APA.org Newsletter Guidelines

MS Word Template

Part 1: General Guidelines

·  Newsletter submissions must not be longer than 20 MS Word document pages, using the following formatting: 12 point Times New Roman font; single spacing; letter-size page; standard margins. This formatting is built into the newsletter template.

·  Newsletters must be submitted using this MS Word template only. It has been formatted to automatically number the template pages so that you can track of the length of your newsletter submission.

·  Standard production time for a 20-page newsletter is 10 BUSINESS days.

·  The 10-day production cycle begins only after all final copy is in, including full articles, teasers and images. Placeholder content does not “start the clock.”

·  Newsletter content must not duplicate other website content. Do not copy and paste text from previous newsletters or other Web pages. You may, however, link to an existing Web page or previous newsletter articles.

·  Keep teasers short. Optimum length is no more than 100 characters (approximately 1.5 lines of Word text in 12-point font. The maximum allowed length is 150 characters (approximately two lines of Word text). See page 2 for specific lead story guidelines.

·  If you are submitting an image, attach it to the JIRA ticket or place it on the N:/ drive.

·  Indicate location of any images in the N:/ drive within the JIRA request. Images may be placed in this template, but only as a means to illustrate how they relate to your content.

·  For stock images, describe what you are looking for and WSCO will find an appropriate image.

·  For other photos, such as pictures at events, you must ensure that you have permission of the photographer and the subjects to use it.

·  All images should be provided in their original format (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc.). If there are a lot of images, or an image(s) is too large to attach to the JIRA, please save them to a folder at N:\TEMP and indicate the location in the JIRA description.

·  The WSCO image specialist will determine whether an image meets our image guidelines for use on the website. (See the "Images" section of the Web Style Guide for more information.)

Part 2: Lead Story

Please use the provided template below and abide by text constraints to create the ideal experience for our users. You may provide a subtitle, article title, teaser, and author/s. Please add the full article content at the end of this document (Part 4).

Add text directly to the template below. If you can see the red background behind the image on the left after you’ve added the text, you have added too much. Please try to trim it down.

This is not an exact replication of the online appearance but is very close. This should serve as a general guide for providing text. Please follow the content guidelines below.

January, 2014 Vol. 11, No. 7

This is a sample newsletter lead story article Title
This is a sample teaser. Add a short description of article’s contents here. Suggested length is 1 to 3 lines on desktop with a max of 180 characters if all fields are used.
By Author 1 Name and Author 2 Name

Subtitle: 3 word max

Article Title length: 1-2 lines suggested, 4 lines allowed, use a max of 100 characters (if lengthy text is used here, the teaser will need to be brief)

Teaser length: 1-3 suggested, 4 lines allowed, use a max of 180 characters (if lengthy text is used here, the article title will need to be brief )

Byline: single line preferred (if byline is used, you may need to trim article title and teaser text back so all text fits in allotted space).

Feature Image: The feature image will be sized to 730x500 at 72dpi. This is the suggested minimum dimensions size to provide. If no image is provided, we will select one for you.

Live sample for reference: http://www.apadivisions.org/division-16/publications/newsletters/school-psychologist/index.aspx

Part 3: Sample Newsletter Landing Page

The following depiction of a typical APA web newsletter is for your reference only. A standard APA newsletter usually includes:

• Lead story (p1)

• Section subheaders

• Article titles (linked to the full article)

• Descriptive teasers

• Right rail content

Part 4: Articles and Content

Provide each article’s content, author, title and suggested teaser in this section. Content will be edited for AP and WSCO style.

Please add the subheaders, titles, teasers, authors and article text in order below. Number each article. Starred fields (*) are required. Add more article sections as needed. Pages will number automatically as you add articles. NOTE: Total length of your newsletter must not exceed 20 pages.


Article #1.

*Subheader for this section: In This Issue

*Title: Presidential initiative: Psychology's contribution to the health care of military service members and their families

Teaser: Ensuring that psychologists are in the forefront in providing services to military personnel, veterans and their families.

*Author(s): Donald N. Bersoff, PhD, JD

*Text: It is my pleasure to introduce this special issue of the CYF News devoted to articles addressing the impact of deployment and trauma on military children and their families. You may know that one of my presidential initiatives for 2013 is to insure that psychologists are in the forefront in providing services to military personnel, veterans and their families. Thus, this special issue is of particular relevance to me.

Image(s): bersoff-2012-heashot.jpg attached to JIRA Ticket

Article #2

*Subheader for this section:






Article #3

*Subheader for this section:






Article #4

*Subheader for this section:






Part 5: Right Rail Boxes

If needed, insert titles for any additional articles that you wish to appear in a box to the right of the newsletter landing page instead of within the main table of contents.

Related Articles

·  [Insert title:] Neurobehavioral effects of poverty

·  [Insert title:] CPI programming at Annual Convention

·  [Insert title:] Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns