The Skating Party English 10

1. SHORT STORY 35 points

After Reading the short story “The Skating Party”, answer Parts A, B, C, and D

Part A: Multiple Choice:

In your examination booklet, write the numbers from 1 – 5. Beside the corresponding number, write the letter that best fits each question. (5 pts)

1.  The Singletons built their house beside a hill that was once called;

a)  old man hill

b)  young man hill

c)  stone man hill

d)  Nathan’s hill

2.  The skating party was in honour of:

a)  Nathan and Eunice

b)  Maida and Harold

c)  Delia and Dobson

d)  Will and Winnie

3.  What was sewn on Eunice’s coat to make it look like a skating dress?

a)  lace

b)  rabbit fur

c)  linen

d)  mink

4.  Nathan gave up farming because:

a)  he lost the farm to the bank

b)  he wanted to teach

c)  he wasn’t very good at it

d)  he didn’t think he could do it alone

5.  Delia was married at the age of:

a)  17

b)  18

c)  19

d)  20

Part B: Fill in the Blanks:

In your examination booklet, write the numbers from 1 – 5. Beside the corresponding number, write the correct word that fits each fill in. (5 pts)

1.  ______placed the stones on the hillside by the Singleton farm house.

2.  ______was the name of the town where the Singletons lived.

3.  The two sisters had their picture taken with a ______.

4.  ______and Uncle Nathan took in dances and ball games as far away as Hasty Hills, looking for girls.

5.  ______was Delia’s husband.

Part C: Short-Answer Questions: Answer both of the following questions in your examination booklet. (10 pts)

1.  From Maida’s point of view, what was Nathan’s only peculiarity? What reasons did Nathan provide when she asked him why?

2.  Describe the circumstances of Eunice’s death. Do you agree or disagree with the decision Nathan made? Why or why not?

Part D: Short Story Analysis: Answer each of the following questions in your examination booklet.

1. Describe the Setting: Write one (1) sentence about each of the following. (5 pts)

a. the location, scenery, area characteristic

b. the occupation and daily lives of the characters

c. the time period of the story

d. one personality trait of______

e. one personality trait of______

2. Character Sketch: Choose one individual and develop a character sketch. (5 pts)

3. Describe the Plot: In a well-developed paragraph summarize the story, keeping in mind

the following: (5 pts)

a. introduction

b. rising action

c. climax

d. falling action

e. conclusion.