Wasatch Mental Health Building

750 North Freedom Blvd. Suite 300

Provo, Utah

April 27, 2016

8:30 a.m.

GOVERNING AUTHORITY Commissioner Larry Ellertson

BOARD: Commissioner Greg Graves

WASATCH MENTAL Juergen Korbanka, Executive Director

HEALTH STAFF: Todd Phillips, Financial Director

Doran Williams, Care Management Director

Randy Huntington, Adult Division Director

Ralf Barnes, Human Resource Director

Dawnalyn Hall, Board Secretary

ALSO PRESENT: Paul Jones, County Attorney

EXCUSED Commissioner Bill Lee

Catherine Johnson, Youth Division Director


1.  Approve the Minutes of the March 23, 2016, Governing Authority Board Meeting

Minutes approved by consent.


1.  Presentation and Filing of the Fiscal Year 2017 Tentative Budget by the Budget Officer of Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District with the Governing Authority Board

There are a couple changes due to increased funding. The Foundation is considering a proposal to assist the children who are not getting into the Giant Steps program through an in-home services program. Net increases on state funding dollars that we have received will cover our increase in operating costs due.

New positions for Medicaid Expansion - No additional staff will be hired unless there is a funding source for them and the service need has increased. A total of 34 positions are affected; several are art time and some are upgrades to supervisor positions.

2.  Tentative Adoption of the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 by the Governing Authority Board of the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District

MOTION: Motion to tentatively adopt the Tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2017 by the Governing Authority Board of the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion passed 2-0

3.  Set Public Hearing on the Tentatively Adopted Fiscal Year 2017 Budget for Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District (Suggested Date: May 25, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at the Wasatch Mental Health Building, 750 North Freedom Blvd, Suite 300, Provo, Utah)

MOTION: Motion to Set Public Hearing on the Tentatively Adopted Fiscal Year 2017 Budget for Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District (Suggested Date: May 25, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at the Wasatch Mental Health Building, 750 North Freedom Blvd, Suite 300, Provo, Utah) was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0

4.  Review and Acceptance of Expenditure Report Summary for the month ending March 31, 2016

MOTION: Motion to approve the Expenditure Report summary for the month ending March 31, 2016 was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion approved 2-0.

5.  Financial Report

a.  Review and Acceptance of March 2016 Financials

MOTION: Motion to approve the March 2016 Financials was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion passed 2-0.

6.  Position Requests for Early Psychosis Intervention Team

Handout - Juergen explained about the program and staffing plan.

MOTION: Motion to approve the Requests for Early Psychosis Intervention Team as stated in the handout provided by Juergen, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion passed 2-0.

7.  Position Request for Mountain Peaks

Handout –We want to be able to work with the ACOs and meet their increased demand for services.

MOTION: Motion to approve the request for Mountain Peaks Staff made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion passed 2-0.

8.  Director’s Report

a.  Briefing / QUAPI Report

Explained what the OQ/YOQ is and how it lets us know how the patient is doing.

9.  Pay Adjustment/step increase for the Executive Director

MOTION: Motion to approve the Pay adjustment/step increase for the Executive Director was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion carried 2-0.

MOTION: Motion to strike items 10, 11, 12 and 13 from the agenda was made by Commissioner Graves seconded by Commissioner Ellertson. Motion carried 2-0.

10.  Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting to Discuss the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual or Individuals (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

11.  Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

12.  Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Purchase, Exchange, or Lease of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

13.  Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Sale of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares, Previously Publicly Noticed for Sale (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

Meeting called to adjournment at 9:20 a.m.

Wasatch Mental Health Authority Board Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016 page 1 of 3