Minutes of October 22, 2014

In Attendance: Senior Warden Clarence Fox (left 7:30pm), Ellen Donaldson, Cory Muir, Jarred Smith, Skip Notte (arrived 7:35pm)

Clergy: Father David Buck, Father Greg McIntyre (arrived 8:10pm), Deacon Rebecca Yarborough (arrived 7:10pm)

Absent: Junior Warden Mike Stenhouse, Stacey Reid, Juli VonCanon, Treasurer John Bolton, Fred Berta

Opening Devotional – 7:00pm: Father David led the group in Early Evening Prayer.

Father David noted that due to health reasons Senior Warden Clarence Fox will continue to participate as much as possible. Ellen Donaldson has agreed to take the lead in Clarence’s absence.

Reflections on Moving Forward – “Onward and Upward” – Everyone: Ellen Donaldson led the group in consideration of these quotes that she had sent out along with the agenda for the meeting.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

Frederick Douglass

“There’s always going to be bad stuff (or difficult issues) out there. But here’s the amazing thing – light trumps darkness every time. You can stick a candle into the dark, but you can’t stick the dark into the light.”

Jodi Picoult

“If you have the capacity to be more than one thing, do everything that’s inside of you!”

Bishop T. D. Jakes

Approval of September Minutes:

Due to absence of a quorum there was no approval of minutes.

Financial Report:

Ellen Donaldson reviewed the financials through the end of September 2014, noting that the original 2014 budget had a cash deficit of approximately $10,000, that we are on target to have a break even budget at year end with every expense item at budget for the year. There is no clear way to cut expenses for 2015. We need for pledges to be at $485,111 to break even for 2014.

Ellen is working with Director of Finance Erin Garrett to construct draft of 2015 budget to be used as target for the Stewardship Campaign. There was discussion regarding several specific budget items, noting critical elements of the Strategic Plan to achieve goals of Inreach, Outreach, Upreach, and Administration Goals. It was noted that pledges need to be at $600,000 for 2015 to meet these goals.

The group agreed to clear, consistent, and continuing communication to the congregation - linking the Strategic Plan with the Stewardship Campaign, to achieve goals the parish asked for in the discernment process earlier this year. There was discussion about various communication methods, including use of thermometer visual display showing progress towards specific goals within the Strategic Plan.

Audit: Ellen Donaldson reported that there will be a formal audit of 2013 financials, with auditors in-house at St. Alban’s December 1 and 2. We will then use lay experts within the parish for the 2014 audit.

(Senior Warden Clarence Fox left the meeting at 7:30pm, noting his pleasure of serving as Senior Warden with a group where so much has been accomplished. Clarence reminded the group to “not get in the way of the Holy Spirit” – and the group acknowledged Clarence for his leadership in always setting the spiritual tone.)

Stewardship Campaign: Skip Notte arrived at 7:35pm and gave update on the Stewardship Campaign, noting that we have received 96 pledges so far for $240,000 – many have increased their pledge, some decreased with note about financial circumstances causing the decrease, some new pledges – maybe ”at or above” where we were last year this time. Total pledging units for 2014 were 188. Skip updated the group on festive plans for ingathering Sunday set for October 26. Skip also recommended that a second mailing be sent to those who have not pledged after ingathering – sent with a self-addressed envelope for convenience. All members agreed this was a good idea.

Clergy Updates:

Father David Buck had sent his report via email prior to the meeting. David noted that he will be traveling to Winston Salem later in the week to meet intern who will be working with us, approximately 10 hours a week. Everyone was excited about the opportunity to have this additional resource.

David noted the Parish Meeting set for November 9 following the worship service, with election of new Vestry members and presentation of the budget. Father David requested that Treasurer John Bolton, Stewardship Campaign Chairperson Skip Notte, and Director of Finance Erin Garrett be present to answer any budget questions.

Father David is making plans for Forum for Same Sex Weddings to take place in early 2015. He noted updates to the wedding policy regarding non-member weddings. Use of the church is provided free to members, with David Palmer paid for providing music, and Jay Hammond paid as Wedding Director. In lieu of any payment to himself Father David has suggested donation to the Music Fund. The policy updates limit non-member weddings to 6 per year, one member of the couple must be a baptized person, either Father David or Father Greg officiates, and a $1250 fee for use of nave.

Deacon Rebecca Yarborough gave update on La Escuelita with 10 students now enrolled! There will be a community open house November 9 following the worship service, and they have already held a fund raising event, with a second offer to host a similar event. Current challenge is getting volunteers – St. Alban’s ownership of this ministry means we have obligation to step up as volunteers.

Father Greg McIntyre (arrived at 8:10pm just in time to give his report):

Father Greg was enthusiastic that Canterbury is going so well this year with its new location and eager participants. He has more seniors than last year, lot of freshmen, averaging 10 to 12 participants. Recent bonfire with pumpkins had good energy. He noted one junior in the group who he expects will become either a Presbyterian Minister or Episcopal Priest.

Pastoral Care Committee: Father David reported that Becky Moliere and Mary Ann Alfaro are working together with the Pastoral Care Committee and that ECW will be asked to provide meals as needed.

Building/Grounds: There was no update.

Parish Life Committee: Father David reported that he has two good prospects for Parish Life Committee.

Others Business: There was preliminary discussion about the 2015 Vestry retreat, with the suggestion from Ellen Donaldson that there be a fun informal Friday night dinner with no overnight, being sensitive to Vestry members who find it difficult to leave their family for overnight. It was further suggested that the work session be held at St. Alban’s with lunch brought in. Father David noted that there are several parishioners who are happy to make their homes available for such a meeting.

Skip Notte spoke about list of committees and committee members for 2015 retreat, making recommendation that committee structure be updated to be congruent with elements of the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan Implementation: Ellen Donaldson noted no quorum present and requested to wait for full group for further discussion about the plan implementation, particularly with 5 new Vestry members coming on board soon.

Employee Handbook: There was no discussion regarding the newly revised Employee Handbook, with no quorum present for approval.

Election of New Vestry Members: Father David led the discussion about new Vestry members noting that 2 people have accepted, and reviewing others that he will approach to fill the Vestry to 12 members. It was noted that 2015 will be a good year!

Adjournment: Father David led the group in Close of Day Prayer and the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

The next regular scheduled meeting of the Vestry will be held Monday, November 10, 2014 at 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Gwen Miles

Vestry Clerk