Adelaide Primary – Governing Body

Full Name and link responsibilities / Appointed by / Term / Attendance at Meetings in last academic year (2016/17)
Marion Brown
  • Chair of GB
  • Literacy governor
  • Link governor for training
/ Co-opted
Appointed by GB
1/9/15 / 4 years /
  • 5 out of 5 GB
  • 2 out of 2 Curriculum, Standards & Assessment
  • 3 out of 3 Finance & GP
  • 1 out of 1 Pay

Dianne Hamilton
  • Vice Chair of GB
  • Special Needs
/ Co-opted
Appointed by GB
28/11/16 / 4 years /
  • 4 out of 4 GB possible since appointment
  • 2 out of 2 Curriculum, Standards & Assessment
  • No Pay held since appointment

Lynn Cawood
  • Attendance
  • LAC
  • Child protection
/ Co-opted
Appointed by GB
1/9/15 / 4 years /
  • 5 out of 5 GB
  • 3 out of 3 Finance & GP

Lauren Crawley
  • safeguarding
/ LA nominee approved by GB
29/6/17 / 4 years /
  • 3 out of 5 GB
  • 1 out of 4 Standards and Curriculum

Carly Lee / Parent Representative
20/4/17 / 4 years /
  • 1 out of 1 GB possible since appointment

Emily Nyamadzawo / Parent Representative
6/7/17 / 4 years /
  • No GB meetings held since appointment

Paul Plumridge / Headteacher / N/A – Ex officio /
  • 5 out of 5 GB
  • 3 out of 3 Finance & GP
  • 2 out of 2 Standards and Curriculum
  • 1 out of 1 Pay

Eve Ridgeway
/ Co-opted
Appointed by GB
28/11/16 / 4 years /
  • 3 out of 4 GB possible since appointment

Shelly Storey / Staff Representative
25/11/15 / 4 years /
  • 5 out of 5 GB

Rwanga Babakir / Parent Representative
25/11/15 / Ended 24/5/17 /
  • 0 out of 4 GB possible prior to cessation of term of office

Kingsley Layton / Parent Representative
25/11/15 / Ended 12/7/17 /
  • 2 out of 5 GB

Sarah Allison / Parent Representative
25/11/15 / Ended 27/3/17 /
  • 3 out of 3 GB possible prior to cessation of term of office