Barham Flood Plan

Last review 22 September 2017


As in previous instances of flooding, there will be a multi-agency response including (not exclusively) Canterbury City Council, Kent Highways, the Environment Agency, UK Power Networks, Southern Water, Kent Police, and even The Red Cross and St John’s Ambulance.

During an emergency, the agencies working with the emergency services will always try to prioritise those in greatest need, especially where life is in danger. There will be times when people may be affected by flooding but not be at risk. During such times communities need to know how to help themselves. By becoming more aware, the community can support the work of local emergency responders and reduce the impact of an emergency. This document sets out a framework for Barham, and gives useful information and contact numbers.


Drainage and flooding contactsPage 2-3

Canterbury City Council contact numbersPage 4

Canterbury City Council Sandbag policyPage 5-6

Flood wardens fact sheetPage 7

Barham Parish Council Flood Action Plan – and

Residents fact sheet – How to help yourselfPage 8

Barham Flood wardens – contact details and flow chartPage 9

Known locations at risk of flooding in BarhamPage 10

Procedure for parish council to initiate a road closurePage 11

How Barham Parish Council will communicate with residents

in an emergencyPage 12

Alternative public transport arrangements during periods of

road closuresPage 12


Appendix 1:Flood warning codes and what they mean

Appendix 2: Sandbags and how to use them for flood protection

Appendix 3: Understanding different sources of flooding

Appendix4: General advice for communities who are at risk from groundwater flooding

Appendix 5: How to help yourself in an emergency – what to do before and during

an emergency

Appendix 6: Distribution list for this Flood Plan : List of recipients


All enquiries relating to this document should be sent to:

Amanda Sparkes, Clerk to Barham Parish Council, 7 Beech Tree Avenue, Sholden, Deal CT14 0FB

Telephone 01304 365 972


The latest version of this document may be obtained from the above.

If you are in immediate danger call 999

Drainage and Flooding Contacts

Public Foul and Surface Water Sewers / Southern Water
For general problems and queries, contact the call centre on 0845 278 0845
Email (They prefer you to phone if it is urgent)
Council House Drainage Problems / Ask residents to contact Serco direct: 0800 834 959
Highway Gullies etc / KCC Highways:
03000 418181 (24/7 emergency contact number)
To report highway problems online (non emergency)

Land Drainage and Minor Rivers and Watercourses / Canterbury City Council contacts:
Dan Simmons: 01227 862450
Or 01227 862000 and ask for sea defences
Sandbag Deliveries and Other Flood Emergency Works / Out of hours: CCC Control Room 781879
During office hours: Peter Brooks 862451
Or Andy Jeffery 01227 862 012
Or 01227 862000 and ask for sea defences
Cesspool Emptying / Ring Serco Environmental: 0800 0311 9091. Cost is £95 for 2000 gallons, cash up front.
Clean Water (water main bursts, leaks, etc) / Mid-Kent Water
General: 01643 873111
24 Hour Emergency Hotline: 0845 603 2603
Affinity Water
General 0345 357 2401
Emergency 0345 357 2407 (Mon-Fri 7am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-4pm)

Barham Flood Wardens (resident volunteers) / Flood Warden:
Covering Railway Hill and South Barham Road
Andy Jarrett, “Buzzards”, Derringstone Hill, Barham CT4 6QDTelephone Home 01227 831749 / Email:
(In emergencies only work telephone: 01303853249 and
Mobile: 07713081278 emergencies only)
Sub Flood Wardens:
The Street :
Mike Evans, “Dane Cottage”, The Street, CT4 6NY
01227-831 664 /Email:
Out Elmstead :
Charlie Horne,Magnolia Cottage, Out Elmstead Lane, CT4 6PH
01227-831418 / Email:
Kingston Flood Warden / Davina Martin (Flood Warden for Kingston)
56 The Street, KingstonCT4 6JE
Tel: 01227 830188
Barham Parish Council / Parish Clerk:Amanda Sparkes
01227 700939
Chairman:Cllr David Wood
01227 832430
Kingston Parish Council / Parish Clerk: Mrs Val McWilliams
Derlome, The Old Rectory, Church Lane, Kingston CT4 6HY. Work phone:01227832 028. Email:
Kingston Websites:
Little Stour and Nailbourne River Group secretary / Jill Thomas
01227 832573

Canterbury City Council's responsibility is and ends as an agency responsible for "emergency" flood assistance, rather than being involved in flood prevention which is down to KCC and the Environment Agency.

