Acord Message Viewer


The Acord Message is sent to the Acord Web Service and put in an Inbox.

It is then downloaded by the Acord Windows Service and processed, so it can be viewed in the viewer.

Acord Viewer

Message Screen

The Messages screen lists the placing messages that have been downloaded and processed. From this screen it is possible to:

  • Filter the List
  • Select a message to view The Details
  • Navigate to Action History
  • Archive Message
  • Delete Message

Message Details Screen

The Message Details screen displays the main fields and the attachments. From this screen it is possible to:

  • Edit the User and Description fields and save them.
  • Print the Message
  • View the Attachments
  • Print the Attachments
  • Save the Attachments elsewhere

Action History Screen

To maintain an audit trail, each of the following Actions that are performed on the message create an action history record:

Message Archived

Message De-Archived

Message Deleted

Message Edited

Message Opened

Message Printed

Attachment Printed

Attachment Saved

Attachment Viewed

In addition the message download and process will add the following history records:

Message Downloaded by Web Service Client

Message Processed to Message Viewer

Message Received by Web Service

From the Action History Screen it is possible to:

Filter the List

De-Archive a message

Archiving and Deleting

By Selecting a message on the details screen it is possible to Archive it.

This process will move the files that make up the message and attachments to an Archive Directory and move the Database records to an Archive Database.

De-Archiving will bring the messages back to the processed directory and Database records back to the Messages Database.

Deleting will delete the files that make up the message and the records in the access database.

When archiving and deleting messages the action history records will be kept.

Admin Screen

The Admin application is installed with the Acord Sevice and controls the download and processing of messages.

This will be installed on just one machine, whereas the Viewer can be installed on many machines.

The Admin screen is responsible for:

  • Starting and Stopping the Windows Service, which does the download and processing
  • Configuring the settings required for the download, processing and viewing

Processing Tab

Web Service Tab

e-mail Tab

File Drop Tab

Windows Service Tab