by Tom Trush

One of the biggest problems lawyers face when creating (or updating) their websites is deciding on content.

In many cases, confusion can lead to websites packed with law firm babble and unproven claims few people care about.

Regardless of your practice areas, your prospects use the Internet to find information that addresses their problems. The challenge is creating solution-driven content that deals with these problems, while still demonstrating a need for your services.

Here are four tools to help you tackle this task: okay

1. Wordtracker Labs' Keyword Question ( Enter a keyword or short phrase related to your profession and Wordtracker Labs' Keyword Question tool delivers a list of questions people are currently asking. The inquiries are sorted by the number of times they were typed into search engines during the past year.

For example, here are some popular questions for the search term "debt":

How does debt consolidation work?

How to get out of debt?

How can I get someone to pay off my debt?

If your target audience is dealing with debt, these questions are potential topics for at least three website pages. Best of all, you know there's already an audience searching for these subjects.

2. Twitter ( If you're not already on Twitter, you're probably confused about how it can help your law firm. Well, here's one big benefit that might provide some clarity:

Because Twitter is essentially a worldwide online conversation that never stops, you can always see what topics people are talking about in your practice area. Just enter a term related to your services in Twitter's search box and then read the posts. (For a more detailed search, click the "Advanced Search" link at

Once you find a hot topic, create a page or two on your website about the subject -- and join the conversation on Twitter.

3. ( At first thought, you might view as an unusual tool for helping write your website content, but stay with me on this suggestion.

Think back to the last time a book caught your attention at the bookstore. Where did you look after reading the cover? Most likely, you turned to the table of contents to see if the topics listed were worthy of a more detailed read.

You can bet authors and publishers understand reader habits and position topics with the greatest appeal in the table of contents. Use their research to your advantage by pulling topics from the table of contents in books from your profession.

Simply look for the "Search inside this book" link under the cover images of books on

4. Usage Statistics: If you already have a website, your usage statistics will reveal loads of valuable insight, such as how many visitors come to your website, where they come from and what pages get the most views.

You'll also see the exact terms people use when they land on any of your website pages. If you notice a subject with several searches, write more content about that topic.

If you don't have access to your website's usage statistics, request it from your designer/developer. You can also get usage statistics by adding Google Analytics ( to your website.

Keeping your content fresh is essential for driving search engine traffic to your website. The more solution-driven content you post, the greater your opportunity to attract more online visitors, multiply incoming links to your website and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

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