A RESOLUTION honoring Scott Shinn, President/CEO of Sustainment Solutions, Inc., upon receiving the 2014 Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

WHEREAS, Sustainment Solutions, Inc. (SSI), is a veteran-owned small business engineering service provider that specializes in maintenance, training, service, and installation of security equipment worldwide; and

WHEREAS, SSI prides itself on its focus on strong moral values and ethics, while also achieving triple-digit annual growth. By providing solutions to real-world problems with state-of-the-art products and services, SSI has become an industry leader in quality, price, and convenience; and

WHEREAS, Scott Shinn, SSI's President and CEO, has more than 15 years of field experience with an electrical discipline. He served with the United States Air Force Civil Engineering in 1993, and in recent years he has been deployed to Afghanistan as a Contract Field Service Engineer. Mr. Shinn has ably directed SSI since December 2009, and during that time the company has seen more than a 97 percent uptime availability rating and 93 percent spare part inventory availability; and

WHEREAS, SSI was recently selected to receive the 2014 Blue Ribbon "Dream Big" Small Business of the Year Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. SSI was the only Kentucky-based company to receive this prestigious award out of the 100 companies that were selected across the country. The winners were chosen by virtue of their professional accomplishments, community leadership, philanthropy, customer service, and employee relations; and

WHEREAS, in June, representatives from SSI will travel to Washington, D.C., to be recognized at the Small Business Summit hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Because of their Blue Ribbon designation, SSI will have the potential to receive the "Community Excellence Award," which is determined by the support of voters from the local community; and

WHEREAS, this honorable body commends those small businesses that perform at such a level that they become models in their industry, and monuments for the kind of success that hard work and perseverance can duly bring. SSI is one such organization, and this body commends the work of their staff and of President/CEO Scott Shinn, who with his talent and expertise has led this company to the heights of its field;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. The members of the House of Representatives hereby commend Sustainment Solutions, Inc., and President/CEO Scott Shinn upon being named one of the top 100 small businesses, and wish everyone at the company the best of luck as they continue to provide high-quality services for their clients and to make all small business owners in this Commonwealth proud.

Section 2. When the House of Representatives adjourns this day, it does so in honor of Sustainment Solutions, Inc., and President/CEO Scott Shinn.

Section 3. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Representative Jonathan Shell for delivery.

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