P1 Newsletter – Term 2
October 27th, 2017
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Welcome back after what we hope has been anenjoyable October break.Here is an overview of what we will be covering over the upcoming term.
Literacy- Reading and Writing
Over November, we will be having a Julia Donaldson focus. This will involve looking at rhyming words and sounds. We will continue with our jolly phonics programme, introducing new sounds and tricky words as the children are ready for them. We will also be practicing cursive handwriting and writing short sentences with the sounds and tricky words they have learnt.
Literacy – Talking and Listening
This term, we will be introducing “Newstime”. On a Thursday or Friday, each Minibeast group will have a rota for children to speak to the whole class. Each child will be given up to one minute to speak to the class – this can be about what they did at the weekend, about a new activity they have done recently, or an interesting item they have been given etc. Please refrain from sending in a new toy/gadget for Newstime, we would like to make it more about sharing news about themselves, rather than items.
Talk Homework
Our Big Writing day will be every Thursday. In preparation for this, we would really appreciate you discussing the theme with your child. This will be sent home weekly.
This term we will continue following the SEAL mathsprogramme, focusing on number skills. We will look at counting and writing numbers forwards and backwards, skip counting, dominoes and patterns. We will also explore areas of outer maths, such as 2D and 3D shape, angles, symmetry and transformation.
Interdisciplinary Learning
This week, we are concluding our topic on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We will also be learning about Diwali this week.
During November, we will be connecting our focus on Julia Donaldson with our interdisciplinary learning – we will be learning about dinosaurs, fireworks safety and Bonfire Night, road safety and “being seen” during winter, as well as the importance of giving and helping others with the Children in Need fundraising day.
In December, we will begin our month of Christmas/Winter STEM. This will involve exploring Christmas and winter through science, engineering, sustainability and the outdoors.
Health and Wellbeing – Cooking and healthy eating
We would like to make cooking a part of our learning, and focus on healthy snacks. Cramond PS has fantastic cooking equipment, however do not have budget for buying ingredients. It would be helpful if parents could contribute £3 per child towards ingredients, which will see us through this term and into next term. Please send this in a sealed envelope, with your child’s name and class on it. If you would be interested in helping with cooking, then please include a note in the envelope.
P1 Nativity
We will soon begin our rehearsals for the exciting P1 show! We will be in touch soon about parent helpers for rehearsals, as well as costumes, songs and more information generally.
Important Dates
14th November – P1-3 Magic Show on road safety
15th and 16th November – P1 medical visits
7th December – School Christmas Lunch
11th December – ‘Festive fortnight’ starts
15th December – Santa fun run and Christmas sharing learning
19th December – P1 Christmas party and disco
20th December – P1-4 movie morning – bring popcorn and a cushion
21st December – Board games morning – bring in your favourite board game.
22nd December – Christmas service at Cramond Kirk
22nd December – Last day! School finishes at 12pm – happy holidays!
Kind regards,
MrsTekkatte, Mr Bennett, Miss McIntosh and Miss Cessford.