The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town Council and a Public Hearing for the application for an OCRA Grant was held on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 7:00pm at Kirklin Town Hall.

Council Members present were: Walter Minnick, Melinda Jobe, Doug O’Connor, Jerry Faucett, & Valerie Pearson

Also present were: Chris Brooks-Kirklin Christian Church, Taylor Tapsot, David Jones, Jay Moore-Town Attorney, Mark Timmons-APC, Stu Savka-Triad Assoc., Terry Richardson, Jim Mann, Amy Miller-Cornerstone Grants Mgmt., Steve Brock-Therber, Brock & Associates, John Faucett-Town Marshal, & Mary King-Clerk-Treasurer

PUBLIC HEARING FOR OFFICE OF COMMUNITY & RURAL AFFAIRS CDBG PROGRAM - Amy Miller explained the grant application process and that the grant will be used for system improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. She also discussed that the project costs were estimated to be $917,500.00 and we will be applying for a grant in the amount of $550,000.00. It was further discussed that after reviewing the needs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the cost of the project has increased to 1.488,800.00 and that the town could be eligible to apply for a grant for up to $650,000.00. The changes to the project are due to the review of MRO reports. These reports show that we are currently running 60% over the design flow for the plant. Stu Savka gave a report on the increased project costs. Amy feels that the increased cost of the project may help our scoring for the grant application. A Public Hearing for the Preliminary Engineering Report will be held on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 7:00pm. Steve Brock reviewed the information contained in the Rate Study and the various funding options. He reported that the SRF has some grant funds available to buy down the rate to what they consider an affordable rate, that rate would be $65.00 for 4,000 gallons. If grant funds are not available, the rate for 4,000 gallons would increase from $50.50 to an estimated $69.15. The estimated percentage of increase to the wastewater portion of the bill is 36.94%.

WATER RATE STUDY REPORT- Steve gave the Council a new Water Rate Study Report to review.

MINUTES – The Minutes for February 8, 2016 & February 22, 2016 meetings were approved as read.

PARK BOARD – Chris Brooks, Youth Pastor at the Kirklin Christian Church was in attendance to request the use of the Kirklin Town Park for an over-night youth event on July 30-31 from 10:00am, July 30th until noon, July 31st. The event would be a multiple church effort and they would provide the extra security, extra bathrooms, etc. Jay Moore feels the town would need a release of liability and indemnification that would extend to the Town of Kirklin on the parental consent form to be approved by the Town Council prior to the event. Jay also questioned if the church’s insurance policy would extend to this event or if they will purchase additional insurance. Chris was not sure, but will check into this. John Faucett said that an emergency evacuation plan would be needed as well. A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to allow the Kirklin Christian Church to use the park on the requested dates as long as an evacuation plan and release of liability is received. Valerie Pearson supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote. King recommended that he secure the dates with Patti Quick as soon as possible.

DRAINAGE- Jerry Faucett mentioned that a riser on E. Jefferson that has issues and reported that Clinton County will take care of. He also reported that 50 yards west of town there is a sink-hole 6’ deep. The county will take care of this as well.

MAIN STREET PROGRAM UPDATE-Jim Mann was present to inform the Council of the progress of the Main Street Program. Kirklin Main Street has applied for 501c3 status, which means that they can accept charitable donations. The Kirklin Main Street Board is made up of nine members, including two residents, Melinda Jobe and Mary King. Jim has taken the roll as Chairman for the first three years. The next meeting is scheduled for April 28th at 6:00pm at Kid Domino and he welcomed everyone to attend. The website will be going live soon, and can be found at We now have twelve businesses and two restaurants in Kirklin. Jim gave a report of finances for the program and said that his foundation has agreed to match pledges and will give up to $5,000.00 for this year. The goal for the year is at least $15,000.00, which includes applying for a grant from the hotel funds, his foundation pledge, and pledges from business owners. He is asking the town to donate to the 501c3 as well, and would like to partner with the town. He is requesting $3,200.00 altogether, this includes the amount that is currently budgeted for Kirk’s Crossing as well as decorating, advertising, street/sidewalk cleaning. They especially need help with painting curbs, etc to make the town look good during the events that are planned. He reviewed grants that they will be applying for, including a health grant for sidewalks and beautification of downtown. They have applied for Main Street Status with OCRA which will allow them to apply for grants with the town. Jim explained that the center garage of the new building will have chairs, tables, etc. stored in it for town events. A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to accept the Events Schedule for 2016 for Kirklin Main Street. The motion was supported by Valerie Pearson and carried with a unanimous vote. Kirklin Main Street will carry, at least, a 1-million dollar insurance liability policy. Parking issues were discussed, and Jim said that water tower parking could come through a grant and would include beautification.

UNSAFE BUILDINGS – Mark Timmons was present to discuss Terry Richardson’s building at 110 S. Main Street. Mark reported that he had contacted Mr. Richardson and that he was not making any progress on bringing the building into compliance. Mr. Richardson admitted that he has not made any progress on fixing the issues because he does not have the money. He has purchased smoke alarms and conduit, and electrical supplies, but reported that the electrician did not show up to do the work. He will have a survey done to determine if the stairway belongs to him or the adjoining property owner and agreed to provide the Council with written updates on the progress he is making. The Council asked for substantial progress by the next Town Council Meeting. (continued)

Mary King reported that the dilapidated barn at 104 Perry Street has been tagged for clean-up by Liz at the APC.

MATERIALITY ORDINANCE #2016-3-1 – A motion was made by Doug O’Connor to suspend the reading of the ordinance in regards to adopting the Materiality Ordinance #2016-3-1. The motion was supported by Valerie Pearson and carried with a unanimous vote. A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to adopt ordinance #2016-3-1 on all three readings. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.

