThe program appropriately uses relevant computer capabilities.
SAADSDNAThe program is reliable in normal use.
Describe the potential use of the package in the classroom setting:
This software is ideal for teamwork in which students are placed in groups of four to five. They will be conducting investigations as a group. The investigations will be introduced using a large-screen monitor connected to the computer. After the students are given their assignments, they will work collaboratively together to complete the investigations.
Estimate the amount of time a student would need to work with the package in order to achieve the objectives (Can be total time, time per day, time range, etc.)
It takes about one class period to complete each investigation. In addition, there is at least one science lab associated with each investigation. Depending on how much time is needed to spend on the labs, allow three to five class periods (of roughly 40 min) to complete the software.
1. The software actively engages the learners. During these lessons, students are asked to work cooperatively in groups with their peers. By doing so, students are able to see themselves and ideas as others see them. They can express their ideas to others.
2. The teacher provides a rich environment for learning during these lessons. He/she is not a lecturer, but rather a provider of opportunities to problem solving and working on authentic tasks.
3. During the investigations of the Science Seekers mission, students take charge of their own learning. They define learning goals and problems that are meaningful to them.
4. Engaged learners develop and refine learning and problem-solving strategies. Students are continually asked to be strategic during these lessons. They have to be creative problem solvers in order to identify the satellite images.
5. The program is interactive, and is a real world situation. Real people who have real problems introduce the projects. The whole Science Seekers unit is based on authentic tasks.
1.The program is designed for collaborative teamwork. Therefore, the students are required to have cooperative experience to work as a team.
Other comments:
It combines multimedia, cooperative learning, and hands-on activities to engage students in core science content. Students role play a team of science problem-solvers on special assignments. This software is recommended for a 6th grade Earth Science class.
Other comments: