Maurizia De Bellis

Tenured assistant professor of Administrative Law


University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”


  1. Abstract
  2. Current academic position
  3. Higher Education
  4. Teaching
  5. Research activity abroad
  6. Participation in research projects
  7. Participation as speaker in workshops and conferences
  8. Grants and scholarships
  9. Memberships in scientific organizations
  10. Memberships in law journals
  11. Languages
  12. Professional experiences
  13. Publications
  1. Abstract

Maurizia De Bellis (1980) is tenured Assistant Professor [ricercatore] in Administrative Law in the Department of Law of the University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”.In 2013 she has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification [Abilitazione scientifica nazionale] as Associate Professor in Administrative Law (12/D1), by unanimous vote of the jury.After graduating in Law cum laude (2002) in the University of Pisa, she received a Diploma in Law Studies (2003), also cum laude, from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (a prestigious public university which admits a small number of students after a competitive selection and grants a full scholarship). She completed her Ph.D. in Public Law of Economics [Diritto pubblico dell’economica] (2007) in the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.In 2007, she was awarded a research grant [assegno di ricerca]in Administrative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Siena.In 2008, she obtained the Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I.LL.M.) in European Public Law from the European Public Law Organization (EPLO). She is adjunct professor [professore aggregato]in Administrative Law in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome II “Tor Vergata” and in School for Carabinieri [Scuola Marescialli e Brigadieri dei Carabinieri Comando 1° Reggimento Allievi Marescialli e Brigadieri dei Carabinieri]. She is lecturer in Master courses, such as the Master in Administrative Law and administrative Sciences, University of Rome Three (since 2009) and the Master“Organization and functioning of public administrations”, Department of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She has participated in several research projects of national interest [Progetti di rilevanza nazionale – Prin], supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca - Miur]and to the project CONNEX ("Connecting Excellence on European Governance"), funded by the European Union within the first call for proposals for priority 7 of the Sixth Framework Programme of Research. She served as a law clerk to Justice Professor Sabino Cassese at the Italian Constitutional Court (2011-2013).

She has been fellow and visiting scholar in several universities abroad.In 2005 she has been Jemolo Fellow at Nuffield College, Universityof Oxfordand in 2008-2009 she was Global Research Fellow at New York University School of Law. In 2008 she completed her Master degree (Intensive International Master of Laws - I.I.LL.M.) in European Public Law at the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).

Dr. De Bellis has also experience in teaching in English. In 2005-2009, she was a lecturer in the Master “State Management and Humanitarian Affairs”, EuroSapienza Research Centre, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (lectures about global administrative law). Since 2010 she is lecturerin theMaster “Global Regulation of Markets”, directed by Professor Marco D’Alberti, Universityof Rome “La Sapienza” (lectures about “Regulation of Financial Markets” and “Regulation and Competition”).In 2013-2014 she was lecturer in the course “Public law and institutions”, Faculty of Economics,UninettunoUniversity.

She has published a number of articles in reviews and book chapters, in English, in Italian and in Spanish. Her research interestsare mainly in the area of regulation, with a specific focus on the energy sector and on financial markets, and she has presented in many international conferences on these topics.Dr. De Bellis wrote a book about “The regulation of financial markets” [La regolazione dei mercati finanziari, Milano, Giuffré, 2012, p. xi-491].


  1. Current academic position

-awarded the National Scientific Qualification [Abilitazione scientifica nazionale] as Associate Professor in Administrative Law (12/D1), by unanimous vote of the jury(since December 2013).

-tenured Assistant Professor [ricercatore] in Administrative Law in the Department of Law of the University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”(since 2008).

  1. Higher Education

-2003-2007Ph.D in Public Law of Economics [Diritto pubblico dell’economia], Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Final dissertation about “Global regulation and domestic administration: the case of financial services”. Supervisor: Professor Sabino Cassese (University of Rome “La Sapienza”).

-2008 Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I.LL.M.) in European Public Law (previously known as the “Academy Diploma”) of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens.

Final dissertation about “Global standards for the EU”.Supervisor: Professor Tom Zwart (University of Utrecht).

-2003Diploma in Law Studies of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.

Final dissertation about “The social services charter” [Carta dei servizi pubblici e servizi sociali]. Supervisor: Professor Emanuele Rossi(Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies). 100/100 cum laude.

