The SLSJ 2010 Regional Seminars

With a view to building a national students’ social movement, we have decided this year to hold three regional seminars, as opposed to one national seminar. The regional seminars will be organized on a slightly smaller scale than a national seminar, and will be held in the Western Cape, the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.

SLSJ Western Cape Seminar Dates:

Saturday 31 July 2010 to Sunday 1 August 2010. Meet above Kramer Law (if you are leaving from UCT) or outside of the Main Library (if you are leaving from UWC) at 8:00 sharp on the Saturday and expect to be back by 18:00 on Sunday.


For planning and catering purposes and to avoid being disappointed, we request that forms be submitted as soon as possible. Places are limited, and we expect significant oversubscription.

Eligible to Attend:

SLSJ is open to all. Places are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis, however, the committee reserves the right to make determinations regarding acceptance based on capacity limitations and the extent to which your motivation corresponds to the aims of the seminar. There are only 200 places so get your form in immediately!


Please include a brief motivation of why you wish to attend the seminar.

Submission of Forms and Proof of Payment

If you wish to make an application electronically, please email your application and proof of payment to . Application forms are available at Alternatively, please hand deliver your form, together with your cash or proof of payment to the designated SLSJ box as advertised on your campus. Cash payments may only be made in the case of hand delivered forms.


SLSJ accepts payment in cash or by direct deposit. See the Financial Details form. If paying by direct deposit, be sure to put your name as the reference number and be sure to attach your confirmation. Cash must be in a sealed envelope. Cash is handed in at your own risk. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be reimbursed the full seminar fee.


The venue is a beautiful beachside seminar venue in Onrus. Sleeping will be in wooden bungalows or tents for those who’d prefer.


Bus departs at 8:00 on Saturday 31st July from Kramer Law and UWC respectively, returning by 18:00 on Sunday 1st August..


Sleeping bag, pillow, warm clothes for evening, swimming stuff, something to write with and on, and your own set of cutlery and crockery.

Further Information:

All food is Halaal.

Additional information will be made available at regarding the program, what to bring, transport and ways you can help.


Surname: / First Name (s):
Gender: / Date Of Birth:
Faculty and Degree: / Year of Study:
Email: / Student No:
Home Tel: / Mobile/Cell:
Next of Kin: / Contact No:
Are you a Vegetarian? / Y / N / Do you eat fish? / Y / N
Do you have any unique dietary requirements or allergies?
Would you like to stay in a bungalow or tent?
Please list full names of those you intend to share with:
(It is not necessary to fill anything in here)
If you are a presenter or staff member looking to stay offsite, please
indicate here. Be in touch with us.


Seminar Fee:
R150, or R90 for students on Financial Aid* (must attach proof)
Donation to help those requiring financial assistance:

Method of Payment: (Please tick box)

Direct Deposit / Internet Banking
(Account Name: Students for Law and Social Justice ; Account Number: 073632058;
Bank Name: Standard Bank; Branch Code: 025009
Branch Name: Rondebosch;
Attach confirmation to form; use name as ref.) / Cash 
(For hand-delivered forms only)
Please motivate briefly why you want to attend SSLSJ:

Confirmed Speakers (and many more to come):

Geoff Budlender SC

Chief Justice Arthur Chaskalson

Judge Dennis Davis

Dr. Jackie Dugard

Mazibuko Jara

Prof. Sandra Liebenberg

Dr. Sindiso Mnisi

Justice Kate O’Regan

Advocate Rob Petersen SC

Prof. Alan Rycroft

Judge Vincent Saldanha

Gavin Silber

Prof. Julia Sloth-Nielsen

Advocate Wim Trengove SC