Dear Principal, extracurricular activities coordinator/ Head of Youth Centre and Organization,

The Chinese Residences in Hong Kong and the Eco-Discovery

Application for Guided Tour – Deadline for application: 31st March, 2011

The objectives of this project is to describe and explain the evolution of the Chinese Residences in Hong Kong and their rise and fall. It will tell you more about the social and cultural development, human relationships during the early 18th century of Hong Kong.From that point of view, we can explore the changes and developments of housing from the 18 th century to nowadays. It reflects the evolution of social needs and the relationship of neighborhoods from past, present to future. Then we can foresee the social and housing development in future from all aspects. From this project, all the viewers and participants can witness changes of the living environment of the Chinese residences over the last hundred years. And it arouses our awareness of our identities and re-interpret our unique culture in Hong Kong. Then it encourages all walks of life to arouse their sense of belongings to the local community and contribute to the society.

The Eco-Discovery is an educational tour for public and improve their environmental awareness for our future generation and the general public. For more details you may reach the webpage:

Guided tours are now available for group bookings. Come and participate in our tour and exhibition now!



本機構於展覽期間將會提供導賞團給各小學,中學, 團體及公眾人士,

如有意參加請選擇以下日期和時間, 時間 1小時.

School Tour/ Youth Centre/ Organization Tour (Free Admission)

Our guided tour will introduce our exhibition and the eco-discovery to your students. The tour will take around an hour.

山頂廣場”香港唐樓面面觀” 及“環保探索”申請表格

Application Form for “The Chinese Residences in Hong Kong” and “Eco-Discovery” at The Peak Galleria

1.  學校/團體資料 Particulars of School/Organization


Name : ______


Address: ______

電話號碼 電郵地址

Tel. no. : ______E-mail address: ______

聯絡人姓名 聯絡電話號碼

Name of contact person: ______Contact tel. no. : ______

2.  參觀者資料 Particulars of Visitors

人數(每組不超過20人) 年齡

No. of participants (Maximum 20 persons per group): ______Age: ______


No. of leaders : ______

3.  參觀詳情 Particulars of Visit


Date of Visit:£ 6/4/2011 (Wed) £ 13/4/2011 (Wed) £ 16/4/2011 (Sat)

£ 20/4/2011 (Wed) £ 30/4/2011 (Sat)

£ 1/5/2011 (Sun, am only)


Time of Visit:£ 1-2下午p.m £ 2-3 下午p.m. £ 3-4 下午p.m.


Special Arrangements(if any):



Signature of Applicant : ______


Name of Applicant : ______

學校/團體蓋章 日期

School /Organization Chop: ______Date: ______

** 請將此表格電郵予陳小姐 或傳真至 (852) 25478528 **

** Kindly return this form to Ms Gloria Chan by email to or fax (852) 25478528 **