Minutes of Town Council Meeting

March 10, 2015

Glasgow Public Library

Council Members Present: Sonny Williams, Roger Funkhouser, Mike Turner, Jeremy Kilgore, Monica Dock, Andrea Bradley

Also Present: Mayor Ruby Clark, Town Manager Bill Rolfe, Administrative Assistant Jane Higginbotham, Town Attorney Tommy Simons

Guests Present: William Wells, Delegate Ben Cline, WWTP Supervisor Jeff Rankin, Reese McClanahan, Public Works Chris Flint, Lynda Miller, Roberta Lyle, Natalie Harris, Larry Owens, Doug Hudgins with CHA.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Ruby Ogden Clark, followed by a brief prayer led by Councilor Jeremy Kilgore.

Mayor Ruby Ogden Clark called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Clark recognized Delegate Ben Cline and asked him if he would like to speak.

Delegate Cline gave brief update on what is going in legislature in Richmond.

Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of Ordinance for Nuisance Animal Noise:

Natalie Harris – Mrs. Harris stated she lives at 427 Pocahontas Street. Mrs. Harris stated there are still 15 hunting dogs next door and the situation is no better. Mrs. Harris stated Town Manager Bill Rolfe spoke to the owner of the dogs and owner plans on putting up a fence and a building to help with the noise and will take 2-3 months. Mrs. Harris stated there is no fence up yet.

William Wells – Mr. Wells stated he lives on 7th Street and there are dogs up the road from him that bark all night long. Mr. Wells stated he had written down every time he had been woken up with dogs barking. Mr. Wells stated he would appreciate it if Council can do something about this.

Town Attorney Tommy Simons stated the adoption of the ordinance for nuisance animal noise has been properly advertised and can be adopted tonight if Council so desires.

Public Comment:


Review of Minutes:

Regular Scheduled Meeting February 10, 2015.

Motion by Jeremy Kilgore and Seconded by Mike Turner to approve Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2015.

Carried unanimous voice vote.

Consideration of Bills:

Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated the bill for Perkins & Orrison was for Town Hall to be surveyed.

Motion by Mike Turner and Seconded by Sonny Williams to approve bills and any other bills that come up during the month.

Carried unanimous voice vote.

Committee/Commission Reports:

A. Communications Committee - Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated the newly formed Communications Committee hopes to put out an electronic newsletter by April 1st. Mr. Rolfe stated one of the members had stepped down. Mr. Rolfe stated he had been given three (3) names to be added to the Communications Committee. Mr. Rolfe stated the names are Margaret Emore, Carolyn Bradley, Lynda Miller. Council agreed to adding Margaret Emore, Carolyn Bradley and Lynda Miller to the Communications Committee.

B. Planning Commission – Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated the Public Hearing scheduled for March 24, 2015 for the new Comprehensive Plan was not advertised and letters to property owners were not sent out, so Public Hearing has been postponed for about one (1) month.

Police Activity Report:


Old Business:

A. Update on I/I Project. Doug Hudgins with CHA stated the preliminary PER has been developed and they are looking at grant opportunities. Mr. Hudgins stated Rural Development has $9 million available. Mr. Hudgins stated if the grant application is not in by the end of May, the money goes back to the federal government. Mr. Hudgins stated the Town qualifies for this grant because of the current sewer rate. Mr. Hudgins stated he wants to secure as much grant money as possible. Mr. Hudgins stated they will submit the grant application mid-April. Mr. Hudgins stated this is a $3.5 million project which includes complete rehab of sewer pipes, equipment, etc. Mr. Hudgins stated this would take care of the entire system. Mr. Hudgins stated we could receive 45% - 75% grant money. Mr. Hudgins stated he is still waiting on the environmental assessment and can then complete the funding request. Mr. Hudgins stated the Town is under no obligation when submitting this application. Councilor Jeremy Kilgore asked what will happened if there is money still available and the project is under budget. Mr. Hudgins stated they will request enough money to take care of the entire system. Mr. Hudgins stated he should hear about the grant several months after the application is submitted.

Motion by Sonny Williams and Seconded by Monica Dock to authorize CHA to submit a grant application for the Town Manager to execute documents to Rural Development on behalf of the Town of Glasgow for I/I Project.

Carried unanimous voice vote.

B. Update on Water Improvement Project. Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated he has received the go-ahead for additional funding to add a new water line from the Library to the water tank on Blue Ridge Road. Town Manager Rolfe stated the weather has slowed the project down the last several months. Town Manager Rolfe stated there about 1/3 meters left to put in. Town Manager Rolfe stated according to the contractors, the installation of the new line should take about 45 days.

C. Town Sgt. Position. Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated he had contacted Rockbridge County Sheriff Chris Blalock about helping with the interview process of the four (4) applicants picked for the Town Sgt. position.

