Alternative Energy Company Brochure

In groups of two you will create a fictional electrical energy supply company. Your company can exist anywhere in the United States. Your company must use alternative energies as a method creating electricity. You are to make a large sized colorful pamphlet about your company. The pamphlet needs to include the following:

1)A company name and logo

2)The electricity must be produced by two alternative energy technologies your customers can choose from.

3)Since the pamphlet is an advertisement, you must have at least 10 statements as to why people should use your company. The statements should be bullet format. Your statements should include the advantages over fossil fuels.

4)You must give a detailed explanation of how each of your technologies works in paragraph form.

5)Several pictures, drawing, and a colorful pamphlet.


Design, pictures, neatness, and graphics - 10 pts

Advertising statements and consumer energy choices – 10 pts

Explanation of the technologies – 10 pts

Total – 30 pts

For information and examples check out the following websites:


U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The Alternative Energy Institute

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Green Communities website and links to many other websites:

U.S. Energy Information Administration, website:

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

New York state energy Research and Development Authority

Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Canadian Association for Sustainable Energy

Solar Power:

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Solar Energy

Kyocera Solar, Inc., solar systems manufacturer, 126 Ideaho Avenue, Plattsburge, NY12930

International Solar Energy Society

Wind Power:

New YorkState Energy Research and Development Authority, Community Resources for Wind Development

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Wind power

Green Power Network

American Wind Energy Association

Canadian Wind Energy Association

Patel, Mukund. Wind and Solar Power Systems. CRC Press, 1999


National Biodiesel Board

United States Department of Energy Biomass Program

Commoner, Barry. The Poverty of Power. Bantum Books, July 1980.

Geothermal Energy:

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Geothermal Energy


U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Hydropower

Hydrogen Fuel


U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – ocean energy

Biomass Energy:

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy-BioPower Program

Alternative Fuel Vehicles:

Advanced Transportation Technology Institute


Electric Auto Association

Natural Gas Vehicle Association

Society of Automotive Engineers. Alternative Fuels: Technology & Developments. 1997


(all kinds of alternatives)

(good example of a real company)

(These are the turkey oil people)

(American wind energy)



(solar energy)

(solar energy

The following are additional links by topic

U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Pennsylvania
a. / Economics
b. / Environmental Benefits
c. / Risk Management
d. / Energy Assurance
e. / Reliability
f. / Public Demand
g. / Why Consider Alternative Energy?
2. / The Alternative Energy Institute
Selected Sections required:
a. / Nonrenewable Energy Sources: 1) Coal 2) Natural Gas; 3) Nuclear Energy; 4) Petroleum
b. / Renewable Energy Sources: 1) Biomass Energy; 2) Geothermal Energy; 3) Hydrogen and Fuel Cells;
4) Hydropower; 5) Nuclear Fusion; 6)Oceanic Energy ; 7) Solar Energy; 8) Wind Energy
c. / Solutions
3. / Pollution Prevention Outside Your Home - DEP Fact Sheet
4. / Pollution Prevention Inside Your Home - DEP Fact Sheet
5. / PA Advanced Energy Toolkit
6. / PA Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard
7. / Solar Energy Basics
8. / a. / Birds and Bats
b. / Other Potential Env Impacts
c. / Economic and Socioeconomic Impacts
d. / Wind Energy Myths
9. / a. / Save the Loon
b. / Wind Energy and Noise
c. / Wind Energy the Power of the Future
d. / Wind Wildlife FAQ
e. / The Three Cs
f. / If Not Wind, then...?
g. / Comparative Air Emissions of Wind and Other Fuels
10. / Wind Farming - DEP Fact Sheet
11. / Small Wind Energy Systems
12. / Biodiesel Basics
13. / Biodiesel FAQs
14. / Biomass Program
a. / Biomass Benefits
b. / National Energy Security
c. / Economic Growth
d. / Environmental Benefits
15. / Methane EPA
16. / US Department of Energy Biomass Program
a. / Biomass Basics
17. / Geothermal Topics
a. / Geothermal Basics
18. / Underground Thermal Energy Storage
19. / Hydropower Topics
a. / Hydropower Basics
b. / Hydropower Advantages and Disadvantages
c. / Hydropower Energy from Moving Water
20. / Hydrogen Topics
a. / Hydrogen Basics
21. / Ocean Topics
a. / Ocean Energy Basics
22. / Alternative Fuel Vehicles
a. / Electricity
1. What is Electricity
2. Electricity Benefits
b. / Ethanol
1. What is Methanol
2. Ethanol Benefits
c. / Methanol
1. What is Methanol
2. Methanol Benefits
d. / Natural Gas
1. What is Natural Gas
2. Natural Gas Benefits
e. / Propane
1. What is Propane
2. Propane Benefits
f. / Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program
g. / Alternative Fueled Vehicles
23. / Transportation Energy
24. / US Energy System Factsheets -NEW
25. / Energy Consumption - NEW
26. / U.S. Primary Energy Consumption chart - NEW
27. / The 1973 Oil Crisis - NEW