Announcements for May 7, 2017
#1) Eagle Lake Volunteers
Each year it takes a whole crew of people from our church to makeEagleLakea possibility. ConsiderVolunteeringin one of the following areas: Check-InVolunteers, Staff Meal Preparations, Wednesday Dinner, Staff Gathering Host, MedicalVolunteer, Crew Staff, and Host Homes.Contact Pastor Dan f you are interested.
#2) Youth Group Pancake Breakfast
Come support the Youth Group through the PancakeBreakfast on Sunday, May 28th, during the Sunday School hour, as they gather funds to go on their Kansas City missions trip. The students will be cooking uppancakesgalore, along with sausage, coffee, & juice. Suggested donation of $4 per person or $10 per family. Please join us for this yummy event!
#3) Bike Rodeo Volunteers
The second annual Kid’sBikeRodeo& Racesis coming up June 17th. This is a great event for inviting non-Christian friends and neighbors. For more details go to Volunteers are needed to make this outreach event a success. Please contact Barry Termaat at (605) 359-6819 if interested in volunteering.
Allergy Notice
Due to severe peanut allergies in our congregation, we can absolutely have NO peanut products in our building. This applies to any day of the week and for any activity you may be attending in our building.
We have attendees with fragrance allergies. We have designated the first six rows of the left section of our sanctuary (as you look at the stage) for them. If you wear fragrances, we would appreciate you avoiding that area.
First Free 411
Event for YA (single young adults in college or working)
Thunder Road Fun Day. Meet at Thunder Road picnic shelter by the parking lot Saturday, May 13at 5:30. First go-kart rides are paid for!! They also have goofy golf, Tilt-a-Whirl, human foosball, laser tag, laser maze, batting cages, and euro bungy.
Please join us for our summer bible study of the book of Ruth. We will start Thursday, June 8 and meet for four weeks from 9-11am. The format will be more casual but there will be homework due on the 8th so please sign up early so we can email you the questions. Sign up – in the lobby, by calling the office at (605) 338-2077 or email Mary Lynne at . Childcare is not available.
We rejoice with Eric and Amanda Ecklund on the birth of their daughter, Eden Rose, on Saturday, April 15, 2017. Eden weighed 7lbs. 8oz, and was 20” long.
We rejoice with Adam and Amber Wolthuizen on the birth of their daughters, Avery Jade & Aubrey Rose, on Saturday, April 29, 2017. Avery weighed 3lbs. 9oz, and was 16.5” long. Aubrey weighed 5lbs. 0oz, and was 17.5 long.
We rejoice with Matt and Cathy Huhnerkoch on the birth of their son, Brek Michael, on Tuesday, May 2, 2017. Brek weighed 7lbs. 1oz, and was 19.5” long.
All graduates from high school or college please bring your invitation to the office so we can display and announce them.