Promulgation of excommunication upon religious superiors in SR

On 12 December 2009 the Slovak bishops were appealed to confess the faith and to renounce heresies by 25 December 2009. They did not do so. For that reason they incur the penalty of excommunication and anathema.

On 30 December 2009 we sent this appeal to teachers at theological faculties, asking them to confess the faith and to renounce heresies by 20 January 2010. They did not confess the faith and remained in unity with heresies, for which reason they excommunicated themselves from the Church and fell under God’s anathema according to Gal 1:8-9.

On 31 December 2009 we turned even to You, religious superiors, with this appeal to confess Your Catholic faith and to renounce the contemporary heresies which destroy the essence of the Catholic faith. We asked You to do so by the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (2 February 2010).

The present-day religious institutes are undergoing a deep crisis. They have become the greatest obstacle to conversion, repentance and the following of Christ. Today the religious institutes have turned into the breeding ground for the spirit of New Age, the breeding ground for spiritual decay of the Catholic Church. In this extremely hard time the religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience are a mockery. Obedience is abused to warp the conscience.

The reason for our appeal was the very awareness of the fact that unless the religious of the Slovak Republic (SR) dissociate themselves from the contemporary heresies and unless they confess the faith, this spiritual AIDS will infect all Slovakia.

Since You as religious superiors did not confess the Catholic faith and did not renounce heresies and the spirit that is behind them by 2 February 2010, You completed Your apostasy from Christ as well as from the Church according to Gal 1:8-9. Those who are subject to You must know that they can no longer obey You as You are heretics and apostates.

If You will persist in obstinacy and not repent, and if You will die in this state, You will be eternally condemned.

Names of the religious superiors in Slovakia who brought upon themselves of their own free will God’s punishment of anathema – excommunication from the Church:

Order of Saint Augustine (OSA)

Fr. Juraj Pigula

Benedictines (OSB)

Fr. František Hajas

Fr. Ferdinand Henrik Ontko

Teutonic Order (OT)

Fr. Vladislav Bednár

Dehonians (SCJ)

Fr. Mieczyslaw Klóska

Dominicans (OP)

Fr. Irenej M. Fintor

Fr. Gabriel Fr. Hunčaga

Fr. Lukáš M. Žilák

Fr. Patrik Fr. Vnučko

Fr. Česlav Peter Šajda

Fr. Reginald Adrián Slavkovský

Fr. Bartolomej V. Hurňanský

Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Gr.-Cath. (CSsR)

Fr. Jozef Jurčenko

Fr. Jaroslav Štelbaský

Fr. Marián Andrej Pacák

Fr. Juraj Rizman

Brothers of the Christian Schools (FSC)

Br. Grzegorz Fietko

Br. Jacek Chacinski

Br. Krzysztof Opalski

Resurrectionists (CR)

Fr. Kinka Jaroslav

Congregation of Consolation Friars of Gethsemane (CCG)

Fr. Ludvik M. Pociask

Fr. Viliam František Vaľa

Franciscan Friars Minor (OFM)

Fr. Juraj Andrej Mihály

Fr. Stanislav Sabatula

Fr. Damián Debnár

Fr. Gabriel Prievalský

Fr. Egid Golha

Fr. Šebastián Tomčík

Fr. Štefan Bankovič

Capuchins (OFMCap)

Fr. Miroslav Kulich

Fr. Ladislav Tkáčik

Fr. Branislav Fabo

Fr. Jozef Konc

Fr. Bonaventúra Zmatek

Fr. Vladimír Polák

Fr. Ján Macej

Fr. Fidel Marko Pagáč

Minorites (OFMConv)

Fr. Lucián Mária Bogucki

Fr. Tomáš Lesňák

Fr. Witold Adamczyk

Missionaries of La Salette (MS)

Fr. Andrzej Kuder

Fr. Wieslaw Krzyszycha

Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts

of Jesus and Mary (M.SS.CC.)

