MINUTES OF February 20, 2014
Boysville Spencer Library

The Board of Directors and Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.

The following Board Members and Boysville staff were present:

David Angulo
Brandon Arceneaux
Sophie Clarke
Nancy Dean
John Ferguson
W. Sheldon Fitch / Charlie Gregory
Daniel Lasater
Brandon Logan
David Luschen
Leroy Muehlstein
Chad Ogden / Nicolas Rangel
Vaughan Ruple
Justin Sobey
Ray Stadler
Ashley Smith
John Robb / John Anthis
Wally Jacobs
Mark Meador
Michael Patterson
Manny Ruiz
Paula Tucker

Manny Ruiz, Boysville Trustee, gave the invocation.

Justin Sobey started the meeting off by informing the Board about the United Way ODM report, which requested information about Board attendance. The question asked was “the ODM shows that 6 out of 28 board members have attended 50% or less of eligible board meetings. In the May 23, 2013 minutes in the Attendance Report, Mark Werner said the board is just fewer than 50% attendance as a whole. In the May 24, 2012 minutes in the Board Member Attendance Scorecard the attendance rate was approximately 2/3rds. Is there a plan in place with the Nominating Committee to address the importance of board attendance?” Justin explained to the Board how important Board attendance is, and for everyone to make an effort.

Development Report: Paula Tucker provided the Development report starting with the Pizza Hut Matching Campaign. J. R. Nicholson has contributed a $100,000 check which provides Boysville to meet the Pizza Hut Matching Campaign goal. However, Paula and Justin stressed that they did not want the campaign to finish because of this, and the momentum should be continued to raise as much funds as possible. The media coverage through Facebook, mail out, and other outlets has begun in hopes for new donators. Justin emphasized that it was important for Board members to participate and involve friends and family. David Angulo asked if donators could buy an auction table, now, through the Pizza Hut Campaign, then Boysville receives double the contribution. The Board agreed that this would be a good idea but would need adjusting on the financial side.

Paula Tucker informed the Board that the application for the Kronkosky grant of $125,000 is being completed. Darren and she are meeting with Tom McGuire to review the financials tomorrow.

The M.S. Doss Foundation grant of $150,000 is awaiting news whether it has been successful. The Bexar County Housing Trust grant of $55,000 has been received. This grant is for low income housing and will be utilized in conjunction with the Federal Home Loan Grant for updating the cottages. Lastly, the Victims of Crime Grant application has been submitted for technical review which starts the process to ask for renewal in 2014. This grant pays for part of the Clinical Director’s salary.

Eric Davis provided a short PowerPoint to the Board covering the continuing work on the cottages by the Federal Home Loan Grant. A timeline was shown of the works from January 2013 to present day. Foundation work and interior renovation was completed on Ellison Cottage and opened in January 2014. Ridgeway Cottage renovation is currently in progress and will be completed the first week of March 2014. A new package for the Federal Home Loan Grant will be submitted in March but the dollar amount will depend on the amount of beds available. Eric asked the Board if they had any questions to speak with him.

Paula informed the Board on the Development Director search has received nine resumes, four have been chosen to interview. One of the interviewees was exceptional but there is still another interview so no decision will be made until that is complete. Paula asked the Board if they had any questions to speak with her.

Executive Director’s Report: Paula Tucker reviewed the campus report handout and informed the Board that the opening of Ellison Cottage has increased the intake of children from 12 to 18. Currently, Eve, Director of Shelter, is out on sick leave, and her assistant Stephanie Williams, is out on maternity leave which leaves the shelter low on staff. This is why the intake is lower than normal. Residential capacity is 32 with current population of 31. Congratulations to Gideon Harris, Residential Care Supervisor, on the birth of his baby boy. Independent Living program capacity is 22 with current population of 19. Paula explained that many of the young adults in the program struggle in the public school system so they utilize online, night school, or anything that will support their graduation from high school. Foster care has a current population of 26 with 13 active homes. Savannah McKinney, previous Boysville Case Manager, has assumed the position of Director of Child Placement. Also Annette Gibbs has been employed as Child Placement Case Manager. Paula asked the Board to review the remaining sections of the campus report, and if there were any questions to speak with her.

