
Any type of business has a legal aspect in it. It is also necessary so that the business runs smoothly without illegal activities. Most of the contracts or agreements are governed by legal points. In olden times, there was not much awareness in people but nowadays everyone knows that there are legal aspects to be covered by all the businesses and people engage lawyers even if they deal with known persons.

Legal aspects are known only to lawyers and any minor difference or conflict in the business has to be resolved by legal experts.

Legal Action Letter Tips

The following tips will help you to write a legal action letter:

·  Legal letters should be written only by certified lawyer.

·  Usually legal letter should be written on a stamp paper.

·  The second and third pages can be written on plain sheets of paper.

·  Date should be clearly written on the letter.

·  All valid points should be covered in the letter.

·  The purpose of the letter must be mentioned on the top of the letter.

·  All parties involved should be informed about the letter in advance.

Sample Legal Action Letter




______( your address)




______( address of the person the letter is addressed to)

Date: ______( Date of which letter is written)

Dear Mr. Prasad,

This letter is sent to inform you that your loan amount has been piling up as you has stopped making payments for the past one year. we have sent you several reminder letters to inform you. you never responded to our letters or mails. The amount is huge and hence we regret to inform you that as there is no communication from your side, we do not have any other option except to take legal action.

We genuinely never want to take such extreme step for our customers and would always help the customers to repay their dues. You have an option of paying back the amount within 10 days. if you can contact us at the earliest, we can take necessary action. In case you fail to pay the amount or do not receive any communication, you will have to face the consequences. This is the last letter being written to you and from now onwards, our lawyer will deal with the issue.

Yours Sincerely,

Rakesh Kumar

Branch Manager


Legal Action Letter Template


______(customer’s name)

______(customer’s address)



Date ______(date of writing letter)

Dear Mr./Ms______(name of the customer),

This letter is to inform you that you have failed to pay the dues to …………………(name of organization) which are______(amount). Several times we have sent you reminders but we never received any communication from your end. It has been one year since you paid the last installment.

We never want to take extreme steps with our customers. But we are left no other choice except to take legal action. Please pay back the dues or contact us within …………….(no. of days) otherwise you will face consequences.

Yours sincerely,

______(Your name0


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