Actioned / Initials / Date
Resource Officer / ...... / ...... /20......
HRAdviser / ...... / ...... /20......
Grants Officer / ...... / ...... /20......
Payroll Services / ...... / ...... /20 …...
(HR/VAR)effective 03/12

INSTRUCTIONS — please read before completing this form

1This form is to be used by cost centres to request a
variation to a post as a result of resignation, changed
location, changed supervisor or new local title or as a
result of change in funding or classification level. To
complete electronically, simply use the tab key.

2Donotuse this form for requests for Higher
Duties Allowances (use HR/ HDA), requests for
reclassification of a general staff post (use HR/RGS)
or notification of contract cessation/renewal.

3The form, once authorised by the Head of the relevant
major cost centre (i.e. Faculty, Vice-Chancellor’s Office)
should be forwarded through the cost centre's Resource
Officer to HR Client Services.

4This form should be accompanied by relevant documentation in support of the variation such as resignation letter, request from staff member to vary appointment fraction etc.


SECTION 1 : CURRENT DETAILS Supervisor to complete
Staff Member's Name: / Payroll No:
Classification: / Employment Fraction: / %
Position Number:
Account Number #1: / %
Account Number #2: / %
SECTION 2 : VARIATION DETAILS Supervisor to tick and complete relevant field(s) below
Variation to take effect: / From: / To:

Pls √Reason (may be more than one)

1Resignation / Retirement
(see Section 4) / Last Day of Employment:
2 New Location(please specify):
3 New Local Title(please specify):
4 Position Classification Change
(budget purposes only) / New Level(see Section 5):
5 New Supervisor(specify name):
Supervisor Position Number:
6 Change in employmentfraction / New employment fraction(see Section 5):%
For part-time staff, please indicate days and decimal hours to be worked in each fortnight:
Non-Pay week / Pay week
Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri

If converting to part-time, please indicate if conversion is sought under any of the following policies:

Family Care Purposes / Staff Members Over 55 / Flexible Staffing Options

NB: Wheresuch conversion is sought, a separate application to convert to part-timewill also need to be completed and approved in accordance with the relevant policy (available at Client Services.

7 Revised Salaries Account (please indicate below)
A/C #1: / %
A/C #2: / %
8 Other
(please specify):
Additional Information (if required):

HR/VAR(03/12)Page1 of 2

Signature of Supervisor / Print Name / Date
Signature of Head of Division / School / Print Name / Date
Signature of Major Cost Centre Head / Print Name / Date
Staff Memberto acknowledge variation reason(s) from Section 2. Please tick and sign.
Variation Reasons /  / Variation Reasons / 
1. Not applicable for staff member signature / 5. New Supervisor
2. New Location / 6. Change in Employment Fraction
3. New Local Title / 7. Not applicable for staff member signature
4. Not applicable for staff member signature / 8. Other

I acknowledge the above change(s) to my current position.

Signature of Staff Member / Print Name / Date

Note to Staff Member: Changes to your salary will be reflected on your payslip which can be accessed via the Employee Self Service. Other changes to your employment conditions noted above may also be confirmed by viewing your Occupancy Display via the Employee Self Service.

SECTION 5 : VARIATION TO BUDGET Resource Officer to complete
Yes / No / Do you wish to delete this position?
Yes / No / Will this position be filled? If so, approximate start date:
Yes / No / Do you require a commitment to show while the position is vacant?
Yes / No / Do you wish the commitment/budget to stay at the old classification?
Yes / No / Do you wish the commitment/budget to stay at the previous time fraction?
Yes / No / Do you require any other changes to the commitment and/or budget?
Please specify:

HR/VAR(03/12)Page2 of 2