Board Minutes April 8, 2015

Woodland Park School District Re-2


Regular Board Meeting – April 8, 2015


The meeting was called to order by President Carol Greenstreet at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Gwynne Dawdy, Beth Huber, Nancy Lecky, and Mrs. Greenstreet.


MOTION Dawdy, second Huber, to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.


STUCO representatives informed the Board of Education elections were recently held and results will be released soon; Prom will be held the first weekend in May at the Ute Pass Cultural Center; distributed invitations to Graduation and shared out their post graduation plans.


High School Activities Director Michael DeWall and Assistant Principal Cindy Gannon shared the activities and athletics happenings: Athletics: Baseball –3-6, 3-3 in League; Girls Soccer – 4-3, 2-1 in Conference; Track & Field –Participated in 4 meets and Boys finished sixth in the Scorpion Invite last Friday. Activities: Band/Choir – District-wide Music Cluster concert was held Tuesday night; All State Band in Greeley this weekend: Stephanie Lynam, Paul Symes, and John Ducey have been selected to participate; Performing Arts – musical performance of ‘Footloose’ will be April 23-25; Almost Saturday Night Live will be Thursday and Friday at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium;Forensics – Lauren Mitchell will be representing WPHS at the Forensics Nationals this summer making this the 24th consecutive year to be represented at Nationals!; AVP – several AVP students participated in Skills USA and HOSA state competitions. Alex Ross placed first in Extemporaneous Speaking and second in Crime Scene Investigation; Hayden Erickson placed third in Diesel Equipment Technology; Ciana Vail placed second in Promotional Bulletin Board; and Austin Tolhurst qualified for Nationals on the Health Care Issues exam.


Summit Elementary Principal Katie Rexford introduced the Destination Imagination students and their coaches Ms. Donna Frick and Ms. Marci Nickelsburg. This year the team selected the fine arts challenge of creating a fairy tale tackling a phobia. The ‘Creative Popcorn Dragons’ performed for the Board of Education and shared they will be performing at the state competition in Denver on April 25. The Board of Education thanked them for the wonderful performance.




MOTION Huber, second Lecky, to accept administrative recommendation and approve action on the following items:

VI.a.Minutes – Board Meeting March 11 and 16, 2015

VI.b.Bills & Financials (Addendum A)

VI.c.1.Personnel – Guest Teacher List – As presented

VI.c.2.Personnel – Resignations – Certified: Anna Flanagan, GES Grade 2 Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Kelly Smith, HS Special Education Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Amy Burr, MS Grade 6, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Maggie Planer, MS Grade 6, effective April 7, 2015 (not returning from Leave of Absence); Alyssa Losoya, MS Grade 6 Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Emily Osborne, MS 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Classified: Dorothy Cothran, CES Preschool Paraeducator, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Denise Faulk, SES Paraeducator, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Non-Renewal (One Year Only Contracts): Patty Baker, SES Grade 3 Teacher; Marvin Bolden, MS Special Education Teacher; Amy Carlson, HS Special Education Teacher; Leslie Conrad, CES Grade 2 Teacher; Matthew Dove, HS Special Education Teacher; Ashley Groves, GES Grade 4 Teacher; Heidi Howard, School Health Coordinator; Danny LeRoy, MS Special Education Teacher; Dianna Roberts, District On-Line Curriculum; Jody Serafin, GES Kindergarten Teacher; Doug Towner, GES Music Teacher; Christine Wilcox, HS Social Studies Teacher; Christine Wilcox, HS Social Studies Teacher; Suzanne Wipprecht, SES Interventionist; Shauna Wunrow-Brushafer, HS Special Education Teacher.

VI.d.Policy Governance Monitoring – EL-8, Asset Protection

VI.e.Board Governance Policies GP-2, GP-4

MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye –Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber,Lecky.


Superintendent Jed Bowman updated the Board of Education on Senate Bill 15-223 Testing Opt-Out Bill which has passed out of the Senate; House Bill 15-1323 Assessments in Public Schools has had 9 reiterations and 1 reiteration is gaining some traction, but no vote yet; School Finance Bill has finally been introduced to the Joint Budget Committee. Dr. Bowman distributed the position statement on assessmentsof the Pikes Peak Area School District Alliance that was created by our lobbyists.


Dr. Bowman shared he has conferred with our legal counsel and a memo has been drafted for our Safety & Security Coordinator to be able to carry a weapon on school grounds. The draft memo has been sent to both the Teller County Sheriff and the Woodland Park Chief of Police for input. Dr. Bowman commended on the wonderful job Sean Goings is doing and that he is a wonderful addition to our staff.


No report.


Superintendent Bowman recognized and thanked our exemplary music educators for the fantastic performances all year. Our staff is to be highly commended and includes: Joy Oram at Columbine,

Doug Towner at Gateway, Brenda Goolsby at Summit, Cherese Bennett and Katy Simpson at the middle school, Connie Campbell and Darren Dukart at the high school, and our accompanist, Cheryl Conklin.

Reviewed dates for the Board to mark on their calendars: April 22 – Board Work Session/Social & Exploratory Monitoring Report – 5:00 p.m., Middle School; April 28 – Senior Citizen Breakfast – 9:00 a.m., Middle School Commons; May 7 – District Retirement Celebration – 4:30 p.m., High School Commons; May 22 – High School Graduation – 7:00 p.m., Pikes Peak Center.

Dr. Bowman shared he attended another highly successful Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce Dinner where one of our seniors, Ellie Miller received a $5,000 scholarship.

Dr. Bowman shared he is nearly done serving as the 2014-15 Chair of the Pikes Peak Area Superintendent’s Association (PPASA) and CASSA Board president. His term as the Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce Chair runs through December 31, 2015.

Dr. Bowman reported to the Board of Education that a total of 131students are currently enrolled in Homeschooling.


Discussion took place about selecting a date to have a Special Board Meeting/Work Session to conduct interviews for Director District E. Several board members need to check their calendars before finalizing a date. The preferred date is April 15 and the back-up date is April 29.


MOTION Huber, second Dawdy, to adjourn to executive session at 7:46p.m. to discuss a personnel matter as per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(f). MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

MOTIONLecky, second Dawdy, to adjourn from executive session at 9:05p.m. MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.


MOTIONHuber,second Lecky, to adjourn the meeting at9:06 p.m. MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye –Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.


Board of Education Secretary

Board of Education President