Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP)

The Siouxland Street Project

Detox Committee Work Session

February 15, 2017

10:00 AM

Jackson Recovery 3500 W 4thStreet, Boardroom


Val Uken, Heidi Kammer-Hodge, Chief Doug Young, Tami Peterson, Megan Simpson, Emily Hamstra, Lila Leadercharge, Roland Warner, Janel Tomoson, Rachel Wurth, Leesa McNeil, Karen Mackey, Frank LaMere, Ladonna Holstein, Jerry Hernandez


1.  Introductions

All present introduced themselves and the agency they represent

2.  Jackson Recovery Center – Continuum of Care

·  Heidi Kammer-Hodge and other Jackson Recovery staff took some time to discuss their Integrated Care Continuum. Addiction, Psychiatric/Mental Health as well as Medical Outpatient and Residential for adolescence, adults and family services are available to serve the community. Jackson Recovery’s downtown location serves those with addiction but also with their overall medical health needs.

·  Detox at Jackson Recovery is individualized and care is given by ARNP's. Jackson Recovery offers medically assisted treatment for detox. Staff member Janel is leading the charge to formalize the way Jackson Recovery delivers detox services. The hope is for formal detox for both men and women as well as ambulatory detox (by mid-2017) to be delivered out of the family care downtown clinic.

·  Synergy Center at Jackson Recovery is expanding services by adding additional beds.

·  Jackson Recovery has the ability to serve everyone, no matter if they can pay.

3.  Care Coordination at Four Directions – Val Uken

Val Uken started at Four Directions Community Center at the beginning of February 2017 in the role of Care Coordinator. She’ll be assisting individuals coming to the center seeking help in a multitude of issues, including but not limited to child welfare system prevention, transportation, identification, job opportunities, application for Medicaid/Medicare, tribal enrollment, etc. Val will be connecting people to community resources.

4.  Resources and best practices for serving the homeless population in Siouxland
We are looking for community partners who are willing to commit to a standard process
in serving the homeless population with a warm hand off from one agency to another.
*******Seamless connection from Police to Hospital********
*******Seamless connection from Hospital to Housing********

5.  Potential for Detox center in Siouxland

Jackson Recovery, St. Luke’s Unity Point and Mercy Hospital continue to meet on a regular basis to discuss potential for a standalone detox center in Sioux City.

6.  Update data

Erin will continue to work on updating data. Specifically, the committee would like to get unduplicated numbers from police and court and hospital. How many unique people are we looking at? Not just number of arrests.

7.  Other topics

·  The committee feels that our local agencies have the ability to engage and serve the homeless population in need of detox but realizes that there is a need to do this at a larger capacity. At this time another emerging need is finding an affordable place for these individuals to live, whether that’s a shelter or transitional housing once they get out of detox and treatment. The committee would like to know if the Street Project has a housing committee. Erin will look into this. She will also research other local committees in Siouxland who are active in identifying affordable places to live, including transitional housing, sober apartment living, safe house, emergency shelters, etc.

·  Day habilitation is available at Heartland Counseling in South Sioux City. Individuals could get services there during the day and utilize the warming shelter at night but what happens after the warming shelter closes for the season?

·  Indian Health Services (HIS) Drug Dependency Unit (DDU) in Winnebago
Bedside monitors were needed in order for medical detox to occur at DDU. That equipment is in but Great Plains and IHS need to work out some technical coordination to get things up and running. The Winnebago ambulance will need to come to Sioux City to pick up those individuals who are eligible for services at DDU. Committee members would like to see DDU move to an open cycle model vs current process so they can accept patients on a regular basis. Frank LaMere and LaDonna Holstein are to meet with Winnebago Health Dept. and their advisory committee, inviting Mercy Medical to see how they can treat individuals in need.

·  Criminal Justice Diversionary Council (Woodbury County) will be hiring a jail coordinator. This coordinator will be connecting people to services to keep them out of the system.

·  Leesa McNeil suggested finding a grant to get a specialized unit at the police department to help with diversionary programming.

·  ATLAS of Winnebago can serve ANYONE. They have a trailer that can be used for temporary housing as well as the ROCK house in Orange City.

8.  Next meeting

This committee will reconvene on April 19th from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Jackson Recovery 3500 W 4thStreet, Boardroom

February 15, 2017 Detox Committee Page 2