ATTORNEY AGREEMENT – A motion was made by Doug O’Connor to accept the attorney fee proposal by Jay Moore in the amount of $7,950.00/yr. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.

AAA INVOICE – After review of what the charges were for, a motion was made by Jerry Faucett to pay the invoice to AAA Plumbing in the amount of $831.90. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.

UTILITIES DEPARTMENT – Billy reported that the generator is at Gearheadz. When Gearheadz is finished working on it, an electrician will need to check the rest. Billy reported that once repaired, the generator needs to be taken to the water plant and placed on the south end close to the electrical panel. A fence will also need to be installed. Billy doesn’t have a preference if the generator sits on gravel or a concrete slab, it just need to be off of the ground.

IDEM inspection at the WWTP was not good. Many items were marked unsatisfactory or marginal. Billy reported that some items were noted during the inspection in 2015. He also reported that the plant was running over capacity for five out of twelve months in 2015. Melinda Jobe reported that she has received compliments on how much the drinking water quality has improved since Billy took over. Jerry Faucett expressed concern about the fire hydrants that are still bagged and in need of repair. Billy reported that some of the hydrants may work, but the flow pressure may not be how much the Fire Department would like. Some of the hydrants are on 4” lines and may be incapable of producing the flow the Fire Department would like to have. Jerry asked Billy to see if some of the hydrants were bagged because they couldn’t get the caps off. Billy reported that the hydrant at the park does not work. A motion was made by Jerry Faucett to pay the Valenti Held invoice in the amount of $3,866.50. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.

MARSHAL DEPARTMENT –After a discussion, Walt Minnick made a motion to approve overtime worked through Operation Pull Over and that all said overtime will be reimbursed by a grant. Doug expressed concerns that John would be required to work specific hours with OPO and would like clarification on item E of the proposed change. Melinda Jobe supported the motion and it was carried by a unanimous vote. John will submit time sheets from OPO and turn in to the town to show hours worked for OPO and time worked for Kirklin. Jay expressed a concern that we may miss the payout time required by wage and hour. John doesn’t think that will be a problem. Changes will be made to page 44 of the Policy & Procedures Handbook. John will furnish Jay with a copy of the current SOP’s for the KPD. A motion was made by Walter Minnick to approve the amendment to the KPD Policies & Procedures Manual to include an authorization for John to work Operation Pull Over, and that the amendment would cover the year 2016 only. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.

Doug O’Connor made a motion to do away with the full-time Marshal. Jerry Faucett requested discussion on the issue. Melinda Jobe said that she does not feel that the Council can meet the requirements John would like to see happen, for example the retirement plan the town has. She is also not in favor of changing the policy concerning the probation requirements for benefits. Jerry Faucett thinks there may be a law that requires all full-time police officers to be covered under a special police pension fund. Jay Moore will check to see if there are any requirements. Jerry reported getting negative feed-back from the public about John taking the police to run errands, work other jobs, etc. Jerry feels that allowing John to a take home police car did not include personal use of the vehicle. Discussed rather or not a separate log needs to be kept if the car is used for personal use. Walt Minnick expressed concerns about the miles are already on the car. Doug O’Connor withdrew his motion. John said that there could be a policy made for whatever the Council wants. Walt Minnick said to keep IDEM happy, John needs to clean up the equipment at the WWTP. John has title work ready to send to Christina for the vehicles that we can get rid of. Christina has also advertised one of the Humvees, but no one has requested it. John feels that this is due to an error in the listing. Walt requested that the Council receive a schedule of when officers are working and would like it turned into the Council. John does not want his schedule made public for security reasons, but agreed to give the Town Council his schedule. He said that the schedule could change. Jerry is in favor of taking the police car away as a take-home vehicle. Walt questioned how often Erin Dean worked. John reported that she puts in more than her required hours doing school searches, training, and patrol. John agreed to fix the problem with using the town car for personal use. Jerry suggested doing away with Erin and to sell the K-9 car because he does not feel it is benefitting the town. Erin is off on medical leave, but John hasn’t had her bring the car back due to lack of parking. Erin has been working on, and received a grant for a bullet-proof vest for Cinch while she has been off. She is currently working on a grant for a hot-popper as well. Melinda Jobe feels that John should address the issues, and if there aren’t any changes, they will bring it back and the Council can decide what to do then. Jerry is still in favor of getting rid of Erin and bringing the car back. John will bring the K-9 car back. Walt Minnick made a motion to keep the current 90-day waiting period for health & life insurance and the 1-year waiting period for the deferred compensation program. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote. A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to give John ten PTO and five vacation days. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote. John will continue to receive two years of credited service going forward as well. (continued)

John reported that Carolyn McQuinn has donated $300.00. John requested establishing a non-reverting fund for the sale of military equipment. Jay will check in to what is needed to establish the fund. John is ok with granting a handicapped parking space for both the American Legion as well K&G Time Travelers.

LEASE OF 2007 CROWN VICTORIA - A motion was made by Doug O’Connor to lease a 2007 Crown Victoria for $1.00/yr from John and for John to turn the Humvee back in. Melinda Jobe supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote.

LIBRARY PARKING ONLY SIGNS – Walt Minnick reported that INDOT has decided that they will not install signs for the library and that they will not allow the town to install them either.

LEAK ADJUSTMENT – Melinda Jobe made a motion to approve the leak adjustment request for David Evans in the amount of $236.82-wastewater & $214.53-water. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.