Radley Beginning Band Handbook

Mr. Bass

(406) 227-7740

Welcome to Beginning Band in the East Helena School District!


➢Follow directions the first time they are given.

➢Be quiet and attentive when the director is on the podium- NO EXCEPTIONS

➢Dignity and respect towards all persons and things in the classroom

➢Make the best possible music at all times

The list of rules is meant to be short and simple; they are set in place for the safety of the students and to protect their rights to a consistent and distraction-free education. I will rely on your common sense and good judgment to make sure that the class runs smoothly. If a student chooses not to follow a rule or ignore procedures, they must face the consequences of their choice. The following process shall be used in this class in such a case:

✓Verbal warning

✓Daily grade reduction

✓Refocus form

✓Home phone call

✓Sent out of class- Office referral- Teacher conference

✓Severe disruptions: Student is immediately sent out of class

Note: Consequences will be more severe if poor behavior occurs in the presence of a guest/substitute


Engaging in musical and artistic experiences yields many rewards and benefits. These include but are not limited to:

❖Successful musical experiences and public performance opportunities

❖Membership in a hardworking team with meaningful friendships

❖Positive comments and feedback from parents, relatives, friends, teachers and community members

❖Increased self-confidence, listening skills, community involvement, emotional/artistic expression

❖Enhanced skills in virtually every school subject as well as leadership and cooperation

❖Special music activities

❖Band is FUN!


Be Respectful / Be Responsible / Be Safe
●Do not talk or play when the teacher is giving instructions.
●Be ready to play when it is your turn.
●Be patient and quiet when the teacher works with other sections.
●Respect everyone’s boundaries, personal space and property.
●Treat others like you wish to be treated.
●Have a positive attitude
●Be proud of the band, your school and your community / ●Be on time to class
●Be responsible for your instrument upkeep.
●Keep a good supply of reeds, oil and accessories on hand.
●Be seated with your instrument and music and ready to play three minutes after the bell.
●Read and follow whiteboard instructions before class begins.
●Actively participate in all class activities, assignments and tests.
●Practice at home so you are prepared for class. / ● Food, drinks, gum, hats and cell phones in the band room should be left in your locker.
●Use the bathroom and get a drink before coming to class.
●Be aware of your surroundings to prevent accidents.
●Do not touch any instrument that is not yours (Percussionists only handle percussion equipment)


Each day in class, students will be expected to have:

●Instrument and all accessories in good working order

●Music folder

●All music (concert music and method books)



Accessories include extra reeds, mouthpieces, ligatures, slide/valve/cork grease, neck straps, drum sticks, cleaning supplies, etc. The rule for all classroom/school property, including school-owned instruments, folders and concert music is, “you break it, you buy it.” If your instrument or music is returned in damaged condition, you will be expected to pay for them.


Please help your son or daughter remember to bring their band instruments to school on the following days.

Senecal Somerfeld Haines Townsend Bright Mannix

Wed/Fri Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thur Tue/Thur


As in any other academic class, Grades are earned---they are not given. Grades in this class will be approximately based on the following:

●Daily Effort and Attitude (2 pts. possible per day) --- 30%

●Monthly Practice Cards --- 15%

●Playing Tests --- 15%

●Performances (Individual/Ensemble Contribution and Etiquette) --- 40%

Class participation includes punctuality, behavior, attitude, preparation of parts, and having all needed materials including instrument and music with you. Graded playing tests will be given on a rotating basis so that each person has the opportunity to demonstrate their individual preparation. Factors will include correct notes, rhythm, tone quality, articulations, and musicality (expression). Playing tests are comparable to weekly quizzes in other classes. Another portion of your grade will include turning in music and other materials such as permission slips on time. Although this category does not carry as much weight as the other categories do, it is very important and can make an impact on your grade. It is also the easiest category to satisfy.


A musical ensemble is dependent upon every member of the band to achieve musical excellence/balance and each member is crucial to the success of the group. For this reason, attendance at all rehearsals and performances is crucial. Performances are the culmination of the musical art and are what we work for each and every day in thisclass, so it is extremely important that you make arrangements in your schedule to be present for all performances. A list of required performances is attached to this handbook. These performances are considered to be unit and grading period tests. In setting up concert dates, care has been taken to avoid any other school events. Students will not be excused from performances for jobs or other non-school functions.

