Topics covered in this issue include:

111) SGC Compactors

by Bill Crockford <>

112) Re: SGC Compactors

by Gary Gowda <>

113) Re: SGC Compactors

by LanePave <>

1) SGC Compactors -Reply

by George Thomas <>

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 15:32:32 -0500

From: Bill Crockford <>

To: Superpave <>

Subject: SGC Compactors

If anyone wants a summary article based on a report done by the Asphalt

Institute in February 1997 (prior to the current version of the SGC

Compactor evaluation protocol) which covers another recent entry into the

compactor frenzy, the IPC Servopac feedback controlled compactor, which has

the capability to measure shear stresses during the compaction process,

email your name and mailing (snail mail, not email) address directly to me


This article includes data on Pine versus Troxler as well as the IPC, and

there is some discussion on the effect of angle since the IPC machine has

the capability to change the angle.

Indicate in your email whether or not you are also interested in an article

on a triaxial based approach for QC/QA applications in asphalt and base

courses which was initially considered during the NCHRP 9-7 study.

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 15:06:51 -0600

From: Gary Gowda <>


Subject: Re: SGC Compactors

Dear Sir:

I would appreciate a copy of your reports (all) at

Gray V. Gowda

4829 Sheboygan Ave., # 313

Madison, WI 53705

Best Regards

Gary Gowda

Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 18:14:56 EST

From: LanePave <>


Subject: Re: SGC Compactors

Dave Fogg

The Lane Construction Corp.

P.O. Box 103

Bangor, Maine


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 07:03:08 -0600

From: George Thomas <>


Subject: SGC Compactors -Reply

2 January 1998

Dear Bill:

I'm not so much interested in the evaluation of the SGC Compactors; but I

am really interested in what you have on QC/QA evaluation by triaxial

testing. I am wondering about applicability of Triaxial Testing to Stone

Matrix Asphalt (SMA).

My mailing address is:

George L. Thomas, P.E.

Texas Department of Transportation

Fort Worth District Lab

P.O. Box 6868

Fort Worth, TX 76115
