Core Leadership Meeting
/ February 19, 2008Attendees: Tom Riche (Facilitator), Viola Miller, Bonnie Hommrich, Audrey Corder, Stacy Miller, Deb Gatlin, Kristy Faulkner, Tom Riss, Rickey Schuller, Rhonda Simpson, Steve Hornsby, Randal Lea, William Haynes, Joe Holzmer, Mary Beth Franklyn, Debra Valentine, Petrina Jones-Jesz, Mildred Lawhorn (polycom) Judy Cole (polycom) Tricia Lea (polycom), and Eric Henderson
Commissioner’s Comments
/ Viola MillerCRI
CRI will be here on March 14th. CRI emailed the agenda this weekend and some items include issues around TPRs. We are getting down to the end and they are really drilling down.
High Quality Case work Competition
The Regions will be competing in a high quality case work competition. Regions will submit cases and a case will be chosen that demonstrates high quality case work each month. Everyone nominated receives certificate and mug and the winner receives a$50 gift card of their choice. The idea is to find a way to celebrate high quality casework
Gold Standard Teams
Gold Standard Teams are being formed in the Regions. There are pockets of good high quality work. How are we going to demonstrate compliance with Brian A.? The Commissioner began with a series of calls to RAs identifying gold standard work occurring in their Region. Regions wanted to use this as an opportunity to highlight all gold standard work within all divisions. The Commissioner had conference calls with regions and their Gold Standard teams. She asked three questions; What challenges continue to exist regarding gold standard work that DCS can control? What additional resources do you need to spread gold standard work throughout the entire Region (coaching, mentoring and modeling infrastructure)? How are you, as gold standard team in your Region,deploying gold standard work through the entire region?
Commissioner’s Retreat
The Commissioner’s Retreat will be held on March 26, 2008 from 11:30 a.m. CST through March 27, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. CST at ParisLandingState Park. Gold standard work will be the focus of the retreat.
Action Items: / Person Responsible / Deadline
Cultural Competence / William Haynes
William provided an update on Cultural Competence. The Multi-cultural committee has been meeting for 3 years. The committee focused on the development of a cultural competency plan and training schedule. We have to identify Domain leaders and develop action steps for the plan. We need to put cultural competence on the CLT agenda at least once a month (by domain or activities). We need to have “buy in” of the leadership.
William provided copies of the curriculum to CLT members. The training consists of three days and William would like to begin the training with CLT members. Donna suggested initial one day training for CLT members. The one day training focuses on the organization and culture as it relates to organizational practice. Day 2looks at the immigrant experience and the 3rd day focuses on the community at large, as we build relationships with community partners. We would like CLT participate as a participant and discuss how our organization considers culture. Commissioner suggested the meeting take place off site.
The Consortium will provide the training. The Commissioner suggested consortium trainers attend regional core leadership teams and discuss the upcoming cultural competency trainings. She felt the regional training plan should mirror the state CLT plan. The Cultural Competency Curriculum will include all staff. The groups will need to be a diverse population. The Consortium has been preparing the trainers for dealing with emotionally charging issues. We want people to consider culture and behave differently and it will take more than one training session. We need to do some pre-work before rolling out the entire training. This training is not just about race. Stacy Miller suggested a comprehensive regional and central office training schedule be developed before March 13th to include all of the Cultural Competency trainings. The training schedule would identify the timeframes for completing the trainings. Steve Hornsby stated central office staff would have an opportunity to could receive some of the cultural competency trainings in the regions with regional staff. Commissioner asked CLT staff to look at the possibility of March 7th for the initial Cultural Competency Training for CLT.
Action Items: / Person Responsible / Deadline
Jeopardy Game / Eric Henderson
Eric provided handouts regarding the COA Jeopardy Game followed by brief discussion. COA Jeopardy will be similar to the TV show and Lane Simpson will be the host. The answers/questions will be based on general DCS knowledge and COA standards. Each Executive Director is to identify a five member team to represent their division. Executive Directors will be the captain of the teams, but not necessarily a part of the 5 member team that participates in the game.
Action Items: / Person Responsible / Deadline
Executive Directors to identify 5 member team / Executive Directors
SACWIS Update / Michael Bowie
Dynamic Research Corporation (DRC) was chosen as our vendor and will be on site April 14, 2008. DRC is in the process of completing Ohio SACWIS. North Highland will be our QA vendor, they will be our eyes and ears. North Highland is a top consulting firm with a large local presence. They were very highly rated in the evaluation process. Both vendors felt the project could be completed in 24 months. Metroplex is planned as the key facility.
Action Items: / Person Responsible / Deadline
Provide SACWIS update to CRI/TAC / Michael Bowie / 3/14/08
Additional Information
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m .Next Meeting
Agenda:- Cultural CompetenceTraining
- The CLT Facilitator for next month is William Haynes
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