The Great and Terrible Quest – A Reading Assignment

The most important part of this assignment will be to read the book. The purpose of the assignments and discussion groups are to prove you’ve read it. Thus, it is very important to keep up with the reading and finish the assigned sections on time.

Part 1: Discussion Groups

There will be four “discussion periods” between now and March Break. During each discussion group, each person will be invited to share some observations about the chapters that have been read. You will be marked on your participation. The discussion groups will be held on the following dates:

Chapters 1-3: Tues, Feb 26
Chapters 4-6: Fri, Mar 1
Chapters 7-9: Tues, Mar 5
Chapters 10-11: Fri, Mar 8

Part 2:Due Monday, March 18

Choose one of the following activities. Remember, your purpose is to demonstrate that you’ve read and understood the book.


Draw a detailed map of the City. Include the road leading to the gates, the cliff, the forge of Emias the Smith, the tunnel, the walls, and the Tower.


Pick three or four important scenes from the book and draw pictures to illustrate them. Be detailed.

Family Tree

Sketch out a family tree from old King Tancred down to the new king. Be sure to show where Trad and Huon fit in.

The Next Day

What do you think happens after Trad and Huon enter the gates of the city? Write a page or two describing the possible happenings of the next few days or weeks.

The Plot

In a paragraph or two, explain the plot of the book. Use the following questions to help you. Who was Trad? Why was Huon looking for him? What was Huon’s quest? Why did the Lord Regent want Diamond and his men to kill Huon? Did Trad’s grandfather know who Trad was? If so, how? Why did the Wise Woman decide to dye Trad’s hair? Why were Diamond and his men ordered to stop anyone from coming through the city gates during the King’s Week? Why was one half of the ring on Trad’s father’s lute? Why did Huon have the other half? What did the ring prove?

Other activity of your choice (must be pre-approved by teacher).