For Canterbury City Council and Environment Agency numbers see the next page.

This document will be reviewed regularly, at least annually.

Canterbury City Council

Contact Numbers in case of Flooding or at risk of Flooding

Out of office hours / Canterbury 781879
This is the normal out-of-hours contact number for Central Control which is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year. There is only one line on this number and only two operators so you may have to try more than once to get through. If the Emergency Room has been opened but the main control Switchboard is not manned you will need to redial.
During normal office hours when a major emergency has NOT been declared:
Any of the following / Engineering Manager (TBA)
Peter Brooks (Engineering) 01227 862 451
Andy Jeffery (Emergency Planning) 01227 862 012
Or main Council number 01227 862000 and ask for Engineering or Emergency Planning
Anytime when a major emergency HAS been declared / Any time day or night when a major emergency HAS been declared call either 01227 862000 or 01227 781879.

We would ask that the public do not contact Canterbury City Council’s Emergency Centre directly (01227 862299), but phone through to the main Council switchboard number, from where your call will be directed to the Emergency Centre if necessary. This is to prevent the Emergency Centre phones being blocked with calls.


Environment Agency: Floodline – recorded information on flooding, general advise and reporting flooding:- 0345 988 1188. This is an automated system which takes you through a large number of options to get the information you want. After an introduction it asks you to press 1 for pre-recorded information on flood warnings in force, 2 for road and travel information or 3 to report flooding.

Pressing 1 for flood warnings will then take you to more choices to help you pick the section of river you are interested in. Because there are a lot of rivers in the South East this can be a lengthy process, much quicker is to enter the Quickdial numbers when the system asks you to:

-For The Nailbourne you need to enter 0125325.

-For the River Stour between Ashford and Fordwich you need to enter 0125312.

-For the Westbrook enter 012541 and

-For Swalecliffe Brook 012542.

Environment Agency: General information, normal office hours only 03708 506 506

Southern Water: 0845 2780 845

Canterbury City Council: non-emergency information:

Emergency Planning OfficerAndy Jeffery01227 862012

Land drainage problems Dan Simmons 01227 862450

Advice on flood protection measures Peter Brooks 01227 862451

Engineering Manager Officer TBA 01227 862448

Canterbury City Council’s Sandbag Policy

This is Canterbury City Council’s sandbags policy (effective during the floods of 2014).

Canterbury City Council believes that everyone, both householders and businesses, should take their own precautions to protect their property. To encourage this, a list is maintained of local suppliers where sand and sandbags can be bought in small quantities as well as a list of alternative means of flood protection such as flood boards and other proprietary systems. This information is available to the public on request.

Provision of Sandbags by the City Council

If homes or businesses are threatened by flooding, the City Council, will use its best endeavours to supply, deliver and place sandbags, but only on the understanding that the City Council can give no guarantee that any such delivery will be in sufficient time or in sufficient quantity to prevent or even to reduce damage to property. The City Council will not accept any liability, whatever the circumstances, for failure to supply sandbags or for their late delivery.

City Council Stocks of Filled Sandbags

The City Council maintain a supply of filled sandbags in readiness. 5000 are kept at the central depot in Canterbury with a further 1000 at Whitstable Harbour. Further sandbags will be filled should these stocks become exhausted.

Demountable Flood Barriers

The City Council has 280m of demountable flood barriers stored at the central depot at Canterbury. 100m of these are for use down South Barham and The Causeway to be installed by the Council when the flow in the Nailbourne is such that there may be a risk of flooding. The remaining flood barriers are for use elsewhere along the Nailbourne and will be prioritised to area at most risk which may include other areas of Barham. The decision on where to use the barriers rests solely with the City Council.

Parish Council Stocks of Filled Sandbags

Some local parishes maintain stocks of filled sandbags for rapid response to their residents. These stocks have been supplied free of charge by the City Council and while it is the responsibility of the Parish Council to maintain them in good condition the City Council will, if requested, help keep stocks up to these numbers and will supply further sandbags when these stocks are exhausted. Barham Parish Council is trying to establish a store within the parish. Neighbouring parishes of Kingston and Bishopsbourne have their own small stores.

Supply of Sandbags

Sandbags are supplied and delivered free of charge to protect peoples’ homes and they will also be supplied and delivered to protect business premises, but priority will always be given to domestic premises. The City Council reserves the right to charge for the supply and delivery of sandbags to business premises.The City Council will not supply sandbags to protect garages, sheds, greenhouse, outbuildings and the like nor for land generally including gardens, allotments, agricultural land, recreational land, parks, private driveways, paths, etc.

Delivery will generally be direct to the address of the person asking for help but may be made to a central point, perhaps a street corner, for residents to collect and put in place themselves. Obviously, care must be taken when handling sandbags to prevent injury to themselves or others, and people helping will need a level of fitness for this – do not undertake the task if you are unable to.

Distribution of Sandbags

The City Council will, wherever possible, seek to prioritise delivery of sandbags by only supplying them after an assessment of the situation has been carried out by an appropriate member of the City Council’s engineering staff and his authorisation has been given for the distribution together with his recommendation of the most effective way of deploying limited resources.However, the scale or urgency of an emergency could overwhelm the City Council’s manpower resources and then sandbags will be delivered to areas of known flood risk without a prior assessment of each situation by Council engineers.Experience has shown that most houses can be adequately protected by about 10 sandbags and requests for greater numbers will not normally be accepted except in exceptional circumstances.

Recovery of Sandbags

Sandbags will NOT be collectedafter the event - householders will be advised to keep them for future events. However, if circumstances at a particular property require significantly more than the usual numbers of sandbags to be deployed, then the city council will, on request, collect.

Supply of Sandbags at times other than Emergencies

Sandbags will not be issued other than in an emergency. If requested, City Council staff will advise the public about private suppliers in the area.

Contact Canterbury City Council:

Out of office hours: 01227 781879 - Central Control, manned 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year.

During normal office hours when a major emergency has NOT been declared – call 01227 862000 and ask for Engineering or Emergency Planning.

At any time day or night when a major emergency HAS been declared call either 01227 862000 or 01227 781879.

Flood Wardens’ Fact Sheet

This fact sheet sets out the details of the scheme, your responsibilities as a Flood Warden and has emergency contact numbers for the Environment Agency and Southern Water.


  1. Ensure that ALL PROPERTIES KNOWN FROM PAST EXPERIENCE TO BE AT RISK have adequate supplies of sandbags to enable residents to prepare and protect themselves and neighbours PRIOR TO A FLOOD SITUATION. Canterbury City Council has and will continue to support this pro-active policy in these risk areas
  2. Where possible, organise volunteers to help residents unable to help themselves

How the Scheme will Work

  1. All households at risk (that is, those known to have previously been affected by flooding) will have been issued with this Flood Plan including this Flood Warden Scheme fact sheet.
  2. If a resident’s property has been or is in danger of being flooded, they will contact the nearest available Flood Warden, which may be you.
  3. As the Flood Warden you will need to assess the resident’s situation and if appropriate contact Canterbury City Council or other agencies to secure sandbags or other assistance that may be required, ensuring they are aware you are AN OFFICIAL FLOOD WARDEN and that YOU HAVE ASSESSED THE SITUATION prior to your call
  4. Keep the affected residents and other Flood Wardens informed of any action being taken by the City Council, Environment Agency and yourself

Assistance with Assessing Residents Situations

  1. If there is any water inside a resident’s home, contact the City Council using the emergency telephone numbers. Follow the advice given in the Floodline Information Pack. (Details about ordering a pack from the Environment Agency are given below)
  2. If the flood waters are very close to the house contact Canterbury City Council, or Kent Highways if a road needs closing..
  3. The main contacts for sandbags are Peter Brooks and Ted Edwards of Canterbury City Council and whose telephone numbers are above.

NOTE: Those whose houses are in immediate danger of flooding will get the higher priority.

Contact the Environment Agency Floodline on 0805 988 1188 tohear recorded information on flood warnings that are in place or request a Floodline Information Pack. The Information Pack has comprehensive information on what to do to prepare for during and after a flood.

Vulnerable People

It is important to check on isolated or vulnerable people to see if they need assistance during an emergency. Although many vulnerable people may be known to organisations such as the local authority, NHS, and utility providers, others may not be known or may be known vulnerable during an Incident. This requires local knowledge, you may know someone from church that for example has a broken leg, or you neighbour may be deaf, and may require extra help if they were to be affected by an emergency. Potentially vulnerable groups of people, in an emergency, who should be considered as a priority for support and the deployment of resources, include:

  • The elderly who may not be very mobile
  • Those with physical disabilities
  • Those with learning difficulties
  • Parents and others looking after very young children
  • Those who are unable to see or have a severe sight impairment.
  • Non-English Speakers.

However, it is important to note that people may become vulnerable at any point and under different circumstances.

NOTE: Volunteers provide support at their own discretion and in a voluntary (not compulsory) capacity. No one is obliged to carry out duties they do not feel able to undertake. The response will be generally confined to supporting the welfare of the community and helping to maintain normal community life.

Barham Parish Council Flood Action Plan

Are you at risk of flooding?

The environment agency web site has a ‘what’s in your back yard’ search to see if you are at risk of flooding: Go to

Then enter a postcode in the search box in the top right hand corner. This will then display a map of the local area.

Residents Fact Sheet – How to help yourself

This fact sheet sets out details of who to contact if your property is in danger if being flooded, as well as your responsibilities to protect yourself, your family and property.

How the Scheme will Work

  1. If your property has been or is in danger of being flooded, contact the nearest available Flood Warden (Contact details on the next page)
  2. The Flood Warden will visit your property to assess the situation
  3. The Flood Wardens have a list of special emergency phone numbers for the Canterbury City Council and Environment Agency. The Flood Wardens will contact the Council and/or Agency to secure sandbags or other assistance that may be required.
  4. The Flood Warden will stay in contact with you to keep you informed of the action being taken by the Council and Agency.

Your Responsibilities under the Scheme - Prevention

  1. If possible clear any obvious obstructions that may be causing the flooding on your property, in particular if you have any dykes and ditches located on your land. Report any blocked gulleys and drains to Kent County Council Highways, the Flood Wardens or Parish Councillors or the Parish Clerk, as and when you observe them.
  2. If possible store existing sandbags on your property in readiness to prepare and protect yourself and your neighbours PRIOR TO A FLOOD SITUATION as in reality it is impossible for the emergency services to attend immediately to the many areas that may be affected
  3. Obtain information of manufacturers’ flood prevention products from Peter Brooks at Canterbury City Council 01227 862541
  4. Check whether your neighbours require help
  5. Put in place contingency plans with your neighbours, friends or family: This may be the availability of spare keys, contact details, etc
  6. Drive slowly on flooded roads; avoid them completely if possible as driving through a flood creates bow waves which pose a significant threat to nearby properties.
  7. See more detail about what to do in an emergency under Appendix 5 later in this document.