Finance Reports: Justin Sobey reviewed the financial summary handout for November and December 2013. Justin noted that revenues were strong so there was not too much to highlight. For November 2013 actual revenue was $ 271,080 versus budget $428,576 and December actual $596,920 versus $471,826 budget, and YTD actual $3,142,817 versus actual $2,705,375. Expenses for November actual $422,447 versus budget $399,580 and December actual $413,096 versus budget $450,515, and YTD actual $2,618,275 and budget $2,585,706.

Justin also highlighted the cash balance at $539,258, as of 5th February 2014 plus $800,000 available line of credit, which provides a total of $1,339,258. The Boysville Foundation value as of December 31st is $15,827,949.

A motion to accept the November/December 2013 Financial Report was made by John Ferguson and seconded by Ashley Smith. The acceptance of the Financial Report received unanimous Board approval.

Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the December 2013 Board minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made by John Robb and seconded by John Hanna. The minutes received unanimous Board approval.

Auxiliary Report: Nancy Dean informed the Board for 2013 the Auxiliary was up 15 percent in sales. January and February sales have been up approximately 10 percent so far, which is a great start to the New Year. Nancy announced to the Board that she has three task forces. First, revise the Bylaws, second establish an investment policy, and third find a new store location. This store would ideally be an outlet style store. Nancy talked about replacing the kitchen cabinets at the current thrift store, and asked the Board about obtaining permission. Nancy also informed the Board she would like to reduce the dependency on outside auditors by using their in-house Treasurer. Nancy distributed to the Board the Auxiliary directory to the Board.

Committee Reports:

Executive committee: Justin Sobey informed the Board that the approved minutes for January had been included; the draft minutes from February had not been finalized. He asked the Board if there were any questions.

Auction Committee: Nicolas Rangel, Committee Chair, informed the Board the Auction Committee has decided on the emcee, Dan Kruse. A contract has been signed with the Good Ole Boys band, which are also performing at the Texas Pride Barbeque in March. The auction will be held at the J W Marriott again this year. A decision needs to be made about which bid system to use. The choices are Bidpal and Give Smart. David Angulo will start the table sponsorship for the auction early with the idea of including it into the Pizza Hut Campaign. Justin Sobey informed the Board that he would speak with Darren to go over any accounting issues regarding this. Justin and Nicolas also discussed with the Board whether the price of the lowest auction table should be raised from $1750. Nicolas believed it should stay at $1750 for a further year as did Ashley Smith. This will be discussed further with the Auction Committee.

Old Business: Justin Sobey informed the Board of the fourth Quarter Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI) report and Annual PQI report handout included in the package from LeAnna McKinney, Compliance Director. Paula Tucker explained to the Board that the PQI is compiled of a Records Review Committee, Risk Assessment Admin Committee, Safety Review Committee, and Peer Case Review Committee, who each perform checks and a report. The Steering Committee will meet and provide feedback to the reports to ensure everyone is in compliance with Council on Accreditation (C.O.A.).

New Business: None

Board Member Spotlight: Justin Sobey explained there were a couple of people to thank and recognize.

·  Justin Sobey wanted to congratulate Paula Tucker on doing a terrific job in her new position as CEO.

·  Thank you to Manny Ruiz for his efforts and hard work for the Fiesta Medals. This is the third year he has donated his time and money, and all money raised goes to Boysville.


Thursday, March 27th, 6pm Board Cottage Dinner/Game Night

Thursday, April 17th, 11:45am Board Lunch Meeting #2

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Justin Sobey, President John Ferguson, Secretary


A.  Sign-in sheet

B.  Agenda

C.  Boysville Board Meeting Attendance Results

D.  Campus Report

E.  November and December Financial Report

F.  December 2013 Board Minutes

G.  Executive Committee Minutes for January and February

H.  PQI Quarterly February 2014 Report

I.  PQI Annual Report 2013