However, I understand that conflicts and unexpected circumstances do arise and these will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. In any case, I request to be notified of conflicts at least two weeks in advance.

*Excused absences include a family emergency, serious illness and certain school-sanctioned or religious activities.

*Unexcused absences may include but are not necessarily exclusive to vacation, work, sports/cheerleading practice or game, school club, family party, babysitting, “I was busy” or “I forgot.”

*ABSENCE MAKE-UP: Students in the EVMS Band are required to complete a make-up assignment for every excused absence from class to receive the daily effort/attitude points for their grade. Make-up assignments are located above the folder cabinet in the Band room and must be turned in within one week of the date of absence. Unexcused absences will not be granted a make-up assignment opportunity.


Your child will have 3 Band concerts this year. Please mark these on your calendar and inform me of any conflicts as soon as possible:

●Thursday, November 3rd—Radley 5th Grade Band and Music Concert, Radley Gym- 2:00 and 6:30 p.m.

●Tuesday, December 15th—EVMS 6th Grade Band and Radley 5th Grade Band Holiday Concert, EVMS Gym- 7:00 PM

●Tuesday, May 30th—EVMS 6th Grade Band and Radley 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Choir Spring Concert, EVMS Gym- 7:00 p.m.

*****PLEASE NOTE: All students are required to stay for the duration of the entire concert that they are participating in. Students can only be excused from this in the case of an emergency and with a phone call or note signed by a parent/doctor. Contact Mr. Bass with questions about this.*****


Grade 5: "Sunday Best"

●Please wear nice, clean, formal clothes. Please do not wear blue jeans, T-shirts, tennis shoes or clothing with holes and stains. Ties are optional for boys and dresses/skirts are optional for girls, but they must either go below the knees when sitting or leggings must be worn.


Every class in school has homework and an expectation that outside work will be studied and completed in preparation for the next day of class. Likewise, practice is the equivalent of homework in Band and it is expected that Band students will practice their music outside of class on a regular basis. Much like exercising or any learned skill, repetition and practice are required in music for optimum success and enjoyment. I recommend at least 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week. The best way to achieve this is to make practice a daily routine much like chores, homework or mealtime. Understand also that the quality of what is practiced is far more important to me than how much time was spent practicing. If you can practice for 30 minutes a day, excellent! If you can only practice for 10 minutes on any given day, make that time count! Those that truly want to excel, achieve and enjoy Band will be the ones that practice outside of class and pursue private lessons!

Interested in private lessons? Ask Mr. Bass or consult the Helena Music Teacher’s Association at


Do you feel like you need extra help? It is often difficult to master all class concepts in the 90 minutes allotted for class each week and some students have more difficulty finding home practice time than others. For this reason, I offer extra times in which students can come in to Radley in the mornings for extra, small-group help on their instrument. All are welcome as long as you bring your instrument and music with you. This time will count on your practice cards! These times are TBA.


I keep a website that is frequently updated and contains a wealth of important information for your reference, including the complete Band handbook as well as links and resources for students and parents related to at-home practice aids and a page devoted to the question, “Why Study Music?” Please bookmark this page and check back often. This page can be found using the web address below or through the East Helena Public Schools site:


A strong and consistent communication link between the director and parents/students is an essential part of fostering the organization, growth and achievement of the student and the program. Throughout the school year, you will receive emails from me concerning important dates, reminders and announcements as they become available. I may also call home if concerns arise, but do not assume that your student is in trouble if I call. My contact information is listed below- please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. E-mail is the fastest and best way to contact me, and it is also the way I will most likely contact you. If you prefer a different form of communication or e-mail is not available to you, please let me know.

Mr. Bass

Room 407-EVMS

(406) 227-7740

Please sign this form and return it to Mr. Bass by Friday, September 9th.

It is worth 10 points.

We have read, understood and agreed to all of the rules, expectations and objectives of the Beginning Band program of the East Helena School District. We understand that Band is at minimum a one-year commitment and that all rehearsals, performances and practice cards are required and graded components of class and we will notify Mr. Bass as soon as possible if we are unable to attend class or a concert for any reason.

__ Please mark this spot with an “X” if you do NOT have access to the Internet /e-mail at home


Student Name Parent Signature