New Business:

A. Lynda Miller (Glasgow Ruritans) – Abandoned Properties. Mrs. Miller stated there are quite a few abandoned properties in Glasgow. Mrs. Miller stated if the owners are not going to do anything with them, they should be razed. Mrs. Miller stated Glasgow is in the process of getting a new dentist and a new bank. Mrs. Miller stated the Ruritans clean the Town every year. Mrs. Miller stated she is asking on behalf of the Ruritans to do something with the abandoned properties to make Glasgow a beautiful, safe place to live.

B. Resolution to Adopt Ordinance for Nuisance Animal Noise. Town Attorney Tommy Simons stated this ordinance mirrors Lexington’s barking dog ordinance. Mr. Simons stated it makes it unlawful and a nuisance and is a Class I Misdemeanor, punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or $250 fine. Mr. Simons stated the defendant must appear in court. Mr. Simons stated the judge will enforce this ordinance with a fine for the first offense. Councilor Roger Funkhouser asked if the Town Sgt. can issue a summons. Town Attorney Simons stated the Town Sgt. can use his judgment or at the direction of Town Council and the Town Manager. Councilor Funkhouser stated the “period of more than 10 minutes continuously or intermittent noise continues for more than ½ hour” is too short a time and will be hard to enforce. Councilor Funkhouser stated it should be changed to “30 minutes” and “1 hour”. Councilor Monica Dock stated she does not believe there will be a problem with the timeframe. Councilor Jeremy Kilgore stated he is fine with the timeframe. Town Attorney Simons stated Rockbridge County Sheriff Department is well aware of Mrs. Harris’ situation and they can enforce the Town of Glasgow’s ordinances.

Motion by Monica Dock and Seconded by Jeremy Kilgore to adopt Barking Dog Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4-7 of the Town Code of Glasgow.

Roll Call:

Monica Dock – Yah

Jeremy Kilgore – Yah

Andrea Bradley – Yah

Mike Turner – Yah

Roger Funkhouser – Nay

Sonny Williams – Yah

Carried 5-1 majority voice vote.

C. Resolution to Amend Financing Agreement with VRA on Water Project. Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated the Town of Glasgow is amending the original Resolution adopted March 1, 2014 to borrow the original principal amount of $2,807,500 to upgrade the Town of Glasgow’s water system, to borrow additional funding of $569,989 for the water project, to increase the Principal Repayment Loan from $2,807,500 to $3,377,489; to add a new water line from the Library to the water tank on Blue Ridge Road. Town Manager Rolfe stated the debt service will be $81,267.73 every six (6) months. Town Manager Rolfe stated VRA requires the Town to pay $1,500 attorney fees for VRA and the Town is responsible to pay for our bond attorney and the closing shall not exceed $6,000.

Motion by Jeremy Kilgore and Seconded by Sonny Williams to amend the original Resolution adopted March 1, 2014 to borrow original principal amount of $2,807,500 to upgrade the Town of Glasgow’s water system; to borrow additional funding of $569,989 for the water project; to increase the Principal Repayment Loan from $2,807,500 to $3,377,489; to add a new water line from the Library to the water tank on Blue Ridge Road.

Roll Call:

Monica Dock – Yah

Jeremy Kilgore – Yah

Andrea Bradley – Yah

Mike Turner – Yah

Roger Funkhouser – Yah

Sonny Williams – Yah

Carried unanimous voice vote.


Councilor Roger Funkhouser asked about the property at 1105 Rockbridge Road where the roof caved in. Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated the Rockbridge County Building Inspector will be here tomorrow to look at it. Town Manager Rolfe stated 633 Pocahontas Street had a chimney fire last year and has now put the stove pipe out the window, which is a fire hazard. Town Manager Rolfe stated the Building Inspector will also look at this house.

Mayor Ruby Clark stated the deadline to sign up to run for the November election is June 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Mayor Clark stated there will be three (3) Council seats and the Mayor seat up for election. Mayor Clark stated the 2015 decals are due by April 15, 2015.

Town Manager Bill Role stated the Community Strong Committee has a survey out in Town. Town Manager Rolfe stated there are copies at town hall, the library, the post office, Scotto’s, Glasgow Grocery Express, and Petro Stop & Go. Town Manager Rolfe stated these are due by April 8, 2015.

Town Manager Bill Rolfe stated well #4 now has a new mobile generator sitting on a concrete pad so it can be moved for floods. Town Manager Rolfe stated it needs a roof. Town Manager Rolfe stated he has three (3) quotes for an aluminum carport roof, with the lowest being Leonard’s in Roanoke for $2,978.50 delivered and installed. Town Manager Rolfe stated the roof is certified for hurricanes, snow, etc. Councilor Roger Funkhouser asked how high the cement pad is. WWTP Supervisor Jeff Rankin stated the dimensions are 4’ high x 26’ long x 10’ wide.

Motion by Andrea Bradley and Seconded by Mike Turner to purchase roof for mobile generator at well #4 for $2,978.50 delivery and installation.

Carried unanimous voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.


Mayor Clerk