NHI Course No. 380070B
Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Multilane Highways and Streets Workshop
Pre Test
Name: ______Date: ______
Directions: Please circle and/or fill in the answer for each question.
- Substantive Safety is?
(A)One of the crash statistical values
(B)A subset of nominal safety
(C)The total Accident Experience
(D)The actual crash frequency and severity for a highway or an intersection
- Rural multilane highways are defined as?
(A)Places outside of cities of populations greater than 50,000
(B)Places located more than 5.0 miles away from the incorporated boundary of any city or town
(C)Places outside the boundaries of urban places where the population is less than 5000 inhabitants
(D)Places that are suburban as well as rural
- Countermeasures with CMF values less than 1.00 indicates which of the following:
(A)Reduces the crash frequency with application of the countermeasure
(B)Raises the crash frequency with application of the countermeasure
(C)Evidence of regression to the mean
(D)Imply that an incorrect correlation factor was applied.
- List at least four geometric features that have specific CMF values or equations to compute CMF values for rural multilane highwaysegments excluding intersections:
- For urban/suburban highways and streets, the term Multilane means:
(A)Facilities with more than two through lanes
(B)Facilities with three, or more, through lanes
(C)Facilities with four, or more, through lanes
(D)Facilities with six, or more,through lanes
- For urban/suburban highways and streets, the total predicted number of crashes consists of:
(A)Predicted Crash Frequency of the Baseline Model multiplied by the Correction Factor
(B)Predicted Crash Frequency for segment(s) and intersections + Predicted Ped and Bike crashes
(C)Predicted segment crashes multiplied by the CMF’s
(D)The sum of the predicted crashes for undivided and divided roadways
- List at least four geometric features that have specific CMF values or equations to compute CMF values for urban/suburban multilane segments excluding intersections:
- The greatest predictor of crash risk at an intersection is?
(A)the number of stop signs
(B)the number of signal indications
(C)traffic volume
(D)the approach speeds
- For urban/suburban multilane street intersections, the predicted number of total intersection crashes is?
(A)N= ea x AADTmajor x AADTminor
(B)the predicted number of multivehicle crashes plus the predicted number of single vehicle crashes plus the predicted number of pedestrian and bicycle crashes
(C)based on the model for traffic signal control only
(D)based on the approach speeds
- The CMF for Replacing Direct Left-Turns with Right-Turn/U-Turn Combinationfor all severities and all types is: (see Exhibit 14-25)