Fr. Ondrej Sabó

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

of Jesus (MSC)

Fr. Frank Vandegehuchte

Fr. Jozef Hegglin

Order of Saint Basil the Great (OSBM)

Fr. Vladimír Juraj Sedláček

Fr. Josif Eduard Novak

Fr. Petro Fr. Haľko

Society of the Catholic Apostolate – Pallottines (SAC)

Fr. Fritz Kretz

Fr. Vladimír Peklanský

Fr. Adam Luba

Fr. Leonard Lasota

Piarists (SchP)

Fr. Ján Kováč

Fr. Tomáš Huďa

Fr. Peter Fránek

Order of St. Paul the First Hermit (OSPPE)

Fr. Rastislav Ivanecký

Fr. Dominik Zbigniew Lejman

Salesians (SDB)

Fr. Vladimír Baxa

Fr. Igor Hajzok

Fr. Maroš Peciar

Fr. Milan Urbančok

Fr. Pavol Seman

Fr. Jozef Sarnecký

Fr. Peter Pagáč

Fr. Marián Husár

Fr. Peter Varga

Fr. Jozef Ragula

Fr. Karol Maník

Fr. Peter Hrabovecký

Fr. Peter Timko

Fr. Stanislav Seman

Fr. Ivan Žitňanský

Fr. Ferdo Kubík

Fr. Jozef Slivoň

Fr. Marián Valábek

Fr. Bohumil Piešťanský

Fr. Marián Bundzel

Fr. Viliam Riško

Salvatorians (SDS)

Fr. Andrzej Drogoś

Fr. Jacek Malaga

Fr. Jacek Chrząściel

Jesuits (SJ)

Fr. Peter Bujko

Fr. Ján Ďurica

Fr. Ján Revák

Fr. Peter Zahoránsky

Fr. Vojtěch Suchý

Fr. František Gábriš

Fr. Jozef Kyselica

Divine Word Missionaries (SVD)

Fr. Bartolomej Baráth

Fr. Ján Halama

Fr. Pavol Kruták

Fr. Peter Kubík

Fr. Peter Dušička

Fr. Milan Šeliga

Brothers Hospitallers of St. John

of God (OH)

Br. Richard Jombík

Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent de Paul (CM)

Fr. Jozef Noga

Fr. Juraj Adamec

Fr. Augustín Slaninka

Fr. Peter Šaradín

Premonstratensians (OPraem)

Fr. Ján Budzák

Fr. Ambróz Štrbák

Fr. Tomáš Karol Bartal

Fr. Viktor Štefan Locner

Discalced Carmelites (OCD)

Fr. Bohumil Wiergovski

Fr. Stanislav Miernik

Congregation of the Most Holy

Redeemer, Rom.-Cath. (CSsR)

Fr. Peter Slobodník

Fr. Michal Zamkovský

Fr. Bystrík Letavay

Fr. Patrik Grotkovský

Fr. František Boldy

Legion of Christ (LC)

Fr. Thiemo Klein

If only this painful operation brought recovery of other religious and if only they could choose sincere men in Your place, men who give first place to Christ and are ready even to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Him and His bleeding Mystical Body. If only these new superiors in Slovakia could become a pattern of a true reform which they would start from themselves and in the place where God has put them.

If only You could show true repentance, confess the faith, renounce heresies, voluntarily resign from Your offices and ask the Holy Father to receive You back into the Church. You will thus set an example to the weak and deceived religious.

Additional information:

Excommunication of several other teachers at theological schools:

ThDr. SSLic. František Trstenský

Tadeusz Zasepa

Mgr. Gašpar Fronc

ThLic. Jozef Jančovič

Mons. Daniel Ižold

ThLic. Milan Sova

PhDr. Peter Klech

Jozef Šoška

ThDr. Pavol Brzý

ThDr. Stanislav Sthol

ThLic. Peter Mášik

Jozef Kemp

JcLic. Radoslav Bazala

ThLic. Peter Slepčan

MuDr. Karol Bošmanský

Mgr. Attila Bencze

Attila Jozsa

ThLic. Marian Valabek

ThLic. Anton Červeň

ThLic. Jozef Vadkerti

Jarok, Slovakia, 3 February 2010

Published by: Religious SBM,

The names of the excommunicated announced to:

The Holy Father Benedict XVI (through Apostolic Nunciature)

Priests, religious and believers in Slovakia