Vale United Methodist Church

Vacation Bible School, July14 – 18, 2014

Emergency Contact Information

In the event of an emergency or other significant concern, the youth’s parents or guardians will be contacted. Please provide the name, relationship to the child, and phone numbers.

Parent or Guardian: ______Relationship: ______

Phone Numbers: W: ______Cell:______

Parent or Guardian: ______Relationship: ______

Phone Numbers: W: ______Cell:______

Medical Information

Personal medical insurance is required.

Medical Insurance Company: ______

Policy #: ______

Consent for Medical Treatment/Liability Release

As the parent or guardian of the child enrolled participating in Vale United Methodist Church program, I understand that these programs, activities, games and elements can be hazardous by nature and I assume all risks of injuries arising from participation. I realize, indemnify and hold harmless Vale United Methodist Church and its directors, volunteers and staff from any claim, suit, demand or action arising in connection with the child’s participation.

Personal medical insurance is required. If the child requires medical attention every effort will be made to contact the child’s parents, guardians or emergency contacts. In the case of an emergency, the child will be provided emergency medical services prior to informing the parent or guardian. I assume responsibility for any cost incurred in treating the child. I waive any liability or accountability to Vale United Methodist Church for the quality or cost of medical services provided.

The child’s parent or guardian is responsible for any property damage caused by the child. If a child’s property is lost or stolen, we will make every effort to locate it. However, Vale United Methodist Church accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to a child’s property.

Please sign below:

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______Date ______

Print Name ______Relationship ______

July 14-18,

9:30- Noon

Where Faith Grows and

Hungry People are Fed

Cost - $30.00 per child; $50.00 per family

after June 30th - $35.00 per child; $70.00 per family

(One form per family)

Child(s)Name, Age & Grade______




Allergies/medical information or other concerns:______


Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______

Address ______

Telephone #’shome______

work______cell ______

Email address ______

HomeChurch ______

List name of persons who may pick up this child from VBS each day.______



(Church use only) Assigned Tribe:


JULY 14-18,2014

Vacation Bible School is a community outreach program that relies heavily on the generous contributions of time and talent from many church members. Whether you have children enrolled or not, there are many ways to help. Please take a moment to consider the needs below, and how you might be able to give a portion of your time. We especially need people who are available for the entire week of VBS, but even an hour of your time,before or during VBS, can make a difference. Do not miss this opportunity to participate in the joyful event!

Please check all that apply

BEFORE, I would like to help by:

 Providing snack supplies

 Preparing craft materials

 Decorating the church

 Set-up

 Purchasing materials

DURING, I would like to help as a:

 Registration assistant

 Nursery worker

 Preschool Aide

 Recreation helper

 Shop Keeper

 Snack helper

 Music helper

 Photographer

 Small group shepherd

 Wherever you need me (how many days?) ______

AFTER, I would like to:

 Help clean up on Friday afternoon

Name: ______

Phone #’s ______

Email ______

If you have any questions about “Abundance Orchard”or your participation in the program, please contact Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh, 703-400-1577.

Experience this fun, event at Vale UMC

as we experience the stories

of God’s people being fed

Abraham and Sarah entertaining angels

Jacob and Esau’s birthright for stew

The Passover

Manna and quail in the desert

Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath