May 4, 2016

6:00 PM

Present: SU Board members: Jason McConnell, (Sheldon) FNWSU Board Chairperson, Connie Beyor (Highgate), Vice Chairperson, Denis Boucher (MVU), Tobias Maguire (Swanton), Jay Cummings, (Swanton), Tim Magnant (Franklin), Thomas Gates (Franklin), Bob Irish (MVU), Julia Callan (Sheldon), John Creelman, Board Clerk (Swanton) Nola Gilbert (Highgate), Chris Shepard (Highgate), Travis Perry, (Sheldon), Bob Berger, (Franklin), Gregg Gervais (MVU)

Others present: Winton Goodrich, Superintendent; Becky Hart, Business Manager, Lora McAllister, Assistant Business Manager, Jay Denault, Jim Jewett and Pierrette Bouchard, School Board Secretary.


Call Meeting to Order- Jason McConnell called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Future Agenda Consideration: Jason McConnell would like to see a presentation on SBAC analysis scores. Jay Denault inquired why are we using the SBAC testing in light of how the State of Vermont feels? Jason McConnell responded that this is only the second round of SBAC, will do analysis at August meetings and go from there.

Public Comments and Correspondence

Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes

Denis Boucher moved, seconded by Travis Perry seconded, to approve the April 6, 2016 board minutes as presented. Some of the board members had not received the minutes so the board decided to table them until the next meeting. Denis Boucher moved, seconded by Bob Irish to approve the April 6 All Board Meeting minutes. Connie Beyor requested that we add the Highgate School Board was called to order. Jason asked for an approval of the minutes with the revision. The board approved 15-0.

Finance Report

Becky Hart reported that all three SU budgets met or exceeds the necessary carryover for next year. Although the Early Childhood program did not receive the anticipated grant revenue, due to under expending the health insurance program, the program still had a carryover. The Central Office was anticipating a $28,000 carryover while the Special Ed Budget had approximately $7,500. Tim Magnant moved, seconded by Connie Beyor to approve the financial report. The board approved 15-0.

Win reported that the AOE has sent out a financial management questionnaire for the SU to complete for each school district and the Supervisory Union. As a result of small staff, it is challenging to have employees rotate responsibilities and cross train. The fiscal staff met with the Superintendent and showed where they were fully compliant. Win felt that with the addition of a new Payroll/Accounts Payable specialist, that they will be able to correct any deficiencies. They will continue to work on this during the 16-17 school year and ensure that the dual control will be put in place. Jay Cummings felt that these are fairly standard in the industry and in light of the small staff; he felt that the questionnaire responses were acceptable. Win stated that the supervisory union fiscal services are not only audited annually by an independent auditor but also have been monitored frequently by the federal and state government agencies.

Gregg Gervais wanted to identify the areas that will need to be in compliance for the minutes. Becky and Win went through the financial questionnaire and identified the following: Is it common practice for staff members to rotate responsibilities or cross train periodically? Are student activity receipts deposited within 48 hours of the event? Is there a standard procedure to ensure that gate receipts reflect the event's attendance? Do you have pre-numbered receipt books for cash payments? Do you maintain separate account codes or running balances for each fund? Do financial accounting personnel take regular vacations? Tobias Maguire moved, seconded by Julie Callan to authorize the board chair to sign the AOE financial management report. The Board approved 15-0 vote.

Act 46 Independent Study Plan

Jason McConnell explained that the Supervisory Union is looking at an Act 46 independent study plan and obtaining a $10,000 grant with no strings attached. They will look at discussing about the different consultants being considered during the executive session. Jason said that we need establish a committee and the board needs to discuss the make-up of the committee. Jay Cummings stated they needed to do a few interviews with the candidates for an independent consultant. Jay Denault suggested that the board establish the committee first, and then make decisions. Bob Irish felt that they should establish a leadership person for the committee. Win went online to look up the criteria for the $10,000 grant to see if the board could use this grant for the study. He read the following criteria: “ Revenue Code 3715, Act 156 Joint Services Analysis and Implementation The grant reimburses legal and consulting services up to a total of $10,000 paid to all Supervisory Unions and School Districts participating in a study for the legal and consulting services required to analyze whether the provision of joint services would provide a measurable improvement in student opportunities and a decrease in costs, or to reimburse Supervisory Unions or School Districts for the transitional costs associated with the implementation of joint service agreements or both.” In response to an inquiry, Win explained an example of joint services would be efficiency, decreased costs, increase study opportunity etc. The board discussed further about the grant’s criteria and using the funding from the grant. Jay Denault offered to donate to the independent study. The board discussed the possibility of using Central Office carryover funds. Becky explained that the carryover is projected and would like to see what is the final carryover and also do some other research to advise the board regarding using the carryover for this study.

Jason McConnell asked the board to identify who they wanted to represent them on the independent study committee. The board wanted to have MVU continue to be part of the process as this was a K-12 study and they felt strongly that MVU should be represented. The board appointed the following committee members: Connie Beyor from Highgate, Jay Cummings from Swanton, Jason McConnell from Sheldon, Bob Berger from Franklin and Bob Irish from MVU. Board members suggested that a chairperson should be appointed so that someone will be facilitating the committee. Jason McConnell moved, seconded by Tim Magnant to nominate Bob Berger to chair the independent committee. The board voted 15-0 vote. The board felt that the chair person should be impartial during the study. Bob Berger attested that he will be impartial in representing the independent committee. The board discussed having community representatives participating as committee members. There is merit to having community input and listen to some expertise that exists within our communities. Board members were concerned about the imbalance it may create to have community members on the committee as right now, there is one representative per school board. The board discussed the authority of the committee. Jay Denault commented that he did not want to see the school boards give up their authority to a public body, namely the Act 46 Independent Committee. This was one of the objections that he had with the 706 study committee, it empowered the committee as a decision making body. Bob Irish suggested that the Supervisory Union Board keep the authority. The committee should report back to the board their findings and results. There are five members responsible for the work of the committee and should make the committee responsible to report back to the board. The board continued to discuss about the public/community input. The committee meetings will be open to the public and will provide a time for public comments. If there is someone within the community that can provide some expertise, the committee will invite the community person to the committee meeting to provide input. The board felt that community members are welcome to attend each committee meeting and provide an opportunity during the meeting for public input. Using this rationale, they wanted to keep the committee make up with the five members appointed earlier in the meeting. Connie wanted to make sure that we are not only addressing efficiencies during the study but also wanted to address the need to gather information regarding the extended role schools play in small communities that help support the success of students. An additional suggestion: how well we are meeting education quality standard. Win explained to the board that a lot of the work will be completed by Becky, Lora and himself. They will be researching from neighboring Supervisory Unions the models and how the work was completed so as not to re-invent the wheel so to speak. They will assist the board in presentation for the committee and will do much of the leg work for the board. The board discussed the charge of the committee. Travis Perry moved, seconded by Tim Magnant that the charge of the committee is to Research and analyze information that the SU Board can use to present rationale to the State Board of Education by fall, 2017 for how the FNWSU will meet or exceed the Education Quality Standards and the five goals of Act 46. The board approved 15-0 vote.

Legislative Report

·  Yield Bill: The Senate Education Committee cut back on using the surplus by $5.3 million and is applying $13.5 million to lower property taxes this year. The bill has two different sets of tax rates and yields with the House setting a $9,701 property dollar equivalent yield, sets income dollar equivalent yield at $10,870 versus the Senate setting a property dollar equivalent yield at 9645 and the income dollar equivalent yield at $10,803. The difference will need to be settled at the Committee level. The bill (H853) as passed by the Senate Education Committee does not include a provision in the House passed bill that would lower the excess spending thresholds from 121% to 119% in FY 2020

·  Special Education Bill: On Monday, the Senate passed its version of the special education bill. It makes change to the rules governing special education funds disbursement and provides an appropriation for a study of special education funding formula.

·  License Authority: Last week, the Senate Government Operations committee gave its final approval to a version of the bill that does not include moving licenses away from the Agency of Education to Office of Professional Responsibility.

·  Child Abuse Mandated Report: The House-passed bill clarifies that a mandated reporter who knows that a report of child abuse or neglect has already been reported does not need to make an additional report. To relieve the obligation to report, the person must have written confirmation that the same incident of abuse or neglect has already been reported. He or she must also be reasonably certain that he or she has no additional information to add to original report.

·  Bullying Bill: If the bullying bill changes to add Adult to Student Bullying, it adds one more level to what has to be investigated. It would also require a school district to pay full tuition, within or outside of Vermont, for a student who has been bullied, if the independent review finds the district at fault.

Win reminded the board that other Supervisory Union has used the Levinson Study to study Special Education study savings and some have saved up to $750,000 in savings by following the recommendations of the study. He mentioned that Franklin West Supervisory Union has gone through the study.

New Business

Last year, our payroll and accounts payable person, Diane Bellrose, retired. For one year, Becky Hart and Lora McAllister covered the position responsibilities. We have now hired a replacement payroll/accounts payable specialist – Amanda Blaney to fill this role.

Grant Policy

The Supervisory Union is required to have a grants policy for federal and state grants. Our independent auditor has also recommended having a policy. Bob Irish expressed concern over some of the small grants that are obtained locally. Win offered to add federal and state grants so that it would not impact them. Denis Boucher moved, seconded by Tim Magnant to adopt the Grants Policy. The board approved on a 14-0-1 abstention vote.

Annual Authorizations

Since the Board isn’t scheduled to meet again until after the start of the new fiscal year, the Franklin NW SU Board typically makes motions at the last meeting of the fiscal year, authorizing the SU Office to obtain grants, sign contracts, process payments etc for the upcoming fiscal year.

Necessary motions for the start of new fiscal year:

1.  Authorize the Franklin Northwest administration to seek grants on behalf of the SU and its member district. Additionally, to be in compliance with IDEA-B regulations, the Board accepts the terms under federal law as outlined in LEAP (FY2015 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Part B Basic and Preschool Flow-Through).

2.  Authorize the FNW Board Chair and Vice Chair to sign contracts, and federal, state and other grants as needed outside of a regularly scheduled board meeting.

3.  Appoint the Franklin Northwest SU Treasurer for the 2016-17 fiscal years.

4.  Authorize the Franklin Northwest administration to process expenditures outside of SU board meetings in order to maintain timely payment of grant and budgetary expenses.

Tobias Maguire moved, seconded by Bob Berger to approve motion number 1. The board approved 15-0 vote.

Thomas Gates moved, seconded by Chris Shepard to approve motion number 2. The board approved the motion on a 15-0 vote.