3e IGCSE Lord of the Flies Empathic tasks

  1. You are Piggy just after the first assembly when Ralph, Jack and Simon have left to explore the island. Write your thoughts (p.33)
  2. You are Ralph at the beginning of the novel. Write your thoughts about your first impressions of Piggy and your surroundings. (-p.23)
  3. You are Jack after the first assembly when Ralph has been voted chief instead of you. Write your thoughts. (p.29-30)
  4. You are Simon at the end of Chapter three and you have gone off to explore the forest on your own. Write your thoughts about life on the island so far.


5.You are Percival at the beginning of Chapter four as you take refuge in a shelter. Write your thoughts. (p.73-+p.108 + p.117)

6. You are Jack at the end of Chapter four after you and your hunters let the fire go out. Ralph has been angry with you and your team of hunters. Write your thoughts. (p.88-)

  1. You are Ralph at the beginning of Chapter five just before you call an assembly to re-establish some rules. Write your thoughts.
  2. You are Ralph at the beginning of Chapter seven. Write your thoughts on life on the island at this point.
  3. You are Piggy at the end of Chapter six when you have been left on your own to look after the littluns.Write your thoughts about life on the island. (p.125-)
  4. You are Ralph at the end of Chapter seven just after you have discovered ‘the beast’. You are on your way back to Piggy. Write your thoughts. (p.152-)
  5. You are Jack after the assembly at the beginning of Chapter eight. You have just told the group that you are going off on your own and have gone into the forest.Write your thoughts.
  6. You are Roger just after you have violently killed the sow in Chapter eight.Write your thoughts. (p.166-170)
  7. You are Simon just after you wake from your fit following your conversation with the Lord of the Flies. Write your thoughts. (p.177-8)
  8. You are Jack just before the feast in Chapter eight. Write your thoughts about how you feel about being chief. (p.183-)
  9. You are Piggy the day after Simon has been killed. Write your thoughts.

(Ch.10 p.191-)

  1. You are Ralph the day after Simon has been killed. Write your thoughts.

(Ch.10 p.191-)

17. You are Piggy on your way to Castle Rock just after the theft of your glasses. Write your thoughts.

  1. You are Ralph at the beginning of Chapter 12, just after Piggy has been killed. Write your thoughts.
  2. You are Jack at the beginning of Chapter 12, just after Piggy has been killed. Write your thoughts.
  3. You are Ralph at the end of the novel just after you have been rescued. Write your thoughts.

Lord of the Flies – Essay Question

  1. What do you think Golding has to say about civilisation and civilised behaviour in the novel? What techniques does he use to do this?
  1. Although the reader’s sympathies are with Ralph, many of the boys decide to follow Jack. Explain the differences between Jack and Ralph and what they stand for. How do they behave in the novel? Make sure you look at the techniques used by the author to present each character.
  1. Ralph is changed by his experience on the island. How does Golding show this?
  1. How does Golding use the beast in the novel? What does it symbolise? How does it evolve?
  1. In Lord of the Flies, what techniques does the writer use to reveal social class differences in his characters?
  1. In Lord of the Flies, what techniques does the writer use to bring to life TWO of the characters?
  1. How does Golding create humour in Lord of the Flies? Explore two moments you find humorous and explain how the writer succeeds in making them funny?
  1. What do you think Golding has to say about human nature in the novel, and how does he convey these ideas to you? You should make detailed reference to at least three specific passages of your choice.