Waterways Ireland

Uiscebhealaí Éireann

Head of M&E – M&E /001017


Position: Head of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Reporting to:Director of Technical Services

Location: Tullamore

Salary: €65,124 - €78,519

Summary of Job

The role of the Head of Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) section will include responsibility for Fleet Management. The role holder will be part of the management team in Technical Services and will be responsible for managing the activities of M&E sectionand will lead and manage the delivery of the M&E capital investment programme. The Head of M&E is a senior management role and the role holder will work closely with the Director of Technical Services to ensure the delivery of corporate and business objectives. A vehicle may be provided to allow the post holder to carry out the functions of the role.

Key Functions

Working to the Director of Technical Services, the Head of M&E will have management responsibility for M&E staff based in various geographical locations throughout Ireland. The role holder will manage the various activities of the M&E section, including: M&E design functions, plant maintenance, both planned and reactive, fleet management, the procurement of heavy plant and services and asset management.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Head of Function will:

  • Plan and coordinate the delivery of strategic objectives in line with the business plan
  • Develop and manage budgets as allocated to deliver strategic services ensuring value for money and compliance with corporate governance
  • Effectively manage resources; financial, physical and human, taking account of WI policies and procedures,
  • Work closely with Operations staff/Regional Managersto provide cost effective Mechanical and Electrical Engineering design solutions to support business objectives
  • Work closely with Operations/Regional Managers in planning and delivering an effective and efficient maintenance programme for all heavy plant and vehicles
  • Manage the design and delivery of the M&E capital investment programme within budget in a timely and cost effective manner
  • Review and develop the Fleet Management System
  • Develop frameworks to manage the commissioning and delivery of design work by outside consultants / contractors
  • Effectively manage human resources, developing skills and knowledge sets within the team to meet business objectives, and setting performance indicators for deliverables aligned with the business and corporate plans
  • Manage the design of effective M&E solutions to engineering problems on the waterways, whilst ensuring the conservation of built heritage and environmental designations of the inland waterways
  • Develop and maintain an Asset Management System, to identify assets and inform strategies' in support of the capital infrastructure investment programme
  • Assist with the implementation of Waterways Irelands policies, strategies and standards; contributing to the creation of a shared aim for the Body and promoting business culture and values
  • Provide information to allow financial and progress reports for projects under your control to be drawn up. Create, maintain and enhance productive working relationships internal and external to Waterways Ireland
  • Work effectively with other members of the team, disciplines withing WI and local Community groups and relevant statutory authorities

The above is given as a broad range of duties and is not intended to be a complete description of all tasks. The Head of M&E will be required to undertake any other duties on behalf of Waterways Ireland as may be assigned by the Director of Technical Services

The role of the Head of M&E will be subject to regular reviews and the successful candidate may be required at the discretion of the Director of Technical Services to relinquish some activities / functions and / or take on additional duties / functions following such reviews.


Candidates must be able to demonstrate that they meet the eligibility and essential criteria in their application form.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Possess an Degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering (Level 7 in the National Framework of Qualifications) or an equivalent qualification in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
  • Possess a minimum of5 years relevant post qualification operational experience in the management of Mechanical or Electrical Engineering projects, working with heavy construction plant and/or marine equipment
  • AND
  • Have a minimum of 5 years recentSenior Management experience in a role managing Engineering Staff in an operational environment
  • Hold a current driving licence and / or possess access to a form of transport which will permit travel throughout Ireland and ensure that the person can supervise works spread over a wide area.

Essential Criteria

Candidates must:

  • Be a Chartered Mechanical or Electrical member of one of the following Engineering Institution's MIEI, MIMechE or MIEE
  • Have a proven record track record in managing large scale projects, frameworks and departments using current methodologies
  • Have technical expertise and an understanding or emerging technologies/standards/engineering requirements, legislative requirements, National and European policies
  • Have the ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines and to take a strategic approach in the delivery of key policy objectives, and necessary vision and capacity for innovative thinking
  • Have the capacity to negotiate on sensitive and complex issues, internally and externally
  • Possess strong organisational awareness including an awareness of the broader operating environment.
  • Be an experienced people Manager, able to lead and motivate team and have experience of working as a member of a team
  • Have commercial experience in management departmental budgetary controls/payments and third party payments.
  • Have demonstrable experience of managing large complex budgets and procurement contracts.

Desirable Criteria

  • Possess an Honours degree or higher in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering

Key Competencies required for this role

Seeing theBig Picture

Seeing the big picture is about having an in-depth understanding and knowledge of how your role fits with, and supports, organisational objectives and the wider public needs. It is about focusing your contribution on the activities which will meet Regional and organisational goals and deliver the greatest value.

  • Bealerttoemergingissues,legislationandtrends whichmightimpactorbenefitownandteam’swork.
  • Understandownbusinessareastrategyandhowthis contributestoorganisationalpoliciesand priorities.
  • Contributetothedevelopmentof policies,plansand serviceprovisiontomeetcitizens’diverseneeds basedonanup-to-dateknowledgeofneeds,issues andrelevantgoodpractice.
  • Ensureownbusinessarea/teamactivitiesarealigned toorganisationalactivity,policyand priorities.
  • Activelyseekoutandshareexperiencetodevelop understandingandknowledgeofown work andof team’sbusinessarea.
  • Seektounderstandhowtheservices,activitiesand strategieswork togetherinthebusinessareato createvalueforthecustomer/enduser.

Changing and Improving

Changing and improvingis about being responsive, innovative and seeking out opportunities to create effective change. It is about being open to change, suggesting ideas for improvements to the way things are done, and working in ‘smarter’, more focused ways. It is about creating and contributing to a culture of innovation and allowing people to consider and take managed risks. Doing this well means continuously seeking out ways to improve policy development and implementation and building a more flexible and responsive organisation.

  • Findwaysto improvesystems,policydevelopment andstructurestodeliverwithmorestreamlined resources.
  • Regularlyreviewproceduresorsystemswithteams toidentifyimprovementsandsimplifyprocessesand decisionmaking.
  • Bepreparedto takemanagedrisks,ensuringthese areplannedandtheirimpactassessed.
  • Activelyencourageideasfrom a widerangeof sourcesandstakeholdersandusetheseto inform ownthinking.
  • Bewillingtomeetthechallengesofdifficultor complexchanges,encouragingandsupporting otherstodothesame.
  • Prepareforandrespondappropriatelytotherangeof possibleeffectsthatchangemayhaveonrole/team.

Making EffectiveDecisions

Making effectivedecisionsis about being objective, using sound judgement, evidence and knowledge to provide accurate, expert and professional advice. It means showing clarity of thought, setting priorities, analysing and using evidence to evaluate options before arriving at well reasoned, justifiable decisions.

  • Makedecisionswhentheyareneeded,evenifthey provedifficultorunpopular.
  • Identifyarangeof relevantandcredibleinformation sourcesandrecognisetheneedtocollectnewdata whennecessaryfrom internalandexternalsources.
  • Recognisepatternsandtrendsin a widerangeof evidence/datathatmayaffectpolicyanddrawkey conclusions.
  • Exploredifferentoptionsoutliningcosts,benefits, risksandpotentialresponsestoeach.
  • Recognisescopeofownauthorityfordecision makingandempowerteammemberstomake decisions.
  • Invitechallengeand, whereappropriate,involve othersindecisionmakingtohelpbuildengagement andpresentrobustrecommendations.

Leading and Communicating

Leading and communicatingis about leading from the front and communicating with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm. It is about supporting principles of fairness of opportunity for all.

  • Takeopportunitiestoregularlycommunicateand interactwithstaff,helpingtoclarifygoalsand activitiesandthelinksbetweentheseand the organisation’spolicyandstrategy.
  • Recognise,respectandrewardthecontributionand achievementsofothers.
  • Communicateeffectivelyorallyandinwritingina succinct,engagingmanner;knowwhentostand groundwhenneeded.
  • Communicateusingappropriatestyles,methodsand timing,includingdigitalchannels,tomaximise understandingand impact.
  • PromotetheworkoftheOrganisationandplayan activepartin supportingthevaluesandculture of the Body. Conveyenthusiasmandenergyaboutitsworkand encourageotherstodothesame.


Deliveringvalueformoney involves the efficient, effective and economic use of public money in the delivery of public services. It means seeking out and implementing solutions which achieve a good mix of quality and effectiveness for the least outlay, thus reducing the risk of fraud and error. Decisions are based on evidenced information and follow agreed processes and policies, challenging these appropriately where they appear to prevent good value for money.

  • Recommendactionstoachievevalueformoneyand efficiencyandreducefraudanderror.
  • Cultivateandencourageanawarenessofcost,using clearsimpleexamplesofbenefitsandhowto measureoutcomes.
  • Workconfidentlywithperformancemanagementand financialdatatoprepareforecastsandmanageand monitorbudgetagainstagreedplans.
  • Followappropriatefinancialprocedurestomonitor contractstoensuredeliverablesareachieved.
  • Monitortheuseofresourcesinline with organisationalproceduresandplansandholdteam toaccount.

Achieving Outcomesthrough DeliveryPartners

Achieving outcomesthrough deliverypartners is about maintaining an economic, long-term focus in all activities involving delivery partners (whether from the private, public or voluntary sectors). It is about having a commercial, financial and sustainable mindset to ensure all activities and services are delivering added value and working to stimulate increased recreational use of the waterways and economic growth.

  • Consider,inconsultationwithexperts,alternative waysofworkingwithpartnersandcontractorsto identifymoreefficientoutcomes,balancingcost, qualityandturnaroundtimes.
  • Work withexpertsinengagingeffectivelyand intelligentlywithdeliverypartnersinordertodefine and/orimprovepolicyandservicedelivery.
  • Gatheranduseevidencetoassessthecosts, benefitsandrisks of awiderangeofdeliveryoptions whenmakingdecisions.
  • Identifyandunderstandrelevantlegaland commercialterms,concepts,policiesandprocesses (includingprojectapprovalsandassurance procedures)todeliveragreedoutcomes.