-2002J.D. [Laurea in Giurisprudenza] in the University of Pisa.

Title of the final dissertation: “The universal service: recent and already obsolete concept or efficient regulatory instrument?”. Supervisor: Professor Fabio Merusi.Full marks:110/110 cum laude.

-1998-2002 Honor CollegeStudent [Allievo ordinario] in Law in the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.

San’Anna School of Advanced Studies is one of the three recognized Superior Graduate Schools [Grandes Écoles] in Italy. It is a prestigious public university which admits a small number of students after a competitive selection and grants a full scholarship. Students enrolled at the Sant’Anna are also enrolled in the University of Pisa: they have to achieve at least 27/30 in university exams in the University of Pisa and, in addition to that, they have to attend courses of the Sant’Anna School.

-2000-2001 Visiting studentin the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris II - Panthéon Assas (Erasmus Program).

-1998High School Diploma 60/60, Liceo Classico Statale “Quinto Orazio Flacco” in Bari (Italy).

  1. Teaching

-2010-present Adjuct Professor [Professore aggregato] inAdministrative Law, BSc. in Nursing, University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”.

-2012-presentAdjunct Professor [Professore aggiunto]in Administrative Law, University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”, J.D. for the School of Carabinieri, (lectures about public accounting and public goods).

-2010-presentLecturer in the Master Global Regulation of Markets, directed by Prof. Marco D’Alberti, University of Rome I “La Sapienza” (Module 2Regulation and Competition in the Current Phase of Globalization” and Module 5 “Regulation of Financial Markets”).

-2010-present Lecturer in the Master in Administrative Law and administrative Sciences, directed by Professors Giulio Napolitano and Luisa Torchia, University of Rome Three (module “Administration, market and public services”).

-2003-presentLecturer in the Master in “Organization and functioning of public administrations”, directed by Prof. Vincenzo Cerulli Irelli (and previously by Professor Sabino Cassese), Law Department, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (module “Administration, market, public services”).

-2013 – 2014

Adjuct Professor [Professore aggregato] in Public Law, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”, Dental School.

Adjuct Professor [Professore aggregato] in Administrative Law, Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana (Albania), Master Degree Health Professions ofRehabilitationSciences.

Adjuct Professor [Professore aggregato] in “Public law and institutions”, Faculty of Economics,Uninettuno University.

-2009 – 2010Lecturer in the course “International Financial Architecture”, Prof. Robert Howse, School of Law, New York University (about “IOSCO: democracy vs. leadership in the transnational regulation of finance?”).

-2005-2009 Lecturer in the Master “State Management and Humanitarian Affairs in the centre for European and International Studies “Eurosapienza”, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (module “Institutions Building and Human Rights”, directed by Prof. Roberto Miccù).

-2008 – 2009

Adjunct Professor in Administrative Sciences, Joint Course Faculty of Law and Faculty of Statistics.

Lecturer at the “National School for Public Administration” (Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione – SSPA).

-2005 – 2006Adjunct Professor in Regional Law, Faculty of Political sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

-2004-2005 Adjunct Professor of the integrative course in Administrative Law, Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

  1. Research activity abroad

-2009 – 2010Global Research Fellow,School of Law, New York University.

Awarded the prestigious fellowship as Global research fellow. Under the supervision of Professor Richard Stewart (Administrative Law and regulation, Economic incentives for environmental protection), she wrote a paper about “Accounting for climate finance”, presented at the Global Fellows Colloquium in December 2009. She also carried on her researches in the area of financial regulation and was lecturer in the course of Robert Howse “International Financial Architecture”. She was invited as a commentator in the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ) ScholarsConference on a paper about “Groupthinking at Basel: How Transparency and Participation Made Basel II Worse”.

-2007 – 2008Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I.LL.M.) in European Public Law (previously known as the “Academy Diploma”) of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens.

The I.I.LL.M. in European Public Law (previously known as the “Academy Diploma”) is obtained after attending two sessions of intensive course at the premises of the Academy of the EPLO (Cape Sounio – Legrena, Greece) and after producing a dissertation.

Topic of the dissertation: “Global standards and the EU”.

Supervisor: Prof. Tom Zwart(University of Utrecht).

-October 2005 - December 2005 Jemolo Fellow, Nuffield College, Universityof Oxford.

-August 2004 – October 2004 VisitingFellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, with the supervision of Prof. Mark Thatcher.

  1. Research Projects

-2013 – 2014

Rapporteur for the Italian report“Le recours aux précédents étrangers par le juge constitutionnel/Foreign precedents in constitutional litigation» for the Academie Internationale de Droit Compareé/International Academy of Comparative Law, presented at the 19th International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna, 20-27 July 2014.

Participation in the project “The future of the French model of public law in Europe: codifying administrative procedure?” [L’avenir du modèle français de droit public en Europe: le mode de production de la décision publique vers un code de procédure administrative?], directed by Professor Jean-Bernard Auby, Chaire de la Mutation Publique, Science Po, Paris, and founded by the Mission droit et justice.

Participation in the project of relevant national interest [Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale – PRIN], sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca]“The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Regulation of Private Financing”, University of Viterbo “La Tuscia”, directed by ProfessorEdoardo Chiti and Professor Giulio Vesperini.

Participation in the project “150 years from the Laws of Administrative unification” [150° delle Leggi di unificazione amministrativa], unity coordinated by Professor Luisa Torchia.

-a.a. 2012 – 2013

Coordinator of the research project of the“National School for Public Administration” (Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione – SSPA) and the Institute for Research on Public Administration (IRPA)about “Administrative procedure twenty years after the general law no. 241/1990[Il procedimento amministrativo a venti anni dalla legge n. 241 del 1990] (with Professor Aldo Sandulli and Martina Conticelli).

IRPA report about “Gender equality in public administration” [La parità di genere nella pubblica amministrazione].

-a.a. 2010 – 2011Research project on ‘Public Intervention after the Economic Crisis’, directed by Professor Giulio Napolitano (University of Roma Tre) and sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) and by Banca Intesa. Coordinator of the part about The reform of financial regulation[La riforma della vigilanza finanziaria].

-2009 – 2010Participation in the project of relevant national interest [Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale – PRIN], sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca] about “Global administrative law and European Administrative Law”, directed by Professor Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella.

-2004-2008 Participation in the project CONNEX ("Connecting Excellence on European Governance", project funded by the European Union within the first call for proposals for priority 7 of the Sixth Framework Programme of Research),

She presentedapaper in the Final Conference of the project, Mannheim University (7-8 March 2008), about “Global financial standards and the EU".

-2006-2007Research project of relevant national interest [Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale – PRIN], sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca] on ‘The Global Limits to National Administrative Laws’(I limiti globali ai diritti amministrativi nazionali) directed by professor Sabino Cassese.

-2005 – 2006Research project Faculty of Law, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, directed by Professor Aldo Sandulli about “The organizational model of national system”[Il modello organizzativo del servizio nazionale].

Participation in the Faculty Research of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, on “The organizational model of the national service[Il modello organizzativo del servizio nazionale], coordinated by Prof. Aldo Sandulli.

-2003 – 2004Participation in the project Cofin 2002 on “The global legal space” [Lo spazio giuridico globale]. National coordinator: Professor Sabino Cassese (University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

-2002 - 2003Research project of relevant national interest [Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale – PRIN], of the Sant’anna School of Advanced Studies, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca] and by Region Tuscany, about “Protecting fundamental rights in national and supranational legal orders. The EU Constitution perspective” [La tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra ordinamenti nazionali e sovranazionali, nella prospettiva di una Costituzione europea], directed by Professor Emanuele Rossi e finanziata dalla Regione Toscana e dal Miur.

  1. Grants and Scholarships

-2009-2010Global Research Fellow (with scholarship), Hauser Global FellowsProgram, School of Law, New York University.

-2006-2008Research Grant [Assegno di Ricerca] in Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Siena. Title of the research project “Globalization and Administrative Law”.

-2008European Public Law Organization (EPLO) scholarship for the attendance of the Academy of European Public Law sessions.

-2003-2006 Ph.D. Scholarship (Dottorato con borsa), Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

-2005 Non stipendiary Jemolo Fellowship in Nuffield College, Oxford University.

