Old Brodleians AGM 2014 at the clubhouse 7pm July 1st

1) Apologies: M.Hey, J.Whitehead, A.Curran, I.Greenwood, James Fee, C.Renshaw, I.Hunter, A.Mear, N.Davidson, D.Hamer, C.Martin, S.Ramsden

Present: P.Widdop, R.Turner, S.Rooks, J.Tyson, J.Ketteringham (minutes), H.Hill, R.Horner, C.Horner, P.Ramsden, C.Harris, J.Dunn, N.Sheard, D.McDonagh, R.Hamer, G.Wilson, D.Rathmell, R.Abbott, M.Spencer, R.Sugden, D.Blackhall, D.Roebuck, S.McAvan, P.Wilde, M.Turner, R.Stringer, N.Murgatroyd, G.Taylor, J.Ogden, K.Millward, B.Young. A.Robertshaw, M.Smith.

2) Approval of Minutes of 2013 AGM accepted as a true record, proposed R.Sugden seconded S.McAvan.

3) Chairman's Report

Richard Turner tabled and presented his report which was discussed by members present.

4)Financial Statement

Stephen Rooks tabled his annual report. Overall total income was up £36K with sponsorship up to £19.5K thanks to James Ogden. Expenditure was also up particularly in relation to Rugby expenditure and new equipment around the club.

5) Retirement & Election of Officers

John Ketteringham, retiring after five years as Secretary was thanked for his service.

Jeff Heaton retiring as Referee Co-ordinator was thanked for his input.

Gary Wilson was thanked for his sterling service as Coach Co-Coordinator for the past four years.

John Waddington was thanked for his many years input to the General Committee

The following officers were confirmed: Proposed by P.Widdop seconded by D.Rathmell

Chairman: Richard Turner

Secretary: Steve McAvan

Treasurer: Stephen Rooks

Fix Secretary: Dave Roebuck

Youth Chairs: Martin Smith/Chris Ramsden

Chair of Football:Clive Harris

Grounds:Russ Abbott

Coaching Co-ordinators:Richard Stringer/Kristian Sharples

Bar:John Tyson

Finance:Dave Rathmell

Finance:James Ogden

Finance: (300 Club):Gareth Taylor

Membership Secretary:Steve McAvan

Gen Committee:John Dunn

Gen Committee:Phil Widdop

Gen Comm Social Sec:Danny McDonagh

The Club Chairman stressed that more volunteers would be welcome in developing the club further.

5a) Club President

Phil Widdop was thanked by the Chairman for his input as Club President. Chris Horner was welcomed as the new President of The Club.

6) Subscriptions

The level of member subscriptions had been considered at the last General Committee and it was recommended there be no change.

Proposed by D.Rathmell seconded by P.Widdop and passed unanimously.

7) Captaincy & Coaching

This agenda item was passed over to Clive Harris and The Football Committee to manage

8) Award of TL Asquith Trophy

The Chairman noted that the award went to John Whitehead for his long service to the club. This year the trophy is awarded to a member who has been at the club since he was a youngster. He has played at all levels and coached the juniors. He is a key member of the Finance Committee and has markedly expanded the 200 Club into the 300 Club. He is a key member on club action days and developing Brodstock. This year's award goes to Top Club Man Gareth Taylor.

9) Any Other Business

a) Limited Company

Tony Robertshaw asked if there has been any progress made on this issue. Stephen Rooks responded, he has the paperwork and will progress it. Gareth Taylor asked what the benefits were and would it take pressure off Trustees and Club Officers. D.Roebuck queried whether there would be a cost to the club. Phil Widdop offered input as he had experience of the process at The Golf Club.

b) Day and Time of AGM 2015

To be confirmed