(A Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
Notice Inviting Tender / Brief Bid Notification
Through e-Procurement Portal only
No: KPCL/2015-16/PS/WORK_INDENT3869 Date: 05/10/2015
1.0Bids are invited for “Supply & Installation of PC based data logging systems with CPCB connectivity and Large Display unit at the BTPS Main Gate for display of environmental parameters”
2.0Bid documents may be downloaded from Government of Karnataka e-Procurement website under login for contractors.
3.0The tender can be downloaded from the portal as per prescribed date and time published in the portal. Only interested bidders who wish to participate should remit on-line transaction fee for tender after registering in the portal. The transaction fee is non-refundable.
4.0Bids shall be accompanied by earnest money deposit of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty thousandonly), which should be paid online through e-Procurement portal using any of the following payment modes:
4.1Credit Card
4.2Direct Debit
4.3National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
4.4Over the Counter (OTC) (only through designated branches of Axis Bank)
Name of work / EMD (Amount in Rs) / Tender Processing fee (Non refundable) / Contract period“Supply & Installation of PC based data logging systems with CPCB connectivity and Large Display unit at the BTPS Main Gate for display of environmental parameters” / 30,000=00 / As per e-portal / One month
Bids shall be electronically submitted (on-line through internet) within the due date and time published in e-procurement portal . Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders, who wish to attend at the office of the Executive Engineer (I & C), Ballari Thermal Power Station, Kudathini Ballari–Dist.
5.0The brief scope of tender is for Supply & Installation of PC based data logging systems with CPCB connectivity and Large Display unit at the BTPS Main Gate for display of environmental parameters. The bidder shall quote for full scope of work in the tender, failing which the bid is liable for rejection.
6.0Validity: The bid submitted shall be kept valid for 180 days from the last date of submission of the Bid.
7.0Calendar of events:
a) / Date of floating of NIT through e-portal / 05/10/2015b) / Date & Time for tender queries/clarification up to 15:30 hrs / 15/10/2015
c) / Last date for receipt of completed bids up to 16:00 hrs / 15/10/2015
d) / Date of opening of Bid at 16:30 hrs / 17/10/2015
8.1The tender shall be rejected , if the tender is :
8.1.1Not in the prescribed form.
8.1.2Not accompanied by the requisite EMD.
8.1.3Not accompanied by the transaction fee for tender.
8.1.4Tenderer who do not meet the Pre-qualifying requirements.(PQR)
8.1.5From any black listed firm or Service provider.
8.1.6Received after the expiry of the due date and time.
8.1.7Offer received by telex or telegram.
8.1.8From a tenderer who is directly or indirectly connected with Government Service or in KPCL or of a local authority.
8.1.9From the tenderer whose past performance is not satisfactory.
8.1.10Not in conformity with the tender terms and conditions. The conditional tenders will be summarily rejected.
8.1.11Validity period less than specified in the Tender document.
9.0Any other information required may be obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours.
10.0The tender notification along with bid document will be accessible in the e-procurement website ().
11.0Bidders who have not obtained the user ID and Password for participating in e-procurement in Karnataka Power Corporation Limited may now obtain the same from the website ().
12.0Corrigendum/modification/corrections, if any, will be published in the e-procurement website only. For any clarification on e-procurement or request for e-procurement training, bidder can contact Helpdesk No. 080-25501216/25501227.
Executive Engineer (I & C)