-2003 Fellowship of the public body Acquirente Unico, for the purpose of carrying out a research in Administrative Science in the Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Topic of the research: the energy market regulation (now published in Rassegna Giuridica dell’Energia Elettrica, n. 3/2004, pp. 401-505).

-2000-2001 Erasmus Scholarship for the attendance of Law classes (J.D.) in the University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas, Paris, France.

-1998-2002 Honor CollegeStudent [Allievo ordinario] Scholarship in Law at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.

Covering tuition and living expenses.

  1. Conferences and Seminars

-Paper giverin the Annual Conference of the Law and Society Association, Boston, 30 maggio-2 giugno 2013, session aboutGlobal Private Governance: Power and Norm Generation in Inter-Institutional Relations. Chairman:Professor Benedict Kingsbury.Title of the paper: The Global Financial Architecture and The Search for a Centre.

-Invited speaker at the workshopSimplification des procédures administratives: techniques juridiques, efficacité de l’action public et performance économique, Science Po, Paris, 16 January 2013,.

-Paper giver in the annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE), Rome, 13-15 December 2012. Title of the paper: “From coordination to regulation. The role of the FSB in global financial governance”.

-Paper giver in the international conference “Debt and Financial Regulation in Reaction to the Crisis. Legal Perspectives on Recent Transformations of Public Authority”, Max Planck Institute For Comparative Public Law And International Law, Heidelberg, 29 November 2012. Title of the paper:“Implementing global rules for banking: Basel III, the EU and the US. Globalizing and De-Globalizing Finance?”.

-Discussant at the workshop“Toward a Multipolar Administrative Law. A Theoretical Perspective”, New York University School of Law, New York, 9-10 September 2012).

-Paper giver in the conference on “Global Administrative Law (GAL): an Italian Perspective”, European University Institute (EUI), 24 February 2012.Title of the paper: Global Regulation of Financial Markets

-Paper giver in the conference on “Sovereign debts and new financial regulation: challenges ahead” [Rischi sovrani e nuova regolazione finanziaria: le sfide],organized by National Association Encyclopedia of Banking(ASSONEBB), Rome, Abi, 19 January 2012.

Title of the paper: Global Regulation After The Crisis: The Case of Bank Recapitalization Issue (La regolazione globale alla prova della crisi: il caso della ricapitalizzazione delle banche).

-Paper giver in the conference on “The New Public Law in a Global (Dis)Order: a Perspective from Italy”, New York University School of Law, New York, 19-20 September 2010.

Title of the paper:“Public Law and Private Regulators in the Global Legal Space”.

-Paper giver in the conference on “The Relationship between Global Administrative Law and European Administrative Law”, organized by the Universities of Siena, Molise, Napoli “Federico II”, Viterbo “La Tuscia” and Rome II “Tor Vergata”.At the premises of the Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Rome, 14 June 2010.

Title of the paper:EU and Global Private Regulatory Regimes: the accounting and auditing sectors.

-Invited speaker at the workshop “I regimi regolatori sopranazionali tra diritto europeo e diritto globale”, University of Siena, 15 June 2010.

-Paper giver in the VIth Global Administrative Law Seminar, University of Viterbo“Tuscia”, 11-12 June 2010.

Title of the paper:“Global financial standards and regulatory failure”.

-Discussant at the NYU Institute for International Law and Justice Scholars Conference, 6 March 2010, on a paperfrom Ted Cardos on “Groupthinking at Basel: How Transparency and Participation Made Basel II Worse”.

-Paper giver in the NYU Hauser Global Law School Program Fellows Forum, 1 December 2009.

Title of the paper: Accounting for Climate Finance.

-Paper giver at the International conference Sovereign Wealth Funds Governance & Regulation,organized by theAsian Society of International Lawand by the National University of Singapore Law School, Singapore, 9-11 September 2009.

Title ofthe paper: Global Standards for Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Quest for Transparency.

-Paper giver at the Final Conference of the Network CONNEX ("Connecting Excellence on European Governance" - project funded by the European Union within the first call for proposals for priority 7 of the Sixth Framework Programme of Research), within Workshop 12 about "Global Administrative Law", University of Mannheim, 7-8 March 2008.

Title of the paper: Global financial standards and the EU.

-Lecturer at the Conference on Il modello organizzativo del servizio nazionale, Department of Public Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, December 